星期一, 11月 22, 2021

靈氣使甲狀腺恢復正常 Normalizing Thyroid


靈氣使甲狀腺恢復正常 Normalizing Thyroid

親愛的威廉:我兒媳的醫生發現她的甲狀腺腫大了。 他做了個檢查,檢查結果雖然正常,但甲狀腺還是腫大的,並且很結實。 經過兩次靈氣治療,包括在她的甲狀腺上使用一塊藍色的石頭,後來她患上了一種可怕的感冒,僅持續了兩天,就完全消失了。 後來我又進行了一次靈氣治療,治療後,我感覺到了她的甲狀腺,感覺就像一個裝滿水的麻袋,但已經不像以前那樣結實。 (她說在治療過程中,她有想嘔吐的感覺,但她一直抗拒這種感覺)第二天早上,她嘔吐了,鼻子流血得很厲害。 那天她到我家時,她的脖子兩側變得完全一樣,左側沒有任何腫大,她的甲狀腺感覺和外觀看起來都很正常。 我相信這真的是靈氣奇蹟。










Normalizing Thyroid

Dear William: My daughter-in-law's doctor discovered that her thyroid was enlarged. He did a test and the test came back normal, however the thyroid was still enlarged and quite firm. After two Reiki treatments, which included using a blue stone on her thyroid, she developed a horrible cold that lasted only two days and it was completely gone. I gave another Reiki treatment and after the treatment, I felt the thyroid and it felt like a sack filled with water, not firm like before. (she said that during the treatment, she felt like vomiting, but fought the feeling) The next morning, she vomited and had a bad bloody nose. When she got to my house that day, her neck was exactly the same on both sides, no enlargement on the left side whatsoever, and her thyroid continues to feel and look normal in appearance. I believe that this is truly a Reiki miracle.

Author Name:

Terri Snyder

星期日, 11月 21, 2021

靈氣治愈受傷的臀部 Reiki Heals Injured Hip


靈氣治愈受傷的臀部 Reiki Heals Injured Hip

親愛的威廉·李連先生,我有一個關於我對一位 83 歲的老太太進行特殊治療的故事。她的侄女提出了治療的要求。她跌倒並摔斷了臀部,並接受了手術,在她的臀部放置了一根固定的釘子。她還患有糖尿病,在她這個年齡受到如此嚴重的傷害和手術,而這種疾病的併發症將會危及生命。







琳達 J. 舒克








Reiki Heals Injured Hip

Dear Mr. William Rand, I have a story about a special healing that I did on an elderly, 83-year-old, lady. The request was made by her niece to do the healing. She fell and broke her hip and was taken into surgery to have a pin put in her hip. She also is diabetic and the complications of this disease with such a serious injury and surgery at her age was life threatening. She was not recovering from the first surgery and so the doctors planned a second surgery because the hip was not healing. Aunt Cat, as her niece called her, was losing weight and unable to eat. The doctors said she might die without the second surgery but she also might die during the surgery because she was so weak. Aunt Cat is a very spiritual person and has had Reiki Healings before. The healing was performed on her in the hospital the evening before the second surgery was scheduled. Aunt Cat and her niece were praying as I started my Reiki Healing. The Healing progressed as usual until I got to her injured hip area, my hands became so hot and the energy was so intense that I became hot all over. I held my position as long as I could endure it before continuing on down her legs and to her feet. I felt drawn back to her hip area and worked on her hip again. The heat and energy returned again. My hand turned red and throbbed. My clothes became damp from perspiration and I held this position until I could no longer handle the intense pain from the energy. I have no doubt in my mind that this was a divine healing. I have been a Reiki Healer for a couple of years and only certified on the first two levels of Reiki. I have not advanced to a Master yet, so I don't have a lot of years of experience to use as comparison but the high levels of energy and heat was something that I have never experienced before. The doctors came in to do a pre-surgery check on Aunt Cat and discovered that all the problems and complications that had been affecting her health and life were no longer a factor and the second surgery was canceled. Aunt Cat has since recovered and is now living in a nursing home. This was one of my most profound and exceptional experiences as a Reiki Healer and one that I will never forget. I'm not sure if you can use this story but I wanted to share this story with someone who would understand and appreciate such a wonderful happening. Thank you for listening and for your great website. I have recently moved back to my hometown where no one even know what Reiki is and they look at me like as if I am a freak so to be able to go to your website and read all your information and enlightening articles is a lifesaver for me. Thank you for putting out such a great newsletter.

Author Name:

Linda J. Shook

星期四, 11月 18, 2021













靈氣治癒重傷 Severe Injuries


靈氣治癒重傷 Severe Injuries

你好。我的故事很簡單,開始於大約三個月前,在蘭薩羅特島上,當時一個 15 歲的小男孩騎著摩托車。他在晚上繞行一個環形交叉路口時被撞擊中。他的傷勢為雙腿雙臂骨折,雙肺被刺穿,然後取出了一個肺,切除部分肝臟,頸部骨折,他在生命維持機器上。醫生表示他只有5%的存活機會……

事故發生三天后,我在網路上發出靈氣治療的請求,並在蘭薩羅特島建立了一個靈氣圈。我走進了前面的所有酒吧,並在接下來的每個星期天 8 點詢問是否每個人都可以點燃一支蠟燭幫助祈福。接下來的一周他離開了維生機器,兩週後他被轉移回蘭薩羅特島並脫離了危險。又過了一周,他完全出院了,三個月後他恢復了正常,大約 95% 恢復正常。因此,他在三個月內從 5% 的存活率上升到了 95% 的治愈率。最後,我想感謝所有發出治療的靈氣治療師,以及所有發出愛的人。











Severe Injuries

Hi. My story is very simple, and starts about three months ago, on the island of Lanzarote when a young boy of 15 years old was on a motor bike. He was hit going around a roundabout at night. His injuries were both legs and both arms broken, both lungs punctured and then one lung removed, part of his liver removed, fractured neck, and he was on a life support machine. The doctors gave him a 5% chance of living...

Three days after the accident I sent out requests for Reiki on the Internet, and I set up a Reiki circle here in Lanzarote. I went into all the bars along the front and asked that on the following Sunday at 8 o’clock if everyone could light a candle and send out some nice thought that we maybe able to help. The following week he came off the machine, two weeks later he was transferred back to Lanzarote and out of danger. A further week later he was out of the hospital all-together, and three months down the line he is up and about 95% back to normal. So he went from a 5% chance to live to 95% healed in three months. I wanted to finish by saying thank you to all the Reiki healers out there that sent out healing, and to all those that sent out love.

God bless all and keep up the good work.

Author Name:


星期二, 11月 16, 2021

靈氣幫助鎖骨長回來 Collarbone Grows Back


靈氣幫助鎖骨長回來 Collarbone Grows Back

我很高興有機會分享這個關於靈氣變革力量的美好故事。我是一名執業的職能治療師,並在業餘時間進行私人靈氣治療。十八個月前,我鄰居 14 歲的兒子在一次摩托車事故中受了重傷。他的鎖骨嚴重骨折,且無法通過手術修復。它的鎖骨一共有 3.5 英寸部分必須被移除。很自然地,整形外科醫生告訴他和他的父母,它永遠不會再長出來,而且他的肩膀和手臂會在他的餘生中出現功能性的障礙。根據我作為治療師的經驗,我同意這一點,但願意做靈氣來加速切口和一般創傷的癒合。我在六週內每週給他兩次治療。就在與外科醫生進行六週隨訪之前,他說:“這裡有一個硬塊(指著他的切口)。你覺得是什麼?”我說那隻是疤痕組織,因為這就是我認為的全部。那天晚些時候他做了 X 光檢查,外科醫生難以置信地宣布他現在有了新的領骨!醫生想不出對此有什麼解釋。我同樣感到驚訝,因為我知道平均簡單的骨折需要六個星期才能自我修復。

我要求看“之前”和“之後”的 X 光片,它們是無可爭議的。 (我還看到了男孩在冰箱裡留作紀念品的原始鎖骨的切除部分。)從那時起,我獲得了這些 X 光片的副本,並在我所有的課堂上展示,並已將它們提交給各個醫學委員會醫院以支持靈氣。這些 X 射線已經做了很多來驗證醫學界,靈氣的影響。自從我的介紹後,當地醫院(公立醫院,因為所有醫院都在加拿大)同意讓我開始一個為期六個月的試點項目,為支持治療的單位提供靈氣治療。

我強烈敦促靈氣練習者在靈氣干預後出現顯著變化時收集 X 光片、血液檢查等訊息與資料。這將真正有助於使非信徒更相信這種形式的治療。










Collarbone Grows Back

I’m so glad to have the opportunity to share this wonderful story of the transformative power of Reiki. I am a practicing occupational therapist and have a private Reiki practice in my spare time. Eighteen months ago, my neighbor’s 14-year-old son was badly hurt in a motorbike accident. He severely fractured his collarbone, so that it could not be surgically repaired. A 3.5-inch section of it had to be removed. Naturally, the orthopedic surgeon told him and his parents that it would never grow back and he would have a dysfunctional shoulder and arm for the rest of his life. I concurred with this from my experience as a therapist, but offered to do Reiki to speed up the healing of the incision and the general trauma. I gave him two treatments per week over six weeks. Just before his six week follow-up with the surgeon, he said "There’s something hard here (pointing to his incision). What do you think it is?" I said it was just scar tissue since that was all I thought it could be. He had a x-ray later that day, and the surgeon incredulously announced that he now had a new-collar bone! The doctor could think of no explanation for this. I was equally amazed, since I know that the average simple fracture takes six weeks just to mend itself.

I asked to see the "before" and "after" x-rays and they were indisputable. (I also saw the removed section of the original collarbone that the boy kept as a souvenir in his freezer.) Since then I have obtained copies of these x-rays and show them at all my classes and have presented them to various medical committees at the hospital, in support of Reiki. These x-rays have done a lot to validate to the medical profession, the effects of Reiki. Since my presentations, the local hospital (publicly funded, as all hospitals are in Canada) has agreed to let me start a six-month pilot project to provide Reiki on the palliative care unit.

I strongly urge Reiki practitioners to gather information such as x-rays, blood tests, etc., whenever they show significant changes after Reiki intervention. It will really help in making this form of treatment more believable to unbelievers.

Author Name:

Cecile Petra

靈氣治愈腦損傷 Reiki Heals Brain Injury


靈氣治愈腦損傷 Reiki Heals Brain Injury

我想與您分享我治療一位患者時使用靈氣的經驗。 有一次我給一個嚴重腦損傷的病人使用靈氣。 他的腦部腫脹嚴重,被送進了 I.C U。醫生告訴我們,如果患者在 10 天內沒有恢復知覺,那麼他的生存機會將非常小。 我開始給他的頭部給予靈氣,並不斷給他靈氣。 他的反應非常好,因為我能感覺到靈氣從我的手中流出。 因此,該人在 10 小時內恢復了知覺,神經內科的醫生看到他的快速康復感到驚訝。 他腦中的腫脹消退了。 這個男人已經不在醫院了,和家人過著健康的生活。










Reiki Heals Brain Injury

I want to share an experiences of Reiki with you I had while treating one of my patients. Once I was giving Reiki to a patient who had a severe brain injury. He was experiencing a lot of swelling in his brain and was admitted in the I.C U. The doctors told us that if the patient did not gain consciousness within 10 days then the chances of his survival would be very little. I started giving Reiki to his head points and was continuously giving him Reiki. He was responding very well as I could feel Reiki flowing from my hands. Due to this the person came to his senses within 10 hours and the doctors of the Neurology Department were amazed to see his quick recovery. The swelling of his brain subsided. This man is no longer in the hospital, and is living a healthy life with his family.

Author Name:


星期日, 11月 14, 2021

一個活下去的機會 A Chance to Live


一個活下去的機會 A Chance to Live

靈氣不僅對我自己的生活產生了深遠的影響,也對我周圍的人產生了深遠的影響。我在 2002 年 7 月 4 日晚上 11:00 左右在我的答錄機上收到一條消息,請我將靈氣發送給我商業夥伴的未婚夫最好的朋友。這件事發生在3號當天稍晚的時候!他是一名修高塔的工人,因為繩索纏住而滑倒,以至於他墜落了 10 英尺,而且頭骨裂開了,骨頭的碎片直接嵌入了大腦。預後非常不好。家人被告知他無法活過夜。而他和他的妻子將在三週內迎來他們的第一個孩子。當晚家人被告知來見最後一面,第二天一早就會撤掉生命維持系統。將舉行最後的儀式,他們被告知可以先準備葬禮的安排了。

我沒有病人的名字,只有醫院的名字和大致的位置,離我在西弗吉尼亞州的家大約 60 英里。大約在 4 日晚上 11 點 20 分,我開始了遠距離靈氣治療。掃描時發現頭頸部有明顯外傷,但情況穩定,碎骨手術成功,無感染。因求生的意志如此強烈,以至於我知道這個人即使受傷也能活下去。我也知道他會癱瘓,但也許在他的餘生不會。我繼續發送靈氣接近半小時。不幸的是,我不得不在第二天早上 8:00 為我自己的客戶先上床休息。睡覺前,我把這件事寫在靈氣治療陣上,上床給所有人祈禱,尤其是這個男人。

第二天早上 7:00 時,我接到一個電話:“有效!有效!靈氣真的有效!”醫院拔掉了所有的插頭,這個人是為了所有的意圖和目的,他活著而且不會死!我從來沒有和這個人說過話,甚至不認識他,但知道靈氣可以而且會幫助他,這是他更高的自我所允許的。在這件事發生前一周,我剛剛將我的商業夥伴點化到靈氣 I 級,她同意了,是的!靈氣可以創造奇蹟。這是最好的一件事。



Lydia C.Smith, LMT/RM/D.Ay








A Chance to Live

Reiki has had a profound influence not only on my own life, but also on those around me. I received a message on my answering machine at about 11:00 PM, July 4, 2002, that could I PLEASE send Reiki to my business partner's fiancé's best friend. This incident had happened late in the day on the 3rd! He was a high tower repair worker and had slipped, tangling in the ropes so that the fall of 10 feet caused him to not only land on his crown, but split it wide open, embedding pieces of bone directly into the brain. The prognosis was NOT good at all. The family was told that he would not live through the night. He and his wife were expecting their first-born child in three weeks. The family was told to gather and that life support would be pulled early the next morning. Last rites were given, and they were told to prepare the funeral arrangements.

I had no patient name, just the hospital's name and general location, about 60 miles from my home here in West Virginia. I began long-distance Reiki at approximately 11:20 PM, the night of the 4th. In scanning, I found the head and neck were obviously traumatized, but stable, surgery to remove bone fragments was successful, no infection. The will to live was flowing so strongly that I knew this man would live despite his injuries. I also knew he would be paralyzed, but perhaps not for the rest of his life. I continued to send Reiki for close to half an hour. Unfortunately, I had to get to bed to be rested for my own clients at 8:00 AM the next morning. Before bed, I placed a description of this incident on the Reiki grid, went to bed sending prayers to all, especially this man.

At 7:00 AM, the next morning I received a call that: "It worked! It worked! The Reiki worked!" The hospital pulled all plugs and the man was for all intents and purposes, ALIVE and NOT going to die! I've never spoken with this man, don't even know him, but knew that Reiki could and would help him, which his higher self allowed. I had just attuned my business partner to Reiki Level I the week before this incident and she agreed, that yes! Reiki can work miracles. It's the best.

Love to all,

Author Name:

Lydia C.Smith, LMT/RM/D.Ay

星期五, 11月 12, 2021











星期一, 11月 08, 2021














過去人類的進食狀況基本上都是有一頓沒一頓的,也就是長期處於挨餓的狀況,所以在當時能夠維持生命才是人類最重要的選擇,在1962年美國遺傳學家 James Neel 提出在進化的節儉基因(thrifty genes)假說,它指出某些基因能夠讓我們吃進食物並能夠更有效轉化養分存放在身體上,若有剩餘則加以儲存於脂肪組織中,以備食物匱乏時,度過難關,更能夠提高生存的機率,所以生物機制與基因鼓勵我們多吃。




上述的遺傳基因假說,能夠在日本愛知醫科大學任教的的石本 卓嗣(Takuji Ishimoto)與米格爾·拉納斯帕(Miguel Lanaspa)在詹森實驗室中進行的實驗找到了證明。











*Science 12 Feb 2016:Vol. 351, Issue 6274, pp. 648-649 DOI: 10.1126/science.351.6274.648

*Science, 28 February 2014, p. 1017

*Science, 3 July 2015, p. 21

*Science, 24 July 2015, p. 362

*Science, DOI: 10.1126/science.1188021

*Nature507,354–357(20 March 2014) doi:10.1038/nature12961

*Lacking ketohexokinase-A exacerbates renal injury in streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice.

*High salt intake causes leptin resistance and obesity in mice by stimulating endogenous fructose production and metabolism.









星期四, 11月 04, 2021

靈氣治療大腦 Brain Healing


靈氣治療大腦 Brain Healing

我們在比勒陀利亞的 道教大師(Toast masters) 俱樂部的創始主席 4 年前因為被劫持而頭部中彈。 子彈打進了他的頭骨,他變成了一個植物人-癱瘓了,無法說話,似乎對外界的刺激一無所知。 最近,他的妻子開始帶他定期接受靈氣和足底按摩治療,為期六個月。 我被邀請參加慶祝俱樂部成立 20 週年的特別晚宴,以及慶祝這個人戲劇性治癒的慶祝活動。 他的心智和受到槍擊前一樣敏銳; 雖然他的右側仍然部分癱瘓,但他的健康狀況非常好。 每個人都對他的康復感到驚訝,並將其歸因於靈氣。










《靈氣對急性冠心病患 (ACS)自律神經的影響》

Brain Healing

The founding President of our Toastmasters Club in Pretoria had been hijacked and shot in the head 4 years ago. The bullet had lodged in his skull and he was a virtual vegetable—paralyzed, unable to speak and seemingly non-cognisant of outside stimulation. Recently his wife began taking him to regular Reiki and reflexology treatments over a six-month period. I was invited to a special dinner celebrating the 20th anniversary of the founding of the club as well as a celebration of the dramatic healing of this guy. His mental capabilities are as sharp as they were before the shooting; he is still partially paralyzed in the right side and yet his health is very good. Everybody is amazed at his recovery and attribute it to Reiki.

Author Name:

Brian Aldworth


星期二, 11月 02, 2021

靈氣幫助糖尿病 Reiki Helps Diabetic


靈氣幫助糖尿病 Reiki Helps Diabetic



你可能會問我為什麼在你沒有見過我或沒有和我說話的情況下感謝你。我很驕傲屬於你的靈氣傳承,因為我最近被印度曼尼普爾的英帕爾的靈氣大師 Somorendra Mukherjee Sharma 靈氣點化了。 Somo 是最稀有的寶石。

前段時間,在訪問印度東北部偏遠地區英帕爾時,我成為了嚴重胃痙攣的受害者,沒有任何對抗療法的藥物可以治愈這種痙攣。正是Somo,他充滿能量的手瞬間就解決了這個問題。從那時起,他一直在說服我了解靈氣的各個方面。他犧牲了時間來到金奈-大約 3000 公里的距離-引導我了解靈氣。我現在是靈氣 I 和 II 的能量通道。靈氣的力量也一直沒有離開我。

在我最近的白內障手術中,他給了我遠距離治療。作為一名糖尿病患者,儘管每天兩次服用 20 個單位的胰島素,但我的血糖水平仍徘徊在 250 毫克/升左右。因此進行手術有風險的因素,醫生不願繼續。然而,在手術前一天,糖分降至 140,即使由於手術原因醫生要求停用胰島素,糖分也從未超過 110 毫克/升。在我迫切希望得以完成手術的時候,我認為這是一個了不起的轉變。後來的手術很成功。我現在相當確信靈氣是通過 Somo -我的朋友、哲學家和嚮導 而行動的。











《靈氣對急性冠心病患 (ACS)自律神經的影響》

Reiki Helps Diabetic

Dear Mr. Rand: I do not know how to thank you adequately for introducing this wonderful method to me and to my members of the family who were skeptical to begin with. You might ask why I am thanking you when you have not met me or talked to me. I belong to your proud lineage having been attuned recently by Reiki Master Somorendra Mukherjee Sharma of Imphal, Manipur, India. Somo is a gem of the rarest species. Sometime ago during a visit to Imphal—a remote northeastern part of India—I fell a victim to severe stomach cramps which no allopathic medicine would cure. It was Somo who by a mere flash of his energetic hands eliminated the problem. Since then he has been persuading me to understand Reiki in all its dimensions He sacrificed his time to come down to Chennai- a distance of about 3000 kms—to induct me to Reiki. I am now a Reiki I and II Channel. Also the power of Reiki was not lost on me. He gave me distant healing during my recent cataract surgery. As a diabetic, my sugar levels were hovering around 250 mg/l despite 20 units of Insulin twice a day. Therefore the surgery had a risk element and the doctors were reluctant to go ahead. The day prior to surgery, however, the sugar dipped to 140 and even when Insulin was discontinued on doctors orders for surgical reasons, the sugar never went above 110 mg/l. I thought it was a remarkable turnaround at a time when I was keen that I should have the surgery done.The surgery was a success. I am now fairly well convinced that Reiki has acted through Somo—my friend, philosopher and guide.

My grateful thanks to Reiki and the Ascended Masters.

Author Name:


星期一, 11月 01, 2021

靈氣與高樓跌傷 Reiki and Two-Story Fall


靈氣與高樓跌傷 Reiki and Two-Story Fall

今年7月10日,我在練習繩索救援技術時從兩層樓的混凝牆上掉下來。 幸好朋友們在我的周圍。 我的靈氣 I 階和 II 階的朋友立即把手放在我身上,我甚至還沒有意識到發生了什麼事。

我被私人車輛運送到醫院,並且經歷了最小的痛苦。 急診室醫生看到我的 X 光片感到非常驚訝。 我的左腳踝骨折並脫臼,而我的腰椎( T-12 )有壓迫性骨折。 儘管如此,我的腳踝並沒有腫脹,而且脈搏良好。 在轉移到一小時車程外的創傷機構之前,我不需要麻醉性的鎮痛藥。

靈氣,以及芳香療法、按摩和瑜伽,仍然是我康復的重要組成部分。 感謝 Heather、我的老師和偉大的靈氣大師的偉大治療。










《靈氣對急性冠心病患 (ACS)自律神經的影響》

Reiki and Two-Story Fall

On July 10 of this year, I fell two stories onto concrete while practicing a rope rescue technique. Luckily my friends surrounded me. A friend I took Reiki I and II with immediately placed her hands on me, before I even thought about what was happening. I was able to be transported by private vehicle to the hospital, and experienced minimal pain. The emergency room physician was very surprised to see my X-rays. My left ankle was fractured and dislocated and I had suffered a T-12 compression fracture. Despite this, my ankle was not swollen and was mobile with a good pulse. I required no narcotic analgesics until transfer to a trauma facility one hour away.

Reiki, along with aromatherapy, massage, and yoga, continues to be an important part of my recovery. Thanks to Heather, my teachers, and the great Reiki masters for the great healing.

Author Name:

Amy Fierro


  人生就像一場遊戲。 前面二十級(歲)基本上都是新手村。 然後你的新手NPC是亂數決定的爸媽。 個人能力數值跟著NPC的資源決定一半的基數。 等到等級可以出新手村,遊戲的自由度大增。 有的人會考慮再練等級(念大學、研究所)多上升一些點數才要出村去解任務,也有人迫不及待的出村去探...