星期五, 9月 10, 2021

臨終給予靈氣治療 Reiki for the Dying


臨終給予靈氣治療 Reiki for the Dying

茱迪·布羅伊爾斯 Judi Broyles

當我在迫切需要的情況下使用靈氣時,它會給予我前所未有的力量。我是加利福尼亞州桑尼維爾 巴士威斯 臨終關懷中心 (hospice volunteer with Pathways in Sunnyvale, California)的一名志工,我對分配給我的患者使用靈氣。由於靈氣主要就是在治療,即便它無法治愈肉體的時候,也可以幫助患者在靈性和情感上進行治愈,以緩解往生的過程。我不止一次看到靈氣能夠緩解劇烈的疼痛。我也看過它讓帕金森氏症的顫抖停止了一段時間。我親眼目睹了一位女性,她受限的呼吸和吞嚥能力也因為靈氣的能量而得到緩解。


對臨終者使用靈氣需要敏銳地意識到他們的身體以及如何使用靈氣,同時也要意識到我的身體,尤其是我的頂輪和手,因為這些是我的工具,並藉以告訴我需要知道什麼才能成為一個好的治療師。我還必須傾聽我的直覺。我的“第三隻眼”在讓我知道我的手應該放在哪裡來實現“更偉大的善行 (The Greater Good)”並發揮重要作用。

我的第一個臨終關懷病人是一名 38 歲的腦癌男子。我的靈氣大師-唐娜 Donna Shaffer 正在治療他,她提出讓我一起跟著去。我很快就了解到,關於用靈氣治療臨終的病人需要很多知識。




我在 Pathways 服務的第一個任務是一位 94 歲的老太太。她患有嚴重的COPD(慢性阻塞性肺病),以至於她的醫生評估剩她不到六個月的生命,並將她送入臨終關懷照護來。她並不知道靈氣是什麼,但決定試一試。在我第一次訪問期間,我花了 30 分鐘試圖解釋靈氣。因為我是新的靈氣研習者,所以我磕磕絆絆地嘟囔著,最後說:“讓我做給你看看。”在她第一次接受治療時,她告訴我,當我把手放在她的左腳上時,她感到左手腕受到了能量的衝擊,幾年前她的手腕已經斷了。另一天,她說她看到了顏色。

三個月後,她出院了。她笑著告訴我,當她在乘電梯到她所在的樓層時(她住在一家養老院),一位女士告訴她,她是鎮上的話題人物。她問這是什麼意思,這位女士告訴她:“你被送到臨終關懷醫院,但妳的情況居然好轉了!”養老院所有的居民都在談論這件事!我私下見過她一段時間,她現在又回到了臨終關懷醫院,並再次康復。我幫她慶祝了她的 95 歲生日。當初被宣判剩下不到 6 個月的生命,現在還差一兩個星期就又過了一年,而她的 96 歲生日就在眼前。

當帕金森氏症影響一個人輕鬆呼吸或舒適吞嚥的能力時,結果可能會非常可怕。 我真的無法想像那種不斷窒息和飢餓的感覺,卻因為無法吞嚥而無法進食。 當我給她靈氣時,她開始更輕鬆地呼吸。 她的丈夫驚訝地看到她的隔膜隨著每次呼吸而上下移動。 他告訴我他已經很久沒有看到她這樣了。 當我離開時,他帶她回到他們的房間休息。她曾經在靈氣的領域中。雖然我只見過這個女人幾次,但我目睹的結果是驚人的。

我發現靈氣對阿茨海默症患者非常有效。當我第一次見到一位患有這種疾病的 87 歲婦女時,她會變得很容易激動,不知道我是誰或靈氣是什麼,即使我以前見過她。她會說:“我認識你嗎?” “靈氣,我不知道靈氣。”她後來變成,“哦,你是靈氣女士。我真的很喜歡靈氣。”這位女士也患有帕金森氏症,右手會不斷顫抖。當我第一次給她靈氣時,她開始變得放鬆,我想知道靈氣是否可以停止顫抖,所以我把手放在她的手上。如果不是我親眼所見,我永遠不會相信帕金森氏病的震顫會變得靜止。有人告訴我,這些顫抖會持續一整天,每天-甚至在睡眠期間。治療結束時她都會睡得很熟,所以我不知道靈氣的效果會持續多久,但她身旁的看護人員不斷對她所看到的變化感到驚訝。她的女兒是一名心理學家,她打電話來感謝我。她說靈氣在她母親身上發生了驚人的變化。她還告訴我,她認為她的母親快要走到最後了。

當我治療一名患有多種癌症的 62 歲女性時揭示了靈氣的強大之處。 她不想要任何止痛藥,因為止痛藥會讓她感到昏昏沉沉和噁心。 我第一次見到她時,她痛苦地扭動著身體。 於是我給了她靈氣,當我完成治療時她已經睡著了。 有人告訴我,她連續睡了 6 個小時,這是她迫切需要的休息時間,而且由於疼痛,她已經有好幾天沒有真正入睡了。 我開始每天見到她,因為靈氣現在變成了她的嗎啡。 她會輾轉反側,試圖找到一個能讓她感到舒適的姿勢,但直到我讓靈氣將我與她聯繫起來,將我作為治療能量的通道,然後將我的手放在她身上, 她會開始放鬆。 我會時不時地看看她的臉,我可以看到疼痛消失了。 我也能感覺到她的身體隨著疼痛的減輕而放鬆和軟化。



這些患者都幫助我成長為一個人。 很榮幸能與他們分享他們生命中的這段靈性時光。 他們改變了我的生命。 我已經學會瞭如何在一個人生命中的特殊時間做到真正的“陪伴”。 更重要的是,我想要“陪伴”他們。

我被賦予了成為一個富有同情心之人的天賦。 經常有人問我:“看到垂死的人是不是會很沮喪?” 我的回答總是一樣的:“不,因為我知道我可以提供一些特別的東西。 我能夠提供靈氣。”

靈氣是送給我的禮物。 靈氣真的是一份禮物,因為我可以用一種溫和、非侵入性的方式給處於臨終過渡期的人帶來安慰。 再多的錢也無法做到靈氣能做到的事。

這篇文章出現在《靈氣新聞》雜誌 2009 年夏季刊上。

1 編者註:在這種情況下,使用 投射的方式 可能會有所幫助。 與客戶保持舒適的距離,讓靈氣流動,並將您的手指向特定區域或整個身體。



《靈氣和創傷後壓力症候群 PTSD 》





Reiki for the Dying

by Judi Broyles

Never has the power of Reiki been more apparent than when I have used it in situations of dire need. I am a hospice volunteer with Pathways in Sunnyvale, California, and I use Reiki with the patients assigned to me. Since Reiki always heals, even if it does not cure the physical body, it can help a patient to heal spiritually and emotionally to ease the pathway of transition. I have seen Reiki relieve severe pain on more than one occasion. I have seen the tremors of Parkinson’s disease cease for a while. I have witnessed a woman whose restricted ability to breathe and swallow eased with Reiki’s energy.

Working with patients in hospice presents some challenges. First, they are usually in a hospital bed and not on a massage table. That can be a challenge in itself. Often the hospital bed is pushed up against a wall, so giving Reiki is very different than being able to move and walk around a table. Other things to look out for are tubes, wires and other connections. If the person is not in a hospital bed, another approach is necessary. On one occasion, I took off my shoes and climbed up on the bed because the patient was propped up in a sitting position on the side of the bed with her legs off the bed and on a stool. I have learned to expect the unexpected. And thank God that Reiki goes to where Reiki is needed. I even considered sending distant Reiki to this patient, although I was in the same room.(1)

Using Reiki with the dying requires being acutely aware of their body and how they are using Reiki and also being aware of my body, especially my crown chakra and hands, for these are my tools and tell me what I need to know to be a good practitioner. I must also listen to my intuitive powers. My “Third Eye” plays an important role in letting me know where to place my hands for “The Greater Good.”

My very first hospice patient was a 38-year-old man with brain cancer. My Reiki Master, Donna Shaffer, was treating him, and she offered to let me go along. I soon learned that there is much to know about treating a dying patient with Reiki.

A dying patient uses Reiki energy in ways that a reasonably healthy patient does not. This energy can be more spiritual in nature and feels very gentle. It might be very intense when it is being used to relieve pain. It can be unbelievably strong as the patient’s will to live drinks it in with the great thirst of a person in the desert. It may change from one kind of energy to another from day to day or during the same session.

Once, as I was working on his heart chakra, I saw something so beautiful that I started to cry. I saw a perfect sphere with a center of glowing crystal quartz. The sphere was surrounded by a magnificent blue field that turned to lavender at the outer edge, which was surrounded by sparkling prisms of more crystals. Donna asked me if I was all right. I told her I was but that I had just seen the most beautiful thing I had ever seen in my life. Donna told me that my description sounded as though I had seen his soul.

I remember very well one occasion shortly before this young man surrendered his desire for life. Donna was working at his feet and I was at his head. She stepped out into the hall and was fanning herself to cool off. My hands, face, and whole body grew hotter and hotter until I didn’t think I could stand any more. Fortunately, Donna noticed and quietly told me to go put my hands under cold running water. After a while I was able to return. The last time we saw him, his energy had changed, and this time Reiki was very gentle and quiet. He died two days later. He was a wonderful young man.

My first assignment with Pathways was a 94-year-old woman. She had such a bad case of COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) that her doctor gave her less than six months to live and put her into hospice care. She didn’t know what Reiki was but decided to give it a try. During my first visit I spent 30 minutes trying to explain Reiki. Since I was a new practitioner, I stumbled and mumbled, and finally said, “Let me show you.” During her first treatment she told me that when I put my hands on her left foot, she felt a shock of energy in her left wrist, which she had broken several years before. On another day she saw colors.

After three months she was discharged from hospice. Laughing, she told me that during an elevator ride to her floor (she lived in a residential care facility) a woman told her that she was the talk of the town. She asked what that meant and was told, “You were on hospice and you got better!” All the residents are talking about it! I saw her privately for a while, and she is now back on hospice and once again getting well. I helped her celebrate her 95 th birthday. The less than six months to live is now a week or two shy of one year, with her 96th birthday in sight.

When Parkinson’s affects a person’s ability to breathe easily or to swallow comfortably, the result can be very frightening. I cannot imagine the feeling of constantly being suffocated and being hungry, but not being able to eat because of the inability to swallow. As I gave her Reiki, she began to breathe more easily. Her husband was astonished to see her diaphragm move up and down with each breath. He told me that he hadn’t seen her do that for a long time. When I left he had taken her to their room to rest. She was in Reiki land. I only saw this woman a few times, but the results I witnessed were amazing.

I discovered that Reiki can be extremely effective for patients with Alzheimer's. When I first began seeing an 87-year-old woman who was afflicted with this disease, she would become agitated easily and didn’t know who I was or what Reiki was, even though I had seen her before. She would say, “Do I know you?” “Reiki, I don’t know Reiki.” It became, “Oh, you’re the Reiki lady. I really like Reiki.” This woman also had Parkinson's disease with a tremor in her right hand. The first time I gave her Reiki, she started to relax, and I wondered if Reiki could stop the tremor, so I put my hands on her hand. Never would I have believed that the tremors of Parkinson’s disease could become still if I hadn’t seen it for myself. I had been told that these tremors are continuous all day, every day—even during sleep. By the end of the treatment she would be sound asleep, so I don't know how long the effect of Reiki would last, but her caregiver was constantly amazed by the change she saw. Her daughter, who is a psychologist, called to thank me. She said that Reiki had made an amazing change in her mother. She also told me that she thought her mother was nearing the end.

Treating a 62-year-old woman with multiple cancers revealed how powerful Reiki can be. She did not want any pain medication because it made her feel groggy and nauseous. The first time I saw her she was writhing in pain. I gave her Reiki and she was asleep by the time I was finished. I am told that she slept for six uninterrupted hours of much-needed rest and that it had been days since she had really slept because of the pain. I started seeing her daily because Reiki had now become her morphine. She would toss and turn trying to find a position that would give her comfort, but it wasn’t until I asked Reiki to connect me to her, to use me as a channel for its healing energy, and then place my hands on her, that she would start to relax. I would look at her face from time to time, and I could see the pain leave. I could also feel her body relax and soften as the pain was lifted.

Every day her family would anxiously wait for my arrival so that their mother could be free of pain and able to rest. She would smile when I entered her room because she knew that Reiki’s healing energy would soon be hers. The last time I saw her she was actively transitioning, and I gave her Reiki one last time. She seemed to be very peaceful when I left.

I wish the world could have shared his smile when I told a gentleman with pancreatic cancer that I would be returning every week to give him Reiki. He told me that during his first session he felt an electric current in his abdomen when my hands were there. He was sleeping when I left. The second time he had Reiki he slept for a long time. I gave his wife a Reiki treatment because, as his primary caregiver, she also needed support. He awoke before I left and told me that he felt like he was floating on a cloud. I gave him Reiki just before he died. His wife wanted him to float away on a cloud. As I see energy as colors, I saw brilliant blue for peace, lavender for love, and magenta for spirituality. It meant a lot to his family to know that he was comfortable with his transition.

All of these patients have helped me to grow as a person. It is an honor to share this spiritual time of their lives with them. They have changed my life. I have learned how to really “be there” for a person during this special time in their lives. More importantly, I want to “be there” for them. I have been given the gift of becoming a compassionate person. Frequently I am asked, “Isn’t seeing dying people depressing?” My answer is always the same: “No, because I know that I have something special to offer. I offer Reiki.”

Reiki is a gift that has been given to me. Reiki really is a gift because in a gentle, non-invasive way, I can bring comfort to those who are in transition. No amount of money can do what Reiki can do.

This article appears in the Summer 2009 issue of the Reiki News Magazine.

1 Editor’s note: In situations such as these, it may be helpful to use Beaming. Sit at a comfortable distance from the client, allow Reiki to flow, and direct your hands to a specific area or to the entire body.

























星期四, 9月 09, 2021

靈氣治愈夜盲問題Reiki Heals a Night Vision Problem


靈氣治愈夜盲問題Reiki Heals a Night Vision Problem

在與威廉·李連 (William Rand) 上靈氣課程的第三天之後,我非常擔心晚上開車回家。我與夜盲症奮戰了大約 20 年,但在過去的 10 年裡,它幾乎變得更加癱瘓了。它確實影響了我在日落後各種能做與否的事情。我不得不對許多機會和社交活動說“不”,因為它們會讓我在天黑後出門上路。

我最後一天課程的靈氣夥伴是 Cheryl Ernst 和 Mickey,隨著時間的流逝,他們知道我的擔憂。我在靈氣治療桌上的時光是如此美妙、滋養和放鬆-沒有看到太多東西,只有一種平靜的感覺。但隨後我聽到威廉說:"好吧,是時候把你的人輕輕帶回來了……”在我睜開眼睛的最後一刻,我的潛意識看見了有數千個白色錐體物填滿了黑色的區塊!夜盲症是由於眼睛中的“視錐細胞和視桿細胞”失衡引起的。我與小組中的人分享了我的經歷,Cheryl 告訴我她曾要求聖火給我清晰的視野。我在心裡知道她的祈禱和意圖已經得到了回應!




謝麗爾 (Esme)




《靈氣和創傷後壓力症候群 PTSD》



《靈氣對急性冠心病患 (ACS)自律神經的影響》


Reiki Heals a Night Vision Problem

Following Day three of a Holy Fire Reiki class with William Rand, I was very concerned about the drive home at night. I have battled night blindness for about 20 years, and it has become all but crippling in the past 10 years. It has really impacted what I can and cannot do involving driving after sunset. I have had to say “no” to many opportunities and social engagements because they would have put me on the road after dark.

My Reiki partners for the last day of class were Cheryl Ernst and Mickey, and they knew of my concerns as the minutes ticked by. My time on the Reiki table was so wonderful, nourishing and relaxing—not a lot of visuals, just a sense of peace. But then I heard William saying “Alright, time to bring your person gently back...” In the last moment as I was opening my eyes, my subconscious visual field was FILLED with thousands of white cones on a black field! Night blindness is caused by an imbalance of “cones and rods” in the eyes. I shared what I had experienced with those in my group, and Cheryl told me that she had asked Holy Fire to give me clear vision. I knew in my heart her prayer and intention had been answered!

As darkness settled in over the horizon that night, I felt the usual concern about the gathering darkness in the skies. However, I was able to drive all the way home, on rural back-country roads, in complete darkness, IN THE RAIN with perfect night vision!!!! I have not driven at night in the rain in many years and many times had to pull over and wait it out or sleep in the car for the rest of the night if rain came unexpectedly!

Holy Fire healed my night vision!!! I still feel wonderment and amazement at such a gift, and so very blessed!

Author Name:

Cheryl (Esme)

土居裕老師的專訪(上) Interview With Hiroshi Doi Sensei


土居裕老師的專訪(上) Interview With Hiroshi Doi Sensei

居住在日本蘆屋市的現代靈氣法(Gendai Reiki Ho)大師-土居裕(Hiroshi Doi) 是臼井靈氣療法的權威。因為他擁有臼井靈氣療法學會的會員資格使他處於非常獨特的地位,他擁有關臼井老師創立靈氣與治療實踐的相關信息。該學會是由臼井老師創立的原始靈氣組織,直到 1975 年該組織的前四位會長都親自接受了臼井老師的靈氣訓練。 土居裕老師接觸到學會的 神祕傳 等級成員,包括最近代的兩位會長以及對學會相關檔案的查訪,也為他提供了真實的歷史訊息來源。他對靈氣的奉獻以及研究和保存其實踐的相關歷史事實使他成為靈氣社群的寶貴資源。他還開發了一種名為現代靈氣法的靈氣系統,並撰寫了一本名為 療癒的靈氣法-現代靈氣法( Iyashino Gendai Reiki Ho, A Modern Reiki Method of Healing) 的書。這本書於 1998 年在日本首次出版,2000 年在加拿大出版,但已絕版近 10 年。現在,最近發布了修訂版。這次採訪將重點放於這本書,尤其是其中包含的新信息。這是兩部分採訪的第一部分。本次採訪的答案由 Fumi Koji 自日語翻譯而來。

WLR:療癒的現代靈氣法- 的修訂版包含了對於靈氣治療很重要的附加信息以及更動的翻譯,使英語系的人們能更容易理解您表達的深奧概念,您能描述一下修訂版包含的一些附加資訊嗎?

HDS:本書於 2008 年 3 月日文版的第一版本發布,然後在 10 年後進行了修訂。 但這個英文的修訂版不僅僅是原作的翻譯。本次英文的譯者也是現代靈氣法的大師,並對其進行了徹底的檢查,並提出了更新訊息的附註,且與我相互確認了這一點。 然後,我們和你(威廉)一起重新回顧檢視了這些重要的概念,我們知道你作為一個擁有 世界觀與20多年經驗的靈氣大師,你將能夠幫助我們讓這些訊息以更容易被西方人理解的形式表達出來。


這個修訂版包含了一些我以前沒有向大眾提供的資料,因為在早期這些資料會被認為過於聳人聽聞。 然而,現在正是發布這些資料的時候。 例如,在這本書中,您將閱讀到 傳統靈氣(臼井老師親自教授的靈氣)沒有第四個符號(Master Symbol)也沒有任何 言靈(Kotodama)的事實,以及神祕傳等級的一些要求 自學會的第二任會長以來,臼井老師時代神祕傳等級的學生發生了翻天覆地的變化。

總體來說,這本書盡可能簡單地解釋了我 20 多年的靈氣練習和教授中變得所釐清的內容。 透過 Fumi Koji 和你(威廉)的翻譯,巧妙地實現並整理了我內心巨大檔案庫並繪製出了精確的觀點。

WLR:在修訂版中,您解釋說臼井靈氣的整個治療系統是由臼井老師在初傳和奧傳級是分別教授的,並且偶爾會教一些奧傳的學生如何給予 靈授(attunements) 並將其提供給學生。 你能解釋一下這是怎麼一回事嗎?

HDS:整個靈氣有關於治療的課程都是在學會的 初傳 和 奧傳 教授的。 會員獲得奧傳後期(奧傳的後半部)時,即視為完成了臼井靈氣中治療技術的全部訓練。 然而,雖然執行靈授的任務是由師範(神祕傳的頭銜持有者)來完成的,但學會的其中一些地方分會的教授會由奧傳後期位階者進行靈授,並提供給分會的學生。但這只有在當地分會沒有 師範 的情況下才會發生這種情況。 而今天,學會的 師範 會在支會部長不是師範的情況下親自到分會給予學員靈授。

WLR:您還解釋過學會只有三個靈氣符號,這與西方靈氣 II 級中教授的三個符號相同。 學會本身沒有大師符號,對於成為神秘傳的人也沒有特殊的靈授或點化。 是不是一直都是這樣,學會本身有沒有意識到、理解或使用有關於大師的DKM符號?

HDS:靈氣的第三個符號是一個獨特的形狀,包含五個漢字字符,且它們的重疊部分被部分刪除。 五個漢字的含義是:"幸福基自正念。" 這是學會教義中的最終符號;他們並沒有第四個。 我詢問了小山老師(第六代會長)、近藤正毅(第七代會長)與其他師範,他們都說不知道。

靈授是讓人的內在靈氣跟宇宙間的靈氣相互調和的方法。 學會和現代靈氣中只有一種靈授。靈授並不是一種賦予特殊能力的技術; 它的唯一目的是打開靈氣的“通道”。 所以沒有甚麼初學者的靈授,高級學習者的靈授或神祕傳的靈授。

而現代靈氣法使用了 DKM 的三個漢字作為其課程(III 級)中的第四個符號,因為知道它不是傳統靈氣的一部分。 它被應用在現代靈氣法中,因為它能夠與神聖的振動產生高共振的效應,並將一個人與宇宙意識連接起來,並將這種光帶到我們的意識中。

WLR:有人說臼井靈氣的最初目的是為了靈性的發展,但臼井老師最終將其目的轉變為治療的系統。 這個說法是準確的嗎? 能否說明一下臼井靈氣的初衷是什麼,以及臼井靈氣學會從始至終是如何發展的?

HDS:有些團體聲稱臼井霊気療法的主旨在於治癒疾病,因為日語單詞“療法”字面上的意思就是治療的方法。如果是這樣,臼井靈氣療法將只是臼井老師之前就存在的另一種治療方法而已。臼井老師說:“我從來沒有研究過任何治療疾病的方法。”他還說:“臼井靈氣療法使我們身體健康,使我們的思想變得溫和,並增加了生活的樂趣。”和“臼井靈氣療法首先治愈內心 [思想和精神],然後才使身體強壯和健康。”他的這些言論,顯然意味著他沒有把治病放在第一位。臼井老師在靈氣五戒中的頭兩句記述為:招福の秘法,第二句是 萬病の霊薬。通過這種方式,他表明臼井靈氣療法的最終目標是變得幸福,我們通過手部治療變得健康,從而進入這種幸福的狀態。現代靈氣法 將這兩個標題總結為一個:“通往健康和幸福之路。”要記住的一點是,學會也以同樣的方法來獲得幸福和健康。

臼井靈氣療法始於臼井老師對人生目標的追求。 療愈和靈性發展都像是車輪在驅動著一輛名為臼井靈氣的車。 連接車輪的軸是與靈氣的共振。 然而,在日本大多數人即使病重也看不起醫生或買藥太窮的時代,很難向他們宣講他們應該了解安心立命(生命的目的)。 考慮到這種社會情況,臼井老師以“靈氣治療”(靈氣的醫療)這個名字喚醒了公眾的興趣,因為當時靈氣一詞(不一定與臼井老師有聯繫)用於形容治療的用法正在流行 . 然後他教導那些達到一定水平的人的增進靈性發展。 隨著時間的推移,但他從未改變過臼井靈氣 療法的目的。

WLR:請敘述一下臼井老師為準備進入神秘傳級別的學生提供的特殊靈性訓練。 您能解釋一下訓練的內容以及每個學生的培訓持續了多長時間嗎?

HDS:臼井老師沒有標準的課程,訓練的時間長短取決於每個學生靈性的進步程度。 據說,他主要是根據自己的經驗,就靈性提升所需的正確心態進行一對一的講座。 由於是私人的方式,所以只找到了學生抄寫的他所說的話的零碎筆記。 筆記中說:







WLR:您能否更詳細地描述 安心立命?即臼井老師在鞍馬山上覺悟到的意識狀態。



在第21天的午夜,一道雷霆般的衝擊擊中了他的頭,他失去了知覺。然後在黎明前的幾個小時裡,他醒來發現自己充滿了前所未有的清爽。 “我即宇宙,宇宙即我!”這是他靈魂在完美狀態下的真實感受。

終於,他進入了他渴望已久的精神高峰狀態。據說,從那時起,他的心中就一直保持著那份平靜。當他歡快地從山上下來時,不小心被樹根絆倒,弄斷了左腳的大腳趾甲。他本能地把手放在上面,沒想到立刻就痊癒了。這是意外發生的眾多治愈體驗的第一個。他很快就明白治療是通過他內心的靈氣和宇宙靈氣之間的共振發生的。他還認識到,宇宙賦予了他一項使命,要邀請許多人購過這一種特殊的手掌治療來尋找生命的目的-安心立命。他將這種方法命名為心身改善臼井霊気療法(Shinshin Kaizen Usui Reiki Ryoho),並在東京成立了臼井靈氣療法學會,為普羅大眾提供治療和培訓課程。



WLR:我知道這個特殊的個人訓練是在臼井老師去世後停止的。 你能解釋為什麼它沒有繼續嗎?

HDS:臼井老師的特別講座極大地加強和提升了許多神秘傳修煉者的靈性。 更重要的是,他似乎試圖創造一個確定的、快速的系統來促進更多人的靈性發展,因為他知道這輩子沒有多少時間了。 我認為他對神秘傳的修行者進行了個人指導,因此這種培訓不僅有助於神秘傳修行者的靈性提升,也有助於其他學會成員的靈性提升。 如果臼井老師只是打算帶領一小群精英達到安心立命之境,他就不需要給他們理事和評議會的職責。 臼井老師去世後,只提供給神秘傳修煉者的講座就停止了。 我認為更自然地理解這個決定是因為他們承受了臼井老師的意願,他們必須更簡單地發展他們從他那裡學到的東西。

WLR:你還解釋說臼井老師去世後,學會並沒有提供神秘傳級別的額外培訓-這只是一種榮譽,但確實要求在這個級別的人需要承擔教導他人、管理學會和訓練 奧傳 靈氣研習者的治療的技術之責。 據了解,那些被提供並接受神秘傳級別的人不會在學會之外教授靈氣。 您能否詳細說明一下 神秘傳 級別,並提供對我們來說可能很重要的任何其他詳細信息。

HDS:臼井老師去世後,神秘傳的層級發生了變化,療愈成為一種直接鼓勵靈性提升的方法。 今日神秘傳的主要職責是作為師範指導成員。 他們不必為奧傳練習者的治療收尾,因為學會的成員不再向公眾提供治療。 他們只會給予學會成員和他們的家人治療。 現在,他們亦不為普通大眾提供培訓課程,神秘傳修行者的活動僅限於學會內部的活動。 當一個組織的數量減少時,理事會成員的數量也會減少。 因此,現在他們中很少有人擔任理事會成員。 神秘傳、初傳 或 奧傳 練習者都沒有像我這樣以一個 奧傳 的會員身分那樣在學會之外自由地談論靈氣,所以我很感激,這是我的使命。

關於神秘傳,更重要的一點是,即使臼井老師今天還活著,被分配到可與他一對一講座中的人也很少。雖然沒有關於靈性提升的個人講座,但靈氣仍然是宇宙中無處不在的能量,可以引導和發展我們自己。有了這個更廣闊的視野,我們可以看出臼井老師的精神已經體現出來了;專供神秘傳修行者使用的靈性學習系統,如今已經發展到每個人都可以享受到它的好處。我們還必須記住,我們只能得到我們所認可的東西。儘管您的包包裡實際上可能有 100 萬美元,但如果您認為自己只有 500 美元,那麼您將僅限於進行小額的購買。如果你相信靈氣只能治愈身體,那麼“你的靈氣”只能治愈身體。我認為我們應該意識到靈氣是愛的能量,它引導我們走向安心立命之境,通過靈氣治療的練習,我們增加了對宇宙的信任。

WLR:現代靈氣法是臼井靈氣和西方靈氣的結合,你在你的書中解釋說這是一種更適合現代的靈氣風格。 你能解釋一下為什麼它更適合現代嗎?

HDS:當我們將靈氣方法視為“健康和幸福之道”時,西方靈氣和傳統靈氣的優缺點就變得一目了然。 西洋靈氣 一直專注於收集醫學證據,因為西洋靈氣從業者將其治療效果放在首位。另一方面,傳統靈氣 今天認為治療的實踐更多僅處於家庭療法的水平,並且對其效果的科學檢查並不那麼感興趣。而西洋靈氣的態度由其歷史背景驗證起:林忠次郎老師根據他的醫學觀點開發了治療的方法,高田老師首先使用靈氣治癒了她的疾病。然後她從他那裡學習了靈氣,並在她的診所為她晚年提供靈氣治療。西洋靈氣就是從這兩個人開始的。因此,它強調其用於治療是很自然的。但是,作為臼井靈氣療法的基本哲學在於靈性提升重要性似乎並沒有足夠地進入到西方。從 1999 年在溫哥華到 2003 年在丹麥的幾次研討會上,當我作為講師介紹臼井老師的真實故事和靈氣的內容時,很多靈氣導師都想了解靈性方面的部分。在這方面,無論學會成員是否意識到,傳統靈氣都具有高度的靈性。

現代靈氣法 的健康之道是從西洋靈氣的基本 12 基礎手位開始。 但它不僅僅是西方治療方法的複制。 我們更以一種鼓勵治療師成長的方式來使用治療方法。 有效的治療當然很重要,但它必須有助於治療師的靈性提升。 靈氣治療的同時治療治療者和被治療者。 在五戒中,幸福之道指的是藉由靈氣練習提升靈性,而在 現代靈氣法 中,幸福之道的目的是通過使用各種方法在一個人的內部靈氣和宇宙靈氣之間產生更大的共鳴。 它將通過使用“清晰、實用和簡單的靈氣於日常中使用”並繼續有效性的發展。 我相信治愈方面與靈性方面的結合是 現代靈氣法的最大特點之一。




《大師訪談:現代靈氣法 土居裕 》

《大師訪談:聖火靈氣 威廉.李連》





Interview With Hiroshi Doi Sensei Part I

HIROSHI DOI SENSEI, a Gendai Reiki Ho Master who resides in Ashiya City, Japan, is a leading authority on the practice of Usui Reiki. His membership in the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai places him in a unique position to access information about the style of Reiki developed and practiced by Usui Sensei. The Gakkai was the original organization started by Usui Sensei and the first four presidents of the organization through 1975 had received their Reiki training from him. Hiroshi Doi Sensei’s access to the Shinpi-den members of the Gakkai including the two most recent presidents along with access to Gakkai archives gives him an authentic source of information. His devotion to Reiki and to researching and preserving the historical facts of its practice make him a valuable resource to the Reiki community. He has also developed a system of Reiki called Gendai Reiki Ho and authored a book, Iyashino Gendai Reiki Ho, A Mod ern Reiki Method of Healing. This book was first published in Japan in 1998 and in Canada in 2000, but it has been out of print for almost 10 years. Now a revised version has recently been pub lished. This interview will focus on this book and especially on the new information that has been included. This is the first part of a two part interview. The answers for this interview were translated from Japanese by Fumi Koji.1

WLR: The revised edition of Iyashino Gendai Reiki Ho, A Mod ern Reiki Method of Healing has additional information impor tant to the practice of Reiki as well as an improved translation that makes it easier for English speaking people to understand the esoteric concepts you have expressed. Can you describe some of the additional information that the revised edition includes?

HDS: This book was revised in Japanese in March 2008, 10 years after the first edition. But this revised edition in English is not merely a translation of the original. The translator, who is a Gendai Reiki Master, gave it a thorough examination, and made suggestions to upgrade the information, which she confirmed with me. Then, we reviewed the important concepts with you, William, knowing that with your worldwide knowledge as a Reiki Master with over 20 years experience, you would be able to help us express the information in a form that would be more easily understood by the Western mind.

Through this more detailed editing process, the book has grown to better convey the facts about Usui Reiki Ryoho with its purpose of health and happiness and to better explain Gendai Reiki Ho, which is a more compatible system for 21st century people to live by.

The revised edition contains some information that I had not made available to the public before as it would have been consid ered too sensational at that earlier time. However, the time is now right for this information to be released. For instance, in the book you will now read explanations of the fact that Dento Reiki (the Reiki Usui Sensei taught) has neither a fourth symbol(Master Sym bol) nor any Kotodama (mantras) and that some of the require ments of the Shinpi-den level students of Usui Sensei’s time have drastically changed since the time of the Gakkai’s second president.

In general, this book explains as easily as possible what has become clear to me in more than 20 years of practicing and teach ing Reiki Ho. My translator, Fumi Koji and and you William, wonderfully made this happen by sorting and drawing precise points out of the huge stack of archives inside me.

WLR: In the revised edition you explain that the entire healing system of Usui Reiki was taught by Usui Sensei in the Sho-den and Oku-den levels and that occasionally some of the Oku-den students were taught how to give reiju (attunements) and offered this to students. Could you explain how this took place?

HDS: The whole course of Reiki healing is taught in Sho-den and Oku-den in the Gakkai. When a member is given Oku-den Koki (the second half of Oku-den), he/she is recognized as having completed the entire course of Usui Reiki healing. However, while the task of performing reiju is done by the Shihan (Shinpi den title holder), some of those who were Oku-den Koki and in charge of local branches of the Gakkai were also taught reiju, and they offered this to the students of that branch. This took place only if the local branch didn’t have a Shihan. Today, the Shihan from the head office will visit the branch to give reiju when the branch chief is not a Shihan.

WLR: You have also explained that the Gakkai have only three symbols, which are the same three that are taught in Western Reiki Level II. The Gakkai do not have a master symbol and there is no special reiju or attunement for those who become Shinpi-den. Was this always the case and is there any awareness, understanding or use of the Master DKM symbol by the Gakkai?

HDS: The third symbol is a unique shape that contains five kanji characters whose overlapping parts are removed. The meaning of the five kanji characters is: “The basics to become happy start with the right consciousness.” This is the final symbol in the Gakkai’s teachings; they do not have the fourth one. I confirmed this by asking Koyama Sensei (the sixth president), Kondo Sen sei (the seventh president) and other Shihans, and they all said they did not know it.

Reiju is the method to let the internal Reiki of the person get tuned into the Universal Reiki. There is only one kind of reiju in the Gakkai and in Gendai Reiki Ho. Reiju it is not a technique to give special abilities; its only purpose is to open the “pipe” of Reiki. So there is no reiju for the beginners, reiju for advanced learners or reiju for Shinpi-den.

Gendai Reiki Ho employs the three kanji characters of DKM as the fourth symbol in its curriculum (Level III) knowing that it is not a part of Dento Reiki. It is used in Gendai Reiki Ho because it generates a high resonance effect with the sacred vibration and connects one with the Universal consciousness and brings this Light to our consciousness.

WLR: Some have said that the original purpose of Usui Reiki was for spiritual development, but that Usui Sensei eventually changed its purpose into a system of healing. How accurate is this statement? Could you clarify what the original purpose of Usui Reiki was and how it developed from the beginning to the present as practiced by the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai?

HDS: Some groups claim that 臼井霊気療法 Usui Reiki Ryoho was intended to cure disease, as the Japanese word 療法 “ryoho” lit erally means the curing therapy. If so, Usui Reiki Ryoho would have been just another one of the treatment therapies that existed before Usui Sensei. Usui Sensei said, “I have never studied any methods for disease treatment.” He also stated, “Usui Reiki Ryoho makes us fit and well, moderates our thought and enhances one’s joy of life.” and “Usui Reiki Ryoho heals Kokoro [mind and spirit] first, and then makes the body strong and healthy.” These statements of his clearly mean that he did not give first priority to curing disease. Usui Sensei wrote two descriptive statements that introduce 五戒 Go-kai The Five Precepts: 招福の秘法 “Shofuku no Hiho” “The secret method to invite happiness” and the second one, 萬病の霊 薬 “Manbyo no Reiyaku” “The miraculous remedy/elixir for all dis eases” that follows it. In this way he indicates that the ultimate goal of Usui Reiki Ryoho is to become happy and that we enter this happy state by becoming healthy through hand healing. Gendai Reiki Ho summarizes these two titles as one: “The way to health and happiness.” The point to remember is that Go-kai shows the same method for both happiness and health.

Usui Reiki Ryoho started from Usui Sensei’s quest for the purpose of life. Healing and spiritual development are both like wheels that run one car, Usui Reiki. The axle that connects the wheels is the resonance with Reiki. However, at a time when most people in Japan were too poor to see a doctor or to buy medicine even if they were seriously sick, it was rather difficult to preach to them that they should understand Anshin Rit sumei (the purpose of life). Considering this social circum stance, Usui Sensei awakened public interest by using the name of “Reiki Ryoho” (medical treatment by Reiki) because the generic use of the word reiki (not necessarily connected with Usui Sensei) for healing was becoming popular at that time. Then he taught spiritual development to those who reached a certain level. He never changed the purpose of Usui Reiki Ryoho over the course of time.

WLR: Please explain the special spiritual training Usui Sensei provided for those students who were ready for the Shinpi-den level. Can you explain what that training consisted of and how long this training lasted for each student?

HDS: Usui Sensei had no standard curriculum, and the length of time of the training depended on the spiritual progress of each student. It is said that he gave one-on-one lectures mainly on the right mental attitude needed for spiritual advancement based on his own experience. As it was personal, only fragmentary notes of his words written by his student have been found. The note says:

“Everything in the Universe possesses Reiki without any exception.” “We humans hold the Great Reiki that fills the Great Universe. The higher we raise the vibration of our own being, the stronger the Reiki we have inside will be.”“The Natural Law of the Great Universe and each human spirit as a small universe must be constantly united and exist as One.” “The Universe exists in me, and I exist in the Universe.” “光 明 Komyo exists in me and I exist in 光明 Kyomyo.” [Komyo is the light of enlightenment.] “Everything in the universe is produced and developed by the magnificent Reiki that fills the Great Universe. Humans are a microcosm that takes the Great Spirit from macrocosm; everyone holds a part of this Great Reiki in his body. Therefore, we must always try to cul tivate spirituality so that we can receive as much Great Reiki of the Universe as possible.” “The training according to the Natural Law of this whole world develops human spirituality. When you are convinced of this Truth, your committed training brings about the unifi cation with the Universe. The words you speak and the actions you take become one with the Universe and they effortlessly work as the absolute limitlessness. This is the true nature of being human.”

WLR: Can you give a more elaborate description of Anshin Ritsumei, the state of consciousness Usui Sensei received on Kurama Yama.

HDS: While experiencing a variety of occupations over the course of his life, Usui Sensei pondered the question as to whether there was a purpose of life and if there was, what was it. After a long quest, he came to the conclusion that the purpose of life was to become happy and happiness meant the attainment of the state of Anshin Ritsumei. He recognized Anshin Ritsumei as follows: “We humans are given life and a mission from the Universe. When it gives us life and a mission, it can never impose illness or misfortune on us. Regardless of what happens in life, we should trust the Uni verse and keep a peaceful mind state in order to accomplish our mission. This is the purpose and meaning of life.” Though he logi cally comprehended what it should be, he was often perturbed by anger or fear in actual life. To experience that perfectly peaceful mind state, he practiced Zen meditation at a temple in Kyoto for three years. But it did not give him the true experience. He thought that he would not deserve to live any more if he could not attain the meaning of life. So he climbed Mt. Kurama for medita tion and fasting with the readiness to die. He gradually felt that the Reiki inside him and the Reiki surrounding Mt. Kurama were vibrating with each other and that the vibration became stronger day by day. At midnight of the 21st day, a thunder-like shock hit him on the top of his head, and he lost consciousness. Then in the pre-dawn hours, he woke up to find himself filled with an amazing refreshment he had never felt before. “I am the Universe, the Uni verse is me!”It was the actual feeling of his soul in perfect reso

nance. Finally he was in the mind state he had longed for. It is said that from then on, he always kept that peace in his mind. As he came joyfully down from the mountain, he tripped over a tree root and broke the left big toenail. He instinctively put his hand on it and it was cured immediately. This was the first of many healing experiences that occurred unexpectedly. He soon understood that healing took place through the resonance between his inner Reiki and Reiki of the Universe. He also rec ognized that the Universe had given him a mission to invite many people to find Anshin Ritsumei, the purpose of life, by way of a particular kind of hand healing. He named the method 心身 改善臼井霊気療法 Shinshin Kaizen Usui Reiki Ryoho and established the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai in Tokyo to provide both healing and training sessions for the general public.

WLR: To what extent was Usui Sensei able to help the Shin pi-den students attain Anshin Ritsumei?

HDS: It seems that he tried to create a certain and quick system to foster spiritual development for more people as he knew he would pass on soon. Many of them are said to have reached or nearly reached Anshin Ritsumei by studying with Usui Sensei. But I think that he was not satisfied with the personal lecture system as it could guide very few people to the purpose of life, to Anshin Ritsumei. Personal lectures are not always a guarantee of transmitting knowl edge: they can be an effective method only if taught by the right person in the right way; thus its results will vary according to the instructor’s competence and the student’s readiness. I think Usui Sensei thought that he should provide a certain system and showed Ushida Sensei how to carry it out, as he put his trust in him. The system Usui Sensei handed down simply advised that one must have the right recognition of basic consciousness, that one must repeatedly engrave it into the subconscious mind and that one must enhance its resonance with the Universe. For this purpose, what Usui Sensei taught was based on a healing practice in which the stu dent should strive for the unification with the Universe through regular practice of Go-kai and Hatsurei-ho, through reading the Gyosei of Emperor Meiji and through attendance at Shuyo-kai.

WLR: I understand that this special training was discontin ued after Usui Sensei passed. Can you explain why it wasn’t continued?

HDS: Usui Sensei’s special lecture greatly strengthened and enhanced many of the Shinpi-den practitioners’ spirituality. Fur thermore, he seemed to try to create a certain and quick system to foster spiritual development for more numbers of people as he knew he didn’t have a lot of time left in this life. I think he mentored the Shinpi-den practitioners so that the training would contribute to the spiritual advancement not only for the Shinpi-den practitioners but also for the rest of the Gakkai members. If Usui Sensei had intended to lead just a small cadre of elites to Anshin Ritsumei, he would not have needed to give them the responsibilities of board member and instructor. The lecture provided only to Shinpi-den practitioners was discontinued after Usui Sensei passed. I think it is much more natural to understand that this decision came about because they acknowledged Usui Sensei’s intention that they must simply develop what they had learned with him.

WLR: You also explain that after Usui Sensei passed, the Gakkai offered no additional training for the Shinpi-den level—that it is honorary only, but does require those at this level to accept the responsibility of teaching others, managing the Gakkai and adding the finishing touch to the Oku-den practitioners healing treatments. It is also understood that those who are offered and accept the Shinpi-den level do not teach Reiki outside the Gakkai. Can you elaborate on the Shinpi-den level and give any additional details that may be important for us to know.

HDS: After Usui Sensei passed away, the Shinpi-den level changed and the healing practice became a method to directly encourage spiritual advancement. The main responsibility of the Shinpi-den today is to instruct the members as Shihan. They do not have to add the finishing touch to Okuden practitioners’ heal ing treatments as members of the Gakkai do not provide healing sessions to the general public any more. They only give them to the members and their families. Now that they do not provide training sessions for the general public, the activity of the Shinpi-den prac titioners is limited to activities inside the Gakkai. When an organ ization decreases in number, the number of board members decreases as well. As a result, very few of them are serving as board members now. None of the Shinpi-den, the Sho-den or Oku-den practitioners speak freely about Reiki outside the Gakkai like I, an Oku-den member, do, so I appreciate that this is my mission.

The more important thing to understand about Shinpi-den is that even if Usui Sensei had been alive today, it would have been very few who were assigned to his one-on-one lecture. Though the personal lecture for spiritual advancement is not available, Reiki still is the ubiquitous energy of the Universe that is avail able to guide and develop us. When we have this broader point of view, we can see that Usui Sensei’s intention has been mani fested; the system of spiritual learning that was reserved for Shin pi-den practitioners has only grown up to be available for every one to receive its benefits. We also have to remember that we can get only what we have recognized. Although you may actually have a million dollars in your bag, if you believe you have just 500 dollars, you will be limited to making small purchases. If you believe Reiki cures only the body, “your Reiki” cures only the body. I think we should appreciate that Reiki is the energy of Love that guides us to Anshin Ritsumei and through the practice of Reiki healing we increase our trust in the Universe.

WLR: Gendai Reiki is a combination of Usui Reiki and West ern Reiki and you have explained in your book that this is a style that is better suited for modern times. Could you please explain why it is better for modern times?

HDS: When we see the Reiki method as ”the way of health and happiness,” advantages and disadvantages of Western and Dento Reiki become clear to us. Western Reiki has had a focus on col lecting medical evidence because its practitioners place priority on its healing effects. Dento Reiki, on the other hand, today considers the healing practice to be more on the level of home remedies and is not so interested in the scientific examination of its effects. The attitude of Western Reiki is validated by its his torical background: Hayashi Sensei had developed the healing method according to his medical perspective and Takata Sensei first used Reiki to cure her diseases. She then learned Reiki from him and provided Reiki treatments into her later years at her clinic. Western Reiki had started from these two people. So it is quite natural that it emphasizes its use for healing treatments. But it seems that the importance of spiritual advancement, which is the basic philosophy of Usui Reiki Ryoho, was not exported to the West enough. When I spoke as a lecturer to introduce the true story of Usui Sensei and the contents of Dento Reiki at several workshops from 1999 in Vancouver to 2003 in Denmark, so many Reiki instructors wanted to know about the spiritual aspects. In that respect, Dento Reiki has a high level of spirituality regardless of whether the Gakkai mem bers are aware of it or not.

Gendai Reiki Ho’s way of health starts from the basic 12 hand positions of Western Reiki. But it is not merely a copy of the West ern method. We employ the healing method in a way that encour ages the healer’s growth. Effective healing is important of course, but it must contribute to the spiritual development of the healer. Reiki healing heals both healer and healee at the same time. In the Go-kai, the way of happiness refers to the spiritual aspect of Reiki practice and in Gendai Reiki Ho this is developed by having as its purpose the creation of a greater resonance between one’s internal Reiki and Universal Reiki through the use of various methods. It will continue to develop its effectiveness to this end through the use of the motto: “Clear, practical and simple Reiki for daily use.” I believe the combination of the healing aspect with the spiritual aspect is one of the biggest features of Gendai Reiki Ho.

1 A previous 2 part interview appeared in this magazine in 2003. “An Interview with Hiroshi Doi,” Reiki News Magazine, Pts. 1 and 2 (Summer 2003): 9–11; (Fall 2003). http://www.reikimembership.com/articles forms/hiroshidoiinterview.pdf



小川二三男 91 歲。 (1997) 他住在日本靜岡,從父親那裡學習靈氣。 他於 1943 年 11 月 18 日完成了他的靈氣師範訓練。 他的傳承如下:





武富咸一最後成為臼井靈氣療法學會的會長。 小川馨造也是臼井老師的好朋友,也從他那裡接受了靈氣師範的靈授。


靈氣的骨牌反應 - 治癒的漣漪效應 Reiki Dominoes - The Ripple Effect of Healing


靈氣的骨牌反應 - 治癒的漣漪效應 Reiki Dominoes - The Ripple Effect of Healing

勞雷爾蓋亞 Laurelle Gaia





我是三個孩子中的老大,四歲時被伯伯性侵。多年來,我感到羞愧和恐懼並陷入了沉默。我被告知不可以告訴任何人,因為“如果你說了,沒有人會相信你,你會因說謊而受到懲罰。” “如果你告訴了你父親,他永遠不會相信你,因為你只是個小女孩。我是他的兄弟,他會相信我的。”所以我保守了這個可怕的秘密很多很多年,直到有一天,我 12 歲了,我叔叔試圖說服我讓我的弟弟一起參與進來。我拒絕了,並威脅我要將這些說出去,然後這種侵犯就停止了......


多米諾骨牌開始倒塌 The Dominoes Begin to Fall

我從小就覺得我無法和父母談論我的恐懼,因為我認為他們不會相信我。 我經常對自己說“即使我告訴他們真相,他們也永遠不會相信我”。 這種思維模式不僅適用於受到性虐待的情況,也適用於任何情況,當我需要父母的建議時,我會感到困惑或困擾。 因此,我將自己隱藏在不信任的面紗中。 當一個人不信任別人時會發生什麼? 不信任的能量本質會滲透到整個環境和整個家庭心理中,甚至經常延伸到其他人。

19歲那年,我的父母離異,母親撫養弟弟妹妹。幾年後,我父親搬到了阿根廷,基本上與我們疏遠了近 20 年。

時間流逝……我 30 多歲時,剛接觸靈氣並經營電腦繪圖的工作。我結了婚,養了四個孩子。我當時是一個工作狂、瘋媽媽,且完全無視我自己的個人需求。




在給我的童年送去靈氣幾週後,我突然對我伯伯非常非常生氣。他在我 20 多歲的時候就去世了。 “他怎麼敢在我面對他之前就死掉!”是我當時的想法。我不知道還能做什麼,所以我將靈氣發送給我的伯伯的靈魂。一天晚上,我經歷了一次非常強大的體驗,在那裡我遇到了我的叔叔,在那個介於清醒和做夢之間的特殊療愈場所。通過我們在那裡的經歷,在靈氣的幫助下,我的憤怒瞬間變成了慈悲。也許有一天我會寫下這個。但是,就目前而言,就讓我們先看著更多的多米諾骨牌倒下。

幾年後,媽媽和姑姑來看我。不知何故,媽媽和我陷入了情感的時間扭曲,那時我 15 歲,而當時她是一個十幾歲孩子的母親。我正在重述我和父親一起度過的艱難時刻之一,我媽媽有點退縮,說“我不想談論那個”。突然,40多歲的我,轉變成15歲的孩子,突然情緒爆發,衝出房間,在我的呼吸中喃喃自語......“這就是這個家庭的問題,沒有人願意談論他們需要說的話”!然後這個大壩決堤了,我們聊了起來,聊了很多年前我們應該聊的事情。並公開了受到性虐事情。我和我的姐姐與兄弟交談,我寫信給我的父親。我了解到我姐姐和弟弟記得的其他虐待行為。我的父親和母親為沒有意識到當時正在發生的事情而道歉。漸漸地,在許多靈氣的幫助下,溝通的管道變得更加緊密。










《靈氣直到臨終最後一刻 》







Reiki Dominoes - The Ripple Effect of Healing

by Laurelle Gaia

When I was a child, I was fascinated by dominoes, those little black rectangular pieces of plastic with the dots on them. I will admit I was never really enthused by the actual game, but I loved to see them lined up, in curving, waving, undulating rows. They would stand so sturdily, and so straight, as if they could stand forever. Then all of a sudden, with even the tiniest tap, one by one, methodically they would all fall down.

I have come to realize that this is much like the healing process and the ripple effect it has on our life and those who are close to us. When one person is hurt, or ill, the other people in their life are affected as well.

The best way that I can explain what I mean, is by sharing a personal experience. I have shared this very selectively with clients and students over the years, when I felt it might help someone. However, not until this moment have I felt inspired to write about it. This is a story of healing from childhood sexual abuse, but it goes far beyond that, into developing an awareness of how our personal experiences have a ripple effect in all our relationships. It is also a story about how Reiki can bring understanding, love, and compassion back into a family.

My story starts when my father was a child. He had an older brother. My father is a very creative, and brilliant man, and has been quite successful in his life. My uncle was an average sort of fellow, many thought him to be a little odd. They grew up during the depression in the Midwest, and times were very hard for the family. As I look back on the events that I am about to share with you, I realize that my uncle had some very deep feelings of lack of self worth that eventually developed into intense jealousy of my father. My uncle never married or had an intimate partnership, or any children.

I am the eldest of three children, at age four I was sexually assaulted by my uncle. I was shamed and frightened into silence for many years. I was instructed to tell no one because "If you tell, no one will believe you and you will be punished for lying." and "If you tell your father, he will never believe you, because you are just a little girl. I'm his brother and he will believe me." I kept this horrid secret for many, many years, and the abuse continued until one day, when I was 12, and my uncle tried to convince me to involve my little brother. I refused, and threatened to tell, and the abuse stopped...

I thought. I began to block my thoughts of it. I was so relieved it was over, and over the years the blocks grew deeper and deeper, until the memories just faded away.

The Dominoes Begin to Fall

I grew up feeling like I couldn't talk with my parents about my fears, because I thought they wouldn't believe me. I often said to myself "Even if I do tell them the truth, they will never believe me". This thought pattern didn't just apply to the abuse situation, but to anything that arose, where I felt confused, or troubled, and needed parental advice. So, energetically I was hiding myself in a veil of mistrust. What happens when someone doesn't trust others? The energetic essence of mistrust permeates the environment, and the very psyche of the entire family, and often even extends out to others.

In my case my father felt this, and had difficulty trusting me. This caused a lot of friction between us, which led to much conflict and to experiences that do not belong in this article.

The bottom line is that I was unable to allow myself to engage in any positive, constructive communication with my parents, and I left home at age 17.

When I was 19, my parents divorced, and my mother then raised my younger brother and sister. A few years later my father moved to Argentina, and was essentially estranged from us for nearly 20 years.

Fast forward... I was in my late 30's, new to Reiki, and running a computer graphics business. I was married, and raising four children. I was a workaholic, momaholic, who was totally ignoring my own personal needs.

I gradually began to recognize that at times I would exhibit outbursts of anger, or fear, or uncontrollable crying, which seemed totally unfounded. I began to question this behavior. I simply didn't understand it, because it was different than what I had known my nature to be. I became very distressed by this, and so I decided to try using Reiki to help me understand. I simply began by invoking the distant healing symbol. I then stated questions, something like "Why am I behaving like this? Why do I get angry so easily? Why am I crying so much?", etc. When I had stated my questions I would then channel the Reiki energy into myself, and out into my energy field, and sit quietly.

I went about my normal routines, but from time to time I would find myself having unusual thoughts. For example, I remembered a rocking chair that I received from my uncle for my fourth birthday. I remembered four candles on a birthday cake, and other random thoughts related to my life at four years old. It took me awhile to catch on, and then suddenly the question popped into my head, "Why am I thinking of the events at four years old?" I had been so busy with life, that I had actually forgotten that I had been sending Reiki to my behavior issues.

I then had an "ah-HA" moment, and realized that perhaps this was leading me to my answers. So the next step was to send Reiki to myself when I was four years old. I found a picture of myself when I was about five, and I intended that it represented me at age four. I sent Reiki through the photo, using the distant symbol, to four year old me. It was like someone turned a key in a lock to a doorway of hidden memories. Glimpses of my experiences began to come back, and I knew what had happened. I knew that my unexplained behavior was rooted in the anger and fear I had repressed for all those years. I didn't have to re-live all the details. All I needed was a clue to help me understand.

After a few weeks of sending Reiki to my childhood, I suddenly became very, very angry with my uncle. He had passed away when I was in my late 20's. "How DARE he die before I can confront him!" was my thought at the time. I didn't know what else to do, so I began to send Reiki to my uncle in spirit. One night I had a very powerful experience in which I met my uncle, in that special healing place between waking and dreaming. Through the experience we had there, my anger was transformed into compassion in an instant, with the help of Reiki. Perhaps someday I will write about that. But, for now, let's watch more dominoes fall.

A few years later, my mother and my aunt were visiting me. Somehow mom and I had slipped into an emotional timewarp, where I was 15 and she was the mother of a teenager again. I was re-living one of the difficult moments I had with my father, and my mom kind of recoiled, and said "I don't want to talk about that". Suddenly the 40-something me, disguised as a 15 year old, exploded and stormed out the room, muttering under my breath... "That's what's wrong with this family, nobody ever wants to talk about what they NEED to say"! Well then the dam burst, and we talked, and talked about many of the things we should have talked about years before. The abuse was out in the open. I talked to my sister and my brother, and I wrote to my father. I learned of other abuses that my sister and brother remembered. My father and mother apologized for not recognizing what was happening. Gradually, with the help of lots of Reiki, the lines of communication have grown stronger.

You see, my uncle was like a domino, and we were all lined up behind him. When he fell, I fell, and one by one, as the lines of communication were destroyed, and the fears crept in, we all fell down.

But, that's not yet the end of the story. Fast forward one more time to one day in a nursing home in rural Kentucky. I was sitting beside my grandmother's bed. She had been in a coma for months as the result of a stroke. She had received only fluids via IV for a very long time, with no other nourishment to sustain her. The doctors, nurses and attendants could not understand how she was staying alive for so long. It was as if she had something unfinished she was hanging onto. I had been going to visit her every day for a long time and on each visit I would give her Reiki. There was something different about that particular day. I was channeling Reiki and praying that she find the peace she was seeking. Suddenly I realized that the Reiki energy was actually speaking through me in the form of a prayer. My grandmother was very religious, and Jesus was everything to her. The prayer that was flowing was thanking her for being such a wonderful person. She was being told that she did many good things for many people and that God loved her very much. She was also told that she was not responsible for anything that other people did that caused harm.

In that very instant I realized that my grandmother knew about my uncle and his illness. She knew about the abuse, and she was bound by her guilt from doing nothing about it. Reiki helped me actually feel her torment, and her pain. I felt her fear, and her love for her son, for me and for the other children. Any judgment I might have had for her not acting to prevent the abuse, dissolved into deep compassion and unconditional love.

Moments later, Reiki was flowing when this sweet woman, who had been comatose for months opened her eyes, and looked right into mine. She spoke clearly, and she asked "Who are all those people with the red candles?" Without thinking, the Reiki once again began to take the form of words and what it said was "Those are the angels who have come to take you back to Jesus". My grandmother sighed a peaceful sigh, she smiled, closed her eyes, and I saw the first wisp of life force leave her body. She completed her transition three days later.

Grandma was the last in that line of dominoes, but instead of falling in fear, she released her guilt, felt Divine love, became peace and left this world with grace.

I will be forever grateful for all that Reiki helps me heal in my personal life. I am thankful that Reiki encouraged me to write this article, because I know that someone reading it will come to understand that there is nothing that Reiki cannot heal, if we are only willing to accept our challenges as blessings, find the love in all of our experiences, and allow our healing to ripple out into the world.

In the Light of the Creator...

We See Only Love








事實上,我們在與世界各國的靈氣導師交流時,土居裕(Doi Hiroshi)老師直接對我們表示過,這種一開始便經由「非接觸」的儀式所靈授或點化的治療師問題很多,對於其學習經歷一概不予承認。特別是初階的點化儀式,是非常重要的基礎,完全沒得商量,甚至於還在他的網站中明文昭示,嚴禁線上課程、遠距離傳授等行為。並於其講義中,明確指出靈氣初階親自靈授與點化的重要性(1)。


無獨有偶的是,西洋靈氣的代表-威廉.李連(William Lee Rand)在接受我們的訪問時,也對我們親自表示了遠距離點化/啟動(Distant Attunements)的問題(3),並在他的官方網站中曾經親自撰文詳述並表達過反對的意見(4)。








參考文獻 References

※現代靈氣 Master 國際共通基準(1)




※遠距離點化/啟動(Distant Attunements)有效果嗎?(3)


※Are Distant Attunements Effective ?(4)






《靈氣和創傷後壓力症候群 PTSD 》





星期三, 9月 08, 2021

對重症的嬰兒使用靈氣 RN Uses Reiki on Critically Ill Infant


對重症的嬰兒使用靈氣 RN Uses Reiki on Critically Ill Infant

我是美國的一名兒科護士,一直熱衷於將安全、非侵入性的補充醫學融入我的護理中。 2018 年 10 月,我遇到了一個三個月大的女嬰,她患有因膽道閉鎖而導致的繼發性肝功能衰竭。她在此之前一個月接受了手術,試圖解決問題,但沒有成功。此時,唯一能挽救她生命的就是肝臟移植手術。她的身體狀況太不穩定,無法回家,所以她在醫院住了幾個月,直到她接受了移植手術。在這五個月中,我與這個嬰兒建立了非常牢固的連結和聯繫,並且非常依戀她。我會一有機會就對她進行靈氣治療,並祈禱她能接受移植手術。

2019年3月,她終於接受了肝臟移植手術。她一離開手術室就進入重症監護室,她的身體立即開始排斥它,並因此出現了幾種危及生命的併發症。她瀕臨死亡。靠著上帝的恩典,她第二天又進行了一次肝臟移植手術。外科醫生、醫生、護士和醫務人員都認為她無法活著完成第二次移植手術。她是一個八個月大的嬰兒,在第一次手術後倖存下來,存活的機會不到 1%。


她活著完成了第二次移植手術,但她的康復之路絕非易事。她無法自主呼吸並插管了近一個月,她因服用所有強效藥物而導致腎功能衰竭,她因臥床而患上褥瘡,她接受了 3 次心肺復蘇,她處於極大的痛苦中。此時,醫生們仍然認為她的生存機會非常渺茫。如此之多,以至於她的父母簽署了放棄急救( DNR)。儘管如此,我和這個小組繼續每天對她做靈氣。

在 ICU 和每日的靈氣治療三個月後,她最終得以康復。她的腎臟也痊癒了,她可以自己呼吸了,她的肝臟功能也完全正常。現在是 2019 年 11 月,她與幾個月前完全不同。她坐著,胡言亂語,大笑,看起來很健康。任何看到她的人都充滿敬畏地盯著她說:“她還活著真是個奇蹟”。這不是奇蹟,這是靈氣。









《靈氣對急性冠心病患 (ACS)自律神經的影響》


RN Uses Reiki on Critically Ill Infant

I am a pediatric nurse in the U.S. that's always been passionate about incorporating safe, non-invasive complementary medicine into my care. In October of 2018, I met a 3 month old baby girl who was in liver failure secondary to biliary atresia. She had gotten a procedure 1 month prior to that in an attempt to fix the problem, but it was unsuccessful. At this point, the only thing that would save her life was a liver transplant. She was too medically unstable to go home, so she remained in the hospital for several months until she got her transplant. Throughout those 5 months, I built a very strong bond and connection to this baby and became very attached to her. I would perform Reiki on her every chance I got and prayed that she would get a transplant.

In March of 2019, she finally got a liver transplant. As soon as she got out of the OR and into the ICU, her body immediately began rejecting it and was having several life-threatening complications from it. She was dying. Through the grace of God, she was able to get another liver transplant the next day. The surgeons, doctors, nurses, and medical staff all thought she would never make it out of the second transplantation alive. She was an 8 month old baby who was barely surviving from the first surgery and had less than a 1% chance of survival.

I was in a state of complete panic. I was desperate for her to get better and began sending her distance Reiki every chance I got, but I felt like it wasn't enough. I reached out to one of my friends who also does Reiki and told her what was going on and asked her if she could also please send Reiki to this baby girl. Not only did she send Reiki daily, but she also told several of her friends from all around the world to do so as well. She was receiving Reiki from Guatemala, Brazil, Germany, and South Africa.

She made it out of the second transplantation alive, but her recovery was far from easy. She was unable to breathe on her own and remained intubated for almost 1 month, she went into kidney failure from all the strong medications she was on, she got pressure ulcers from being bed bound, she was resuscitated 3 times, and she was in an insane amount of pain. At this point, the doctors still believed that she had a very slim shot at survival. So much so, that her parents signed a DNR. Despite that, this group and I continued to do Reiki on her daily.

After 3 months in the ICU and daily Reiki, she was able to recover. Her kidneys healed, she was breathing on her own, and her liver was fully functioning. It is now November of 2019 and she is a completely different baby from a few months ago. She sits, babbles, laughs, and looks so healthy. Anyone that sees her stares in complete awe and says "It's a miracle she's alive". It's no miracle, it's Reiki.

Author Name:

Alison Fernandez

星期二, 9月 07, 2021

醫院裡的靈氣應用 Reiki In Hospitals


醫院裡的靈氣應用 Reiki In Hospitals

威廉·李連 William Lee Rand

在美國各地的醫院和診所,靈氣開始被接納為一種能夠改善患者狀況的照護方式,且被認為是有意義且具有價值與治療效果的。在與醫療專業人士進行的個人訪談後證實了這一個觀點。(1) “靈氣療法可以使患者癒合得更快,疼痛更少。”紐約曼哈頓眼耳喉科醫院的私人護士瑪麗蓮·維加 (Marilyn Vega) 說。 [靈氣] 可以加速手術恢復,改善心理狀態並減少藥物和其他醫療程序的負面影響。

Vega 是一位靈氣大師,她將靈氣含括在她的常規照護程序中。因為患者喜歡靈氣,她通過口耳相傳吸引了其他患者以及醫院工作人員的大量關注。患者要求她在手術室和康復室為他們做靈氣。她還被要求為斯隆凱特琳紀念醫院(Memorial Sloane Kettering Hospital)的癌症患者進行靈氣治療,包括接受骨髓移植的患者。由於認知到靈氣在病患照護中的價值,共有6 名醫生和 25 名護士與她一起接受了靈氣的培訓。

美國民眾對補充醫療保健感興趣 America's Interest in Complementary Health Care

大眾對包括靈氣在內的補充醫療保健越來越感到興趣。事實上,在波士頓貝斯以色列醫院(Beth Israel Hospital)的 David M. Eisenberg 博士進行的一項研究中發現,三分之一的美國人使用過這種照護服務,而 1990 年在替代醫療保健上的花費了就超過 140 億美元!(2)

2007 年進行的一項調查表示,在前一年,美國有 120 萬成年人和 161,000 名兒童接受了一次或多次的能量治療,例如靈氣。(3)

靈氣在醫療機構中也得到了更廣泛的認可。許多醫院將他們自己受過靈氣培訓的醫生、護士和相關援護人員一起將其納入他們的患者服務名冊中。早在 90 年代中期,靈氣就已在醫院手術室中使用。(4) 從那時起,靈氣在醫學上的接受度便不斷的提高。它現在被列為照護“實踐的範圍和標準”出版品中被認為是一種可接納的照護形式,(5) 和 2008 年《今日美國》的一篇文章報導說,2007 年,15% 的美國醫院(超過 800 家)提供靈氣作為常規服務(6) 有關 64 項靈氣醫院計劃的詳細說明,請訪問下面的網站: www.centerforreikiresearch.org

科學驗證 Scientific Validation

康涅狄格州哈特福德醫院(Hartford Hospital)的一項研究表示,靈氣使患者的睡眠改善了 86%,疼痛減少了 78%,噁心減少了 80%,懷孕期間的焦慮減少了 94%。 (7)

2009 年,靈氣研究中心完成了試金石研究計畫,該項目總結了發表在同行評審期刊上的相關靈氣研究。 進一步評估了總共 25 項研究,以確定靈氣的有效性。 結論指出:“總體而言,根據科學的嚴謹性被至少一位評論者評為“非常好”或“優秀”且未被任何評論者評為弱的研究總結,83% 的研究顯示 中等 至 強而有力的評價 證據支持靈氣作為一種治療方式。”(8)

為什麼醫院喜歡靈氣 Why Hospitals Like Reiki


受過靈氣訓練的治療師 Julie Motz 曾與紐約哥倫比亞長老會醫學中心(Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center in New York)著名的胸腔外科醫生 Mehmet Oz 博士合作。 Motz 使用靈氣和其他治療精微體的能量技術來平衡患者在手術過程中所需的能量。在開心手術和心臟移植手術期間,她曾在手術室協助 Oz 醫生。 Motz 報告說,接受治療的 11 名心臟病患者中沒有一人出現術後常見的抑鬱症,而心臟繞道手術的患者沒有術後疼痛或腿部無力;並且移植患者沒有經歷器官排斥的問題。(9)

Marin Independent 期刊上的一篇文章講述了 Motz 在加利福尼亞州馬林縣馬林綜合醫院(Marin General Hospital )的工作,在舊金山北部。(10) 在那裡,Motz 對手術室中的患者使用了能量治療技術。 她特別注重向患者傳達關懷的感覺和正面積極的想法,並特別獲得了贊助與乳房切除術患者一起工作。

Marin General 的腫瘤學家 David Guillion 博士表示:“我覺得我們需要盡我們所能來幫助患者。我們在辦公室提供最先進的藥物,但治愈是一個多層面的過程......我支持 有一種潛在的治療可以利用能量進行的想法。”

朴茨茅斯地區醫院的靈氣 Reiki at Portsmouth Regional Hospital

Patricia Alandydy 是一名註冊的護士與靈氣大師。 她是新罕布什爾州朴茨茅斯地區醫院( Portsmouth Regional Hospital )的外科服務助理主任。 在她的主任 Jocclyn King 和執行首席 William Schuler 的支持下,她為外科服務部門的患者提供了靈氣服務。 這是醫院最大的部門之一,包括手術室、中央供應部、麻醉後監護室、門診監護室和手術後收治患者的四樓。 在與術前患者的電話採訪中,靈氣與許多其他服務一起被提供。 如果患者要求,靈氣會在手術當天早上納入他們的入院程序,並在他們被送往手術室之前額外進行 15-20 分鐘的治療。 一些靈氣的服務也在朴茨茅斯地區的手術室裡完成。

這些靈氣治療由接受過 Patricia 靈氣培訓的 20 名醫院工作人員提供。 其中包括註冊的護士、物理治療師、技術人員以及醫療記錄和相關援護人員。 靈氣服務於 1997 年 4 月開始,截至 2008 年已提供 8000 次靈氣治療。

“這是一次非常有益的經歷,”Alandydy 說,“看到靈氣被如此多樣化的人群所接受並以積極的方式通過口耳相傳傳播到如此遠的地方。患者會根據他們朋友的正面經驗多次要求靈氣 [治療] 。看到老年患者群體嘗試靈氣的思想開放程度也非常具有啟發性。在醫院環境中,靈氣被呈現為一種減輕壓力和促進放鬆的技術,從而 增強身體的自然自愈能力。”


Alandydy 和她的搭檔 Greda Cocco 還通過他們的公司 Seacoast Complementary Care, Inc. 管理一家醫院支持的靈氣診所。該診所每週開放兩天,配備 50 名經過培訓的靈氣志願者,其中一半來自醫院工作人員而其餘來自當地的靈氣社群。他們通常在診所使用 13-17 張靈氣桌子,每張桌子有 1-2 名靈氣志願者。該診所治療多種疾病,包括 HIV、疼痛以及化療和放療的副作用。有些病人是由醫院醫生轉診,有些病人是通過當地社區的口耳相傳來的。他們收取每節 10.00 美元的象徵性費用。診所每晚都滿員,而且經常有等候的名單。

加州太平洋醫療中心的靈氣計劃 The California Pacific Medical Center's Reiki Program

加州太平洋醫療中心是北加州最大的醫院之一。 其診所是健康與康復研究所的一個分支機構,為急性和慢性疾病提供靈氣、中醫、催眠、生物反饋、針灸、順勢療法、草藥療法、營養療法和芳香療法。 該診所有六個治療室,目前配備兩名醫生,分別是 Mike Cantwell 醫生和 Amy Saltzman 醫生。 Cantwell 是一位專門研究傳染病的兒科醫生,同時也是一位接受過營養治療培訓的靈氣大師。 Saltzman 專攻內科,還接受過正念冥想、針灸和營養療法方面的培訓。 其他專業人士正在等待加入工作人員,包括幾名醫生。

診所的醫生與患者及其轉診醫生會一起確認適合患者的補充治療方式。 他們會使用詳細的問卷以提供患者狀況的整體概覽,用於幫助並決定治療過程。 問卷涉及廣泛的主題,包括個人對人際關係、朋友和家人、身體形像以及工作、職業和精神的滿意度。 該診所非常受歡迎,目前有 100 多名患者的等候名單。

Cantwell 醫生提供 1-3 小時的靈氣課程,之後他將患者分配給靈氣 II 階的內科醫生,該內科醫生繼續在診所外提供靈氣課程。 對靈氣治療反應良好的患者會繼續被轉介進行靈氣訓練,以便他們可以繼續進行靈氣自我治療。

Cantwell 醫生說:“我發現靈氣可用於治療急性疾病,如肌肉骨骼損傷/疼痛、頭痛、急性感染和哮喘。靈氣對慢性疾病患者也很有用,尤其是那些與慢性疼痛相關的患者 .”

在這一點上,靈氣不在診所的保險範圍內,但 Cantwell 博士正在進行臨床研究,希望讓保險公司相信這些補充治療是可行的,並能為他們省錢。

更多的醫學博士和護士練習靈氣 More MD's and Nurses Practicing Reiki

Mary Lee Radka 是靈氣大師和 R.N. 因為她的靈氣技能而同時擁有護士與治療師的職業。 她在安娜堡密歇根大學醫院(Michigan Hospital in Ann Arbor)為護士和其他醫院工作人員教授靈氣課程。 她還對大多數患者使用靈氣。 她發現靈氣在減輕疼痛和壓力、改善血液循環和消除神經阻滯方面能產生最佳效果。

靈氣大師 Nancy Eos,醫學博士,是密歇根大學醫學院的教職員工。 作為急診室的醫生,她使用靈氣治療患者並遵循標準醫療程序。

“我無法想像沒有靈氣就行醫,”Eos 說。 “有了靈氣,我所要做的就是觸摸一個人。通常不會發生的事情會發生。疼痛的強度減輕。皮疹消退。喘息讓位於呼吸清晰。憤怒的人會開始跟我開玩笑。”

在她的《靈氣與醫學(Reiki and Medicine)》一書中,她描述了使用靈氣治療創傷、心臟病、呼吸系統問題、心肺復蘇、受虐兒童、過敏反應和其他的急診室情況。 Eos 博士現在在 Grass Lake 醫療中心持續家醫的執業,並且是密歇根州傑克遜富特醫院(Foote Hospital )的住院醫師,在那裡她繼續將靈氣與標準醫療程序結合使用。 根據 Eos 博士的說法,Foote 醫院至少還有 5 名其他醫生和許多護士一起接受了靈氣訓練。 (11)

Libby Barnett 和 Maggie Chambers 都是靈氣大師,他們曾為新英格蘭十多家醫院的工作人員治療患者並為他們提供靈氣培訓。他們教授靈氣作為補充照護技術,他們培訓的醫院工作人員將靈氣添加到他們為患者管理的常規醫療程序中。他們的書《靈氣能量醫學(Reiki Energy Medicine)》描述了他們的經歷。(12) 他們推薦的一項有趣的事情是創建了醫院中的“靈氣室”,由一些志願者組成,患者和醫院工作人員可以來這裡接受靈氣治療。 Bettina Peyton, M.D. 是 Libby 和 Maggie 訓練過的醫生之一,他說:“靈氣極其簡單,加上其潛在的強大效果,迫使我們承認普遍治療能量的概念。”


*編者註:在醫院或以其他方式進行靈氣治療時,重要的是請確認患者了解靈氣是什麼並且僅在患者要求時才提供靈氣治療。 此外,如果出現了一些提問,重要的是要說明雖然靈氣本質上是靈性的,因為愛和同情是其實踐的重要組成部分,它不是一種宗教,許多宗教團體的成員,包括許多基督徒, 穆斯林、印度教徒和猶太人都會使用靈氣並發現它可以符合他們的宗教信仰。

參考文獻 References

1 The comments that follow were part of an interview I did with each person either in person or by telephone and were first published in my article, "Reiki In Hospitals," which appeared in the Winter 1997 issue of the Reiki Newsletter (precursor to Reiki News Magazine).

2 Eisenberg, David, et al. "Unconventional Medicine in the United States", New England Journal of Medicine 328, no. 4 (1993), 246-52.

2 Beth Ashley, "Healing hands", Marin Independent Journal, May 11, 1997.

3 P. M. Barnes, B. Bloom, and R. Nahin, CDC National Health Statistics Report #12. Complementary and Alternative Medicine Use Among Adults and Children, United States, 2007. (December 2008).

4 Chip Brown, "The Experiments of Dr. Oz,"The New York Times Magazine, July 30, 1995, 20-23.

5 American Holistic Nurses Association and American Nurses Association (2007), Holistic Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice (Silver Spring, MD: Nursesbooks.org.)

6 L. Gill, "More hospitals offer alternative therapies for mind, body, spirit," USA Today, September 15, 2008 (Online) http://usatoday30.usatoday.com/news/health/2008-09-14-alternative-therapies_N.htm.

7 Hartford Hospital, Integrative Medicine, Outcomes, https://hartfordhospital.org/services/integrative-medicine/patient-support/outcomes. Measurements cited were obtained during the initial pilot phase of the study, December 1999 - December 2000.

8 The Center for Reiki Research, Touchstone Project, Conclusion, http://www.centerforreikiresearch.org.

9 Julie Motz, Hands of Life, Bantam Books, New York, 1998

10 Beth Ashley, "Healing hands", Marin Independent Journal, May 11, 1997.

11 Nancy Eos, M.D., Reiki and Medicine (Eos, 1995).

12 Libby Barnett and Maggie Chambers, with Susan Davidson, Reiki Energy Medicine, Healing Arts Press, Rochester, Vermont, 1996.


《人體能量的反射與共振-耳穴療法 》

《靈氣和創傷後壓力症候群 PTSD 》





Reiki In Hospitals

by William Lee Rand

At hospitals and clinics across America, Reiki is beginning to gain acceptance as a meaningful and cost-effective way to improve patient care. Personal interviews conducted with medical professionals corroborate this view.(1) "Reiki sessions cause patients to heal faster with less pain," says Marilyn Vega, RN, a private-duty nurse at the Manhattan Eye, Ear and Throat Hospital in New York. [Reiki] accelerates recovery from surgery, improves mental attitude and reduces the negative effects of medication and other medical procedures.

Vega, a Reiki master, includes Reiki with her regular nursing procedures. Because the patients like Reiki, she has attracted a lot of attention from other patients through word of mouth, as well as from members of the hospital staff. Patients have asked her to do Reiki on them in the operating and recovery rooms. She has also been asked to do Reiki sessions on cancer patients at Memorial Sloane Kettering Hospital, including patients with bone marrow transplants. Recognizing the value of Reiki in patient care, 6 doctors and 25 nurses have taken Reiki training with her.

America's Interest in Complementary Health Care

The general public is turning with ever-increasing interest to complementary health care, including Reiki. In fact, a study conducted by Dr. David M. Eisenberg of Boston's Beth Israel Hospital found that one in every three Americans has used such care, spending over 14 billion out-of-pocket dollars on alternative health care in 1990 alone!(2)

A survey conducted in 2007 indicates that in the previous year 1.2 million adults and 161,000 children in the U.S. received one or more energy healing sessions such as Reiki.(3)

Reiki is also gaining wider acceptance in the medical establishment. Hospitals are incorporating it into their roster of patient services, often with their own Reiki-trained physicians, nurses and support staff. Reiki was in use in hospital operating rooms as early as the mid-90's.(4) Since then its acceptance in medicine has grown. It is now listed in a nursing "scope and standards of practice" publication as an accepted form of care,(5) and a 2008 USA Today article reported that in 2007 15% of U.S. hospitals (over 800) offered Reiki as a regular part of patient services.(6) For a detailed description of 64 Reiki hospital programs, please go to www.centerforreikiresearch.org

Scientific Validation

A research study at Hartford Hospital in Hartford, Connecticut indicates that Reiki improved patient sleep by 86 percent, reduced pain by 78 percent, reduced nausea by 80 percent, and reduced anxiety during pregnancy by 94 percent.(7)

In 2009, The Center for Reiki Research completed the Touchstone Project, which summarized Reiki studies published in peer-reviewed journals. The 25 studies examined were further evaluated to determine the effectiveness of Reiki. The conclusion states: "Overall, based on the summaries of those studies that were rated according to scientific rigor as "Very Good" or "Excellent" by at least one reviewer and were not rated as weak by any reviewer, 83 percent show moderate to strong evidence in support of Reiki as a therapeutic modality."(8)

Why Hospitals Like Reiki

Hospitals are undergoing major changes. They are experiencing a need to reduce costs and at the same time improve patient care. Under the old medical model based on expensive medication and technology this posed an unsolvable dilemma. Not so with Reiki and other complementary modalities. Reiki requires no technology at all and many of its practitioners offer their services for free. Reiki is therefore a very good way to improve care while cutting costs.

Julie Motz, a Reiki trained healer has worked with Dr. Mehmet Oz, a noted cardiothoracic surgeon at Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center in New York. Motz uses Reiki and other subtle energy techniques to balance the patients' energy during operations. She has assisted Dr. Oz in the operating room during open heart surgeries and heart transplants. Motz reports that none of the 11 heart patients so treated experienced the usual postoperative depression, the bypass patients had no postoperative pain or leg weakness; and the transplant patients experienced no organ rejection.(9)

An article in the Marin Independent Journal follows Motz's work at the Marin General Hospital in Marin County, California, just north of San Francisco.(10) There Motz has used subtle energy healing techniques with patients in the operating room. She makes a point of communicating caring feelings and positive thoughts to the patients, and has been given grants to work with mastectomy patients in particular.

Dr. David Guillion, an oncologist at Marin General, has stated "I feel we need to do whatever is in our power to help the patient. We provide state of the art medicine in our office, but healing is a multidimensional process… I endorse the idea that there is a potential healing that can take place utilizing energy."

Reiki at Portsmouth Regional Hospital

Patricia Alandydy is an RN and a Reiki Master. She is the Assistant Director of Surgical Services at Portsmouth Regional Hospital in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. With the support of her Director Jocclyn King and CEO William Schuler, she has made Reiki services available to patients within the Surgical Services Department. This is one of the largest departments in the hospital and includes the operating room, Central Supply, the Post Anesthesia Care Unit, the Ambulatory Care Unit and the Fourth Floor where patients are admitted after surgery. During telephone interviews with pre-op patients, Reiki is offered along with many other services. If patients request it, Reiki is then incorporated into their admission the morning of surgery, and an additional 15-20 minute session is given prior to their transport to the operating room. Some Reiki has also been done in the operating room at Portsmouth Regional.

The Reiki sessions are given by 20 members of the hospital staff whom Patricia has trained in Reiki. These include RN's, physical therapists, technicians and medical records and support staff. Reiki services began in April 1997, and as of 2008 have given 8000 Reiki sessions.

"It has been an extremely rewarding experience," Alandydy says, "to see Reiki embraced by such a diverse group of people and spread so far and wide by word of mouth, in a positive light. Patients many times request a Reiki [session] based on the positive experience of one of their friends. It has also been very revealing to see how open-minded the older patient population is to try Reiki. In the hospital setting Reiki is presented as a technique which reduces stress and promotes relaxation, thereby enhancing the body's natural ability to heal itself."

The Reiki practitioners do not add psychic readings or other new-age techniques to the Reiki sessions, but just do straight Reiki. Because of these boundaries, and the positive results that have been demonstrated, Reiki has gained credibility with the physicians and other staff members. It is now being requested from other care areas of the hospital to treat anxiety, chronic pain, cancer and other conditions.

Alandydy, with her partner Greda Cocco, also manage a hospital-supported Reiki clinic through their business called Seacoast Complementary Care, Inc. The clinic is open two days a week and staffed by 50 trained Reiki volunteers, half of whom come from the hospital staff and the rest from the local Reiki community. They usually have 13-17 Reiki tables in use at the clinic with 1-2 Reiki volunteers per table. The clinic treats a wide range of conditions including HIV, pain, and side-effects from chemotherapy and radiation. Some patients are referred by hospital physicians and some come by word of mouth from the local community. They are charged a nominal fee of $10.00 per session. The clinic is full each night and often has a waiting list.

The California Pacific Medical Center's Reiki Program

The California Pacific Medical Center is one of the largest hospitals in northern California. Its Health and Healing Clinic, a branch of the Institute for Health and Healing, provides care for both acute and chronic illness using a wide range of complementary care including Reiki, Chinese medicine, hypnosis, biofeedback, acupuncture, homeopathy, herbal therapy, nutritional therapy and aromatherapy. The clinic has six treatment rooms and is currently staffed by two physicians, Dr. Mike Cantwell and Dr. Amy Saltzman. Cantwell, a pediatrician specializing in infectious diseases, is also a Reiki Master with training in nutritional therapy. Saltzman specializes in internal medicine and also has training in mindfulness meditation, acupuncture and nutritional therapy. Other professionals are waiting to join the staff, including several physicians.

The doctors at the clinic work with the patients and their referring physicians to determine what complementary modalities will be appropriate for the patient. A detailed questionnaire designed to provide a holistic overview of the patient's condition is used to help decide the course of treatment. The questionnaire involves a broad range of subjects including personal satisfaction with relationships, friends and family, with body image, and with job, career, and spirituality. The clinic is very popular and currently has a waiting list of more than 100 patients.

Dr. Cantwell provides 1-3 hour-long Reiki sessions, after which he assigns the patient to a Reiki II internist who continues to provide Reiki sessions outside the clinic. Patients who continue to respond well to the Reiki treatments are referred for Reiki training so they can continue Reiki self-treatments on a continuing basis.

Dr. Cantwell states: "I have found Reiki to be useful in the treatment of acute illnesses such as musculoskeletal injury/pain, headache, acute infections, and asthma. Reiki is also useful for patients with chronic illnesses, especially those associated with chronic pain."

At this point, Reiki is not covered by insurance at the clinic, but Dr. Cantwell is conducting clinical research in the hope of convincing insurance companies that complementary care is viable and will save them money.

More MD's and Nurses Practicing Reiki

Mary Lee Radka is a Reiki Master and an R.N. who has the job classification of Nurse-Healer because of her Reiki skills. She teaches Reiki classes to nurses and other hospital staff at the University of Michigan Hospital in Ann Arbor. She also uses Reiki with most of her patients. She has found Reiki to produce the best results in reducing pain and stress, improving circulation and eliminating nerve blocks.

Reiki master Nancy Eos, M.D., was a member of the teaching staff of the University of Michigan Medical School. As an emergency-room physician, she treated patients with Reiki along with standard medical procedures.

"I can't imagine practicing medicine without Reiki," Eos says. "With Reiki all I have to do is touch a person. Things happen that don't usually happen. Pain lessens in intensity. Rashes fade. Wheezing gives way to breathing clearly. Angry people begin to joke with me."

In her book Reiki and Medicine she includes descriptions of using Reiki to treat trauma, heart attack, respiratory problems, CPR, child abuse, allergic reactions and other emergency-room situations. Dr. Eos now maintains a family practice at Grass Lake Medical Center and is an admitting-room physician at Foote Hospital in Jackson, Michigan, where she continues to use Reiki in conjunction with standard medical procedures. According to Dr. Eos, there are at least 5 other physicians at Foote hospital who have Reiki training along with many nurses.(11)

Libby Barnett and Maggie Chambers are Reiki masters who have treated patients and given Reiki training to staff members in over a dozen New England hospitals. They teach Reiki as complementary care and the hospital staff they have trained add Reiki to the regular medical procedures they administer to their patients. Their book Reiki Energy Medicine describes their experiences.(12) One of the interesting things they recommend is creating hospital "Reiki Rooms," staffed by volunteers, where patients as well as hospital staff can come to receive Reiki treatments. Bettina Peyton, M.D., one of the physicians Libby and Maggie have trained states: "Reiki's utter simplicity, coupled with its potentially powerful effects, compels us to acknowledge the concept of a universal healing energy."

Anyone interested in bringing Reiki into hospitals is encouraged to do so. The hospital setting where there are so many people in real need is a wonderful place to offer Reiki. The experiences and recommendations in this article should provide a good starting point for developing Reiki programs in your area.


*Editors Note:It is very important when giving Reiki treatments in hospitals or otherwise to make sure the patient understands what Reiki is and to only provide a Reiki treatment if the patient has requested one. Also, if the issue comes up, it is important to explain that while Reiki is spiritual in nature, in that love and compassion are an important part of its practice, it is not a religion and that members of many religious groups including many Christians, Muslims, Hindus and Jews use Reiki and find it compatible with their religious beliefs.












































  人生就像一場遊戲。 前面二十級(歲)基本上都是新手村。 然後你的新手NPC是亂數決定的爸媽。 個人能力數值跟著NPC的資源決定一半的基數。 等到等級可以出新手村,遊戲的自由度大增。 有的人會考慮再練等級(念大學、研究所)多上升一些點數才要出村去解任務,也有人迫不及待的出村去探...