星期三, 10月 27, 2021

靈氣與一場正面撞擊的車禍 Head On Car Collision


【靈氣與一場正面撞擊的車禍 Head On Car Collision】

我捲入了一場完全毀壞了我的車的車禍碰撞。當時兩個安全氣囊和所有其他安全裝置都被打開。我的車是 2004 的福斯金龜車。當然,我每天開車八小時,且我總是將靈氣投射在我的車里和每個窗戶上,因為我目前在佛羅里達州德斯廷的 Covenant Hospice 擔任社區教育工作。


第一次 X 光檢查說我的胸骨骨折了。這是一個非常痛苦的休息,因為它需要很長的時間才能癒合,而且很多事情不能做。因為胸骨保護心臟和肺,並連接肋骨,因此通常每次呼吸或運動都是痛苦的。由於胸骨骨折,我們需要對心臟和肺部進行 CT 掃描。完成 CT 掃描又花了四到五個小時。在此間靈氣治療一直在進行。

CT掃描的結果顯示它沒有破裂。然而,當我向脊椎按摩師和其他醫生展示第一張 X 光片時,他們都可以明顯看到骨折。我有所有關於測試口述的文檔與使用的 X 光片,都將會收錄在我正在寫的書中。我在休假兩周半後,又重新開始上班、開車,只錯過了兩天的工作和感恩節假期。











《靈氣對急性冠心病患 (ACS)自律神經的影響》

Head On Car Collision

I was involved in a collision that totally destroyed my car. Both airbags deployed and all other safety devices. The car was a 2004 VW Beetle Convertible. Of course I always place Reiki in my car and on every window as I drive my car eight hours a day for my current position as a Community Educator with Covenant Hospice, Destin, Florida.

The car spun around three times, missing three other cars, after the impact from a Ford Expedition. The traffic was very heavy at this intersection as people were traveling for the holiday. Following the accident, I was in a hospital emergency room for six and one-half hours. I had two friends who did Reiki the entire time. One did hands-on and one sent Reiki from a distance.

The first x-rays said my sternum was broken. This is a very painful break as it takes a long time to heal and there’s not much to be done. The sternum protects the heart and lungs, and attaches the ribs so usually every breath or movement is painful. We needed to do a CT Scan of the heart and lungs because the sternum was fractured. It took another four to five hours to accomplish the CT Scan. Reiki was being done the entire time.

The results of the CT Scan showed that it was not broken. However, when I showed the first x-ray to chiropractors and other physicians they all could see the fracture. I have all documentation with dictations of the tests, as well as the x-rays that I will use in the book I am writing. I am now two and one-half weeks out, and back to work, driving, only missed two days from work and the Thanksgiving holiday.

Another co-worker broke her sternum in an auto accident about nine months ago. Was in bed for two weeks and had three months slow recovery. Thank you God, and I wish we could place Reiki practitioners in every ER in the country. Of course that would save money wouldn't it?

Author Name:

Janny Adkins

星期一, 10月 25, 2021

靈氣協助車禍傷害和中風 Reiki Helps Car Accident Injury and Stroke


靈氣協助車禍傷害和中風 Reiki Helps Car Accident Injury and Stroke


幾個月後,我飛往捷克共和國的布拉格看望我父親。那時他已經 89 歲了,很孤獨,因為我母親幾年前去世了。一天晚上,我和我的女朋友出去看了一場非常漂亮的藝術展,演出結束後不久我就回家和我爸爸在一起。我在桌子底下發現我父親倒在一大灘血泊中昏迷不醒。我毫不猶豫地開始給他注入靈氣,並保持非常冷靜。我把我爸爸搬到一個更舒適的地方,我正在和他說話。父親睜開眼睛,臉上帶著溫和的表情和自信,他說他知道他會沒事的。這時我叫了救護車。 MRI 的結果非常糟糕,中風造成了嚴重的腦損傷。簡而言之,後來我父親的大腦恢復了,因為我經常和他開玩笑說他的記憶力比我好,他活到了 91 歲。我非常感謝靈氣給我所有的愛、勇氣、創造力、開放的心和它給我的生活帶來的快樂。







《靈氣對急性冠心病患 (ACS)自律神經的影響》




Reiki Helps Car Accident Injury and Stroke

One day after my yoga class, I witnessed a car accident where an older gentleman was thrown out of his jeep right on the cement sidewalk. He laid there without any signs of life, with a severely bleeding head injury. Without any thoughts or hesitation I parked me car and walked toward him. I started to give him Reiki, and gently moved his body to a safer place. I remember talking to him and sending a lots of Reiki energy to him, he gently opened his eyes and he smiled and thanked me. When the ambulance came I said good-bye to him and one man followed me. I turned around and he said that he witnessed angels around me and the injured man and asked me if I was a nurse. I should clarify also that before this occurrence I had tremendous fear of blood. Reiki just melted my fear completely away.

Well, a couple of months later I flew to Prague, Czech republic to visit my father. He was then 89 years old and lonely, since my mother passed away a couple of years before. One evening I went out with my girlfriend to very a beautiful art show and shortly after the show went home to be with my dad. I found my father under the table unconscious in a large pool of blood. Without any hesitation I started to flow Reiki to him and stayed very calm. I moved my dad to more a comfortable place and I was talking to him. My father opened his eyes, and with a gentle expression and confidence on his face he told that he knows he will be all right. At this point I called the ambulance. The results from MRI were pretty grim, major brain damage from the stroke. To make the story short, my father's mind recovered as I often joked with him that his memory was better than mine and he lived to be 91. I am so grateful to Reiki for all the love, courage, creativity, opening of my heart and joy that it brought into my life.

Author Name:

Dascha Friedl

星期四, 10月 21, 2021

靈氣幫助重傷痊癒 Severe Injuries Healed


靈氣幫助重傷痊癒 Severe Injuries Healed

我接到了我姐姐的電話,她也是我的學生之一。她的一位朋友,一位最近搬到亞利桑那州塞多納堪薩斯城的靈氣大師,聯繫了她,詢問她和我的一兩個其他學生是否可以去鳳凰城的一家醫院治療堪薩斯城的一名婦女。這名女子在塞多納附近的峽谷徒步旅行而嚴重的摔傷,跌落了 40 多英尺。她的下巴有兩處骨折,枕骨嚴重受損,醫生認為她可能會失去一隻眼睛。最令人擔憂的是顱骨骨折和嚴重的腦震盪對大腦造成的損害。感覺她的腦損傷嚴重到無法恢復。她的肋骨和其他骨骼的損傷較小。








《靈氣對急性冠心病患 (ACS)自律神經的影響》




Severe Injuries Healed

I got a call from my sister, who is also one of my students. A friend of hers, a Kansas City Reiki Master who had recently moved to Sedona, Arizona, had contacted her to ask if she and one or two of my other students could go to a hospital in Phoenix to treat a woman from Kansas City. The woman was hiking in some back canyons around Sedona and had taken a severe fall, tumbling down more than 40 feet. Her jaw was broken in two places, the occipital bone was so severely damaged that doctors thought she might lose an eye. The highest concern was the damage to the brain from a fractured skull and nasty concussion. It was felt that the brain damage was such that she would not recover. She had lesser damage to ribs and other bones.

My sister and another student (both Level II) went to the hospital and, at the request of the family, were able to visit and work with the woman for more than an hour that evening and again the next day. Meanwhile, the Kansas City Master contacted the Reiki community there to send distant Reiki. The original prognosis had been six to eight weeks before release from the hospital. On the second evening of Reiki treatment my sister was informed that, inexplicably, the patient was recovering at a remarkable rate. She was lucid and communicating well. It would be possible for her to leave as early as the next day, although she would be held for about a week to make sure she was okay before completing her recovery at home. This was exciting news and gave everyone involved an improved level of confidence in Reiki. This small group is practicing and sending Reiki on a regular basis.

Author Name:

Bud Gill

多虧了靈氣,我又能走路了 I'm walking again thanks to Reiki


多虧了靈氣,我又能走路了 I'm walking again thanks to Reiki

7 月 27 日,我嚴重扭傷了腳踝,甚至還撞傷了一根骨頭。當我因為疼痛而昏迷不醒時,某個不知名的好心人開車送我去了醫院。當我們到達醫院時,腳踝已經腫到像一個大壘球那麼大,並且開始出現瘀傷。在等待醫生的時候,我在腳踝上做了靈氣。我在候診室待了一個多小時。在檢查了 X 光片後,醫生告訴我,我的五根韌帶都撕裂了,損壞了軟骨並弄碎了一塊骨頭。她告訴我,我會拄著拐杖至少兩個星期或更長時間,然後需要拐杖一個月左右。我繼續每天在腳踝上做兩到三次靈氣,並在受傷後的兩天內可以用腳走路。到那時,腫脹​​已經完全消退,而大面積的瘀傷僅持續了一周。我從來不需要拐杖或手杖,現在僅僅一個月後,腳踝並沒有任何疼痛。這幾乎就好像它從未發生過一樣。







《靈氣對急性冠心病患 (ACS)自律神經的影響》




I'm walking again thanks to Reiki

On July 27th, I seriously sprained an ankle and even managed to chip a bone in it. Some kind, unknown person drove me to the hospital as I was passing in and out of consciousness because of the pain. By the time we arrived at the hospital, the ankle had swollen to the size of a large softball and the bruising had begun. While waiting to be seen by a doctor, I did Reiki on the ankle. I was in the waiting room for more than an hour. After reviewing the x-rays the doctor told me that I had torn all five ligaments damaged the cartilage and chipped a bone. She told me that I would be on crutches for a minimum of two weeks or longer and then would require a cane for a month or so after that. I continued to do Reiki on the ankle two to three times a day and was walking on the foot within two days of the injury. By then the swelling had completely subsided, and the bruising, which was extensive, lasted only a week. I never did need the crutches or the cane, and now only a month later, am not experiencing any pain in the ankle. It's almost as if it never happened.

Author Name:

Penny Lighthall

星期二, 10月 19, 2021

靈氣治療腳底疼痛 Reiki Heals Foot Pain


靈氣治療腳底疼痛 Reiki Heals Foot Pain

有一個女人來找我,想讓我向她證明靈氣確實是有效的。 她告訴我她的一隻腳底疼痛多年,醫生說唯一的解決方法是給她的腳做手術,這讓她感到很害怕。

我開始對她進行全面治療,直到我治療到達她的腳踝處。 我感覺到得需要在剩下的治療中待在那裡久一些,而我從來沒有碰過她的腳底,就是他說疼痛的部位。


那時她告訴我,她八歲那年冬天放學回家時摔斷了腳踝; 她現在三十多歲了。 那是她八年來最後一次接受治療,直到今天她的腳都未再疼痛過,她非常驚訝,並告訴大家靈氣是如何幫助她的。







《靈氣對急性冠心病患 (ACS)自律神經的影響》




Reiki Heals Foot Pain

I had a woman come to me wanting me to prove to her that Reiki really does work. She only told me she had pain in the bottom of her one foot for years and the doctor said the only way to fix it would be to operate on her foot which terrified her. I worked on her starting out doing a full treatment until I got to her ankle. I felt I needed to stay there for the rest of the treatment and never touched the bottom of her foot were she said the pain was.

When the treatment was done she mentioned this fact but I told her the treatment was over and that I felt that the pain was from her ankle. That’s when she told me that she broke her ankle while walking home from school in the winter when she was eight years old; she was now in her thirties. That was the last treatment she had as it has been eight years and as of today she has never had pain in that foot, she is totally amazed and tells everyone how Reiki helped her.

Author Name:


星期一, 10月 18, 2021

靈氣與子宫内膜癌 Reiki and Uterine Cancer


靈氣與子宫内膜癌 Reiki and Uterine Cancer










《靈氣對急性冠心病患 (ACS)自律神經的影響》




Reiki and Uterine Cancer

Six years ago, while a Level II Reiki healer, I was witness to an extraordinary healing of a woman diagnosed with cancer. My Reiki Master (Colleen Chauntler of Gladstone, Australia) was staying with me at the time. A woman was brought to my home presenting a distended lower abdomen and we were told by her friends that she had been sick for some months. In the week prior to this visit she had a scan and had been told by doctors that she had a large tumour in her uterus that was probably cancerous. Surgery was planned for the following week. We decided to give her three sessions of Reiki healing throughout the week, hoping that would encourage rapid healing for her after her surgery. Rather than the usual hand positions, three of us worked on her-my Reiki Master held her hands on the patient's lower abdomen, I had my hands on her head (crown) and another Level Two healer (Sharon Honatana) was at her feet. We stayed like that for approximately an hour each session.

On the day she was to check in to the hospital I saw a large black energy in the shape of a ball and surrounded by what appeared to be sparking energy lift from her abdomen and rise up into the air. It kept rising and disappeared through the ceiling of the room. I asked if anyone else had seen it and each of the others confirmed the same thing, including the patient. She duly went on to check in to the hospital, and when they examined her they could not feel the tumour; they sent her for a scan and it had gone. She told us with great humour that the doctors were arguing and quite flustered at the result. They eventually went on to do an exploratory operation but no tumour could be found. She had therapy for the few cancer cells they did find and is fit and healthy now.

The woman believes she was healed by Satya Sai Baba and Reiki. On the night before her last session she said she dreamed she was in her car and it was teetering on the edge of a cliff. Below her was blackness; in her rear-vision mirror she could see a long road, and walking along this road was Sai Baba. He came toward her car and stood looking at her. She cried out to him to help her and he reached down and pulled her car off the edge of the cliff and placed it back on the road.

Author Name:

Penelope (Penny) Hayward




《金簫客》,是由「小西園掌中劇團」擁有「戲狀元」美譽的 許王 大師,於1970 年 10 月 5 日應中視之邀演出八個月共 62 集的電視布袋戲劇集。













星期日, 10月 17, 2021

前列腺癌與靈氣 Prostate Cancer


前列腺癌與靈氣 Prostate Cancer


我開始每兩週給他進行一次靈氣治療,每次給他全身治療大約 1.5 小時左右。幾次治療後,我問他是否想成為靈氣的通路,他同意了,這樣他就可以在我們來訪之間給予自己靈氣。他回報說,靈氣給了他很多能量,讓他可以完成家務。




作為自 1980 年成為靈氣練習者並在 2002 年成為一個靈氣大師,我總是驚訝於靈氣如何有效地啟動癒合的過程並減輕疼痛。







《靈氣對急性冠心病患 (ACS)自律神經的影響》




Prostate Cancer

This spring, a friend of mine was diagnosed with prostate cancer; he also had an inoperable growth in his urinary tract that couldn't be removed due to concerns the cancer would spread. Consequently, he had a catheter, was on medication to break up the growth and was waiting for radiation treatments to be scheduled.

I began to Reiki him bi-weekly giving him full body treatments for about 1.5 hours or so. After several sessions, I asked him if he wanted to become a Reiki channel and he agreed, so that he could give himself Reiki in between our visits. He reported that the Reiki gave him a lot of energy so that he could get household chores done.

When he began radiation treatments the Reiki helped him to sustain his energy and appetite. Nevertheless, the growth in his urinary tract still forced him to have the catheter which was beginning to become problematic causing spasms and severe pain. Each week the catheter was removed to see if he could urinate. He became discouraged and the doctor told him they might need to do a procedure to remove the growth. I told him to have faith and to continue with the Reiki and we would see what happens.

At what became our last session, I gave him Reiki and focused a long time on his bladder area. He had to get up a few times to empty his bag, which was unusual during our sessions. He noted that there appeared to be some tissue matter in his urine and we wondered if the growth was breaking up.

The following day, he went to the doctor and when the catheter was removed he could urinate. After many months of having this catheter in, he was ecstatic. His healing has progressed well since then.

As a Reiki practitioner since 1980 and a master since 2002, I am always amazed at how effective Reiki is to get the healing process in gear and ameliorate pain.

Author Name:

Marilyn Stollon

星期五, 10月 15, 2021

遠距靈氣和癌症 Distance Reiki and Cancer


遠距靈氣和癌症 Distance Reiki and Cancer

當我接到我丈夫朋友的妻子的電話時,我已經練習靈氣大約一年了。在我認識她的 17 年裡,我們一直很友好,但只有在“老夥伴們”聚在一起時才會聯絡。她打電話給我說:“我覺得我需要給你打個電話,我得了兩種肺癌,預計只能活三個星期左右。”這真是太震驚了。她 47 歲,有一個 4 歲的孩子,這是一個他們從未想過會擁有的奇蹟寶寶。我告訴她我會為她做靈氣,並問她是否需要幫助照顧嬰兒。一周後,她打電話給我說:




她堅持道。我告訴她我一直在為她做遠距離靈氣。她想知道靈氣是什麼。我開始解釋 靈氣是一種宇宙的生命能量,她打斷了我,















《靈氣對急性冠心病患 (ACS)自律神經的影響》




Distance Reiki and Cancer

I had been practicing Reiki for about a year when I got a phone call from the wife of my husband's friend. We had been friendly in the 17 years I had known her but had only communicated when the "old gang" got together. She called me and said, "I felt I needed to call you, I have two kinds of lung cancer and am only expected to live about three weeks." This was such a shock. She was 47 years old and has a four year old, a miracle baby they never thought they would have. I told her I'd do Reiki for her and asked if she needed help with the baby. A week later she called me to say, "Mary, what did you say you'd do for me?" I said I had told her I would pray. "No something else," she insisted. I told her I had been doing distance Reiki for her. She wanted to know what Reiki was. I started to explain about Universal Life Force Energy and she interrupted me, "No, Mary how does it feel, is it warm?" "Yes, it feels warm." She continued getting more excited. "Does it feel warm at 6:00 every morning?" I had been looking for validation for my distant Reiki and here it was—she was not only feeling it, she knew what time I was doing it.

She went on to tell me that she was sure she was not going to die. I told her I would continue the Reiki and told her how to do some visualization techniques as well. Several months later her doctor called her at ten one evening and asked what she was doing. She said she was getting ready for bed. He said, "No, that's not what I mean, what are you doing? I'm looking at your tests here and you are clean!" No cancer remained, she was healed! She has been granted the time with her daughter that she wanted.

Author Name:

Mary Ronge

星期四, 10月 14, 2021

靈氣幫助子宮惡性腫瘤痊癒 Uteral Malignancy Healed


靈氣幫助子宮惡性腫瘤痊癒 Uteral Malignancy Healed

我的同事丹妮絲被診斷出子宮增生。他們採集了血液樣本、切片活檢和超音波。檢驗結果表現出是惡性腫瘤。她只有 21 歲,有一個 5 歲的雙胞胎女兒,是我見過的最努力工作的人之一,自從有了女兒後的幾年裡,她陸續獲得了四張旅遊證書和一張青年諮商文憑。她也擁有全職工作。我親自給她進行了兩次簡短的靈氣治療,並且每天晚上我都會給她送靈氣。我還請朋友為她祈禱,並告訴他們我們有一個月的時間在手術前治療她以去除增生的狀況。我還請求大天使拉斐爾醫治她。











《靈氣對急性冠心病患 (ACS)自律神經的影響》

Uteral Malignancy Healed

My workmate Denise was diagnosed with a growth in her uterus. They took blood samples, biopsies, and ultrasounds. They showed a malignancy. She is just twenty-one and has five-year-old twin daughters and is one of the hardest workers I have seen, completing four certificates in tourism and a diploma in youth counseling in the years since having her daughters. She also works full time. I gave her two short treatments of Reiki hands-on and also each night I sent her Reiki. I also asked friends to pray for her and told them we had a month to heal her before the surgery to remove the growth. I also asked Archangel Raphael to heal her.

The surgery was scheduled for this week and she had to go in for a pre-op consultation. They couldn't find the lump. They redid all the tests and searched and they found a little bit of scar tissue where the lump had been and no further signs in her blood. Thank you to all who became involved and helped this dear girl, and Thank You to Raphael.

Author Name:

Margaret McGuire

星期一, 10月 11, 2021

靈氣治愈斷臂 Reiki Heals Broken Arm


靈氣治愈斷臂 Reiki Heals Broken Arm

它發生在阿卡普爾科城,當時我正在拜訪我的母親。我沒有看到廚房地板下面的水隔間是打開著的。我的左腿踩進去,右腿扭到我身後。然後我手臂的上部肱骨就骨折了。我看過三個不同的醫生,他們的意見是,由於我 61 歲,骨折的形狀也不好,所以我的骨頭將不會癒合。他們說我的肩膀需要手術和義肢。

我沒有錢支付它,也不想做手術。我回到家並全心全意地向上帝祈禱,請求以靈氣治愈,然後我開始給自己進行靈氣治療。受傷發生在11月1日。 12月底,我的手臂癒合了80%,到1月底,它已經100%癒合了。我的醫生簡直不敢相信。他說我的案例是獨一無二的!我完全沒有任何不適;我動了動胳膊,好像什麼事都沒發生過一樣。

我在我身上看到了那個奇蹟,因為我在作為靈氣大師的九年裡看到了很多奇蹟,並想與其他靈氣實踐者分享我的故事。我將永遠祝福我的靈氣老師,尤其是 Donna McMillan、Hari Tahil、Petya Lowe 和 Julio Cortés;感謝臼井師祖、林忠次郎醫師、高田夫人和我所有的靈氣指導,感謝 威廉 先生的出色工作!上帝保佑你們,我親愛的朋友們。










《靈氣對急性冠心病患 (ACS)自律神經的影響》

Reiki Heals Broken Arm

It happened here in Acapulco while I was visiting my mother. The water compartment below the kitchen floor was open, and I did not see it. My left leg went inside and the right one twisted behind me. The upper portion of my arm, the humerus was broken. I saw three different doctors and their opinion was that because of my age of 61 years and the bad shape of the fracture, my bone would not heal. They said I needed surgery and prosthesis in my shoulder. I did not have the money to pay for it and did not want to have surgery. I came home and prayed with all my heart to God asking to be healed with Reiki, and I began giving myself Reiki sessions. The injury happened on November 1 st. At the end of December, my arm was 80% healed, and by the end of January, it was 100% healed. My doctor could not believe it. He said my case was unique! I don’t have any discomfort at all; I move my arm as if nothing had happened. I saw that miracle in me as I have seen a lot of miracles during my nine years as a Reiki Master and wanted to share my story with other practitioners. I will always bless my Reiki Teachers, especially Donna McMillan, Hari Tahil, Petya Lowe and Julio Cortés; thanks to Dr. Usui, Dr. Hayashi, Mrs. Takata and all my Reiki Guides, and thanks to you Mr. Rand for your wonderful work! God bless you my dear friends.

Author Name:

Isaura Reina Aguirre


  人生就像一場遊戲。 前面二十級(歲)基本上都是新手村。 然後你的新手NPC是亂數決定的爸媽。 個人能力數值跟著NPC的資源決定一半的基數。 等到等級可以出新手村,遊戲的自由度大增。 有的人會考慮再練等級(念大學、研究所)多上升一些點數才要出村去解任務,也有人迫不及待的出村去探...