星期二, 11月 02, 2021

靈氣幫助糖尿病 Reiki Helps Diabetic


靈氣幫助糖尿病 Reiki Helps Diabetic



你可能會問我為什麼在你沒有見過我或沒有和我說話的情況下感謝你。我很驕傲屬於你的靈氣傳承,因為我最近被印度曼尼普爾的英帕爾的靈氣大師 Somorendra Mukherjee Sharma 靈氣點化了。 Somo 是最稀有的寶石。

前段時間,在訪問印度東北部偏遠地區英帕爾時,我成為了嚴重胃痙攣的受害者,沒有任何對抗療法的藥物可以治愈這種痙攣。正是Somo,他充滿能量的手瞬間就解決了這個問題。從那時起,他一直在說服我了解靈氣的各個方面。他犧牲了時間來到金奈-大約 3000 公里的距離-引導我了解靈氣。我現在是靈氣 I 和 II 的能量通道。靈氣的力量也一直沒有離開我。

在我最近的白內障手術中,他給了我遠距離治療。作為一名糖尿病患者,儘管每天兩次服用 20 個單位的胰島素,但我的血糖水平仍徘徊在 250 毫克/升左右。因此進行手術有風險的因素,醫生不願繼續。然而,在手術前一天,糖分降至 140,即使由於手術原因醫生要求停用胰島素,糖分也從未超過 110 毫克/升。在我迫切希望得以完成手術的時候,我認為這是一個了不起的轉變。後來的手術很成功。我現在相當確信靈氣是通過 Somo -我的朋友、哲學家和嚮導 而行動的。











《靈氣對急性冠心病患 (ACS)自律神經的影響》

Reiki Helps Diabetic

Dear Mr. Rand: I do not know how to thank you adequately for introducing this wonderful method to me and to my members of the family who were skeptical to begin with. You might ask why I am thanking you when you have not met me or talked to me. I belong to your proud lineage having been attuned recently by Reiki Master Somorendra Mukherjee Sharma of Imphal, Manipur, India. Somo is a gem of the rarest species. Sometime ago during a visit to Imphal—a remote northeastern part of India—I fell a victim to severe stomach cramps which no allopathic medicine would cure. It was Somo who by a mere flash of his energetic hands eliminated the problem. Since then he has been persuading me to understand Reiki in all its dimensions He sacrificed his time to come down to Chennai- a distance of about 3000 kms—to induct me to Reiki. I am now a Reiki I and II Channel. Also the power of Reiki was not lost on me. He gave me distant healing during my recent cataract surgery. As a diabetic, my sugar levels were hovering around 250 mg/l despite 20 units of Insulin twice a day. Therefore the surgery had a risk element and the doctors were reluctant to go ahead. The day prior to surgery, however, the sugar dipped to 140 and even when Insulin was discontinued on doctors orders for surgical reasons, the sugar never went above 110 mg/l. I thought it was a remarkable turnaround at a time when I was keen that I should have the surgery done.The surgery was a success. I am now fairly well convinced that Reiki has acted through Somo—my friend, philosopher and guide.

My grateful thanks to Reiki and the Ascended Masters.

Author Name:


星期一, 11月 01, 2021

靈氣與高樓跌傷 Reiki and Two-Story Fall


靈氣與高樓跌傷 Reiki and Two-Story Fall

今年7月10日,我在練習繩索救援技術時從兩層樓的混凝牆上掉下來。 幸好朋友們在我的周圍。 我的靈氣 I 階和 II 階的朋友立即把手放在我身上,我甚至還沒有意識到發生了什麼事。

我被私人車輛運送到醫院,並且經歷了最小的痛苦。 急診室醫生看到我的 X 光片感到非常驚訝。 我的左腳踝骨折並脫臼,而我的腰椎( T-12 )有壓迫性骨折。 儘管如此,我的腳踝並沒有腫脹,而且脈搏良好。 在轉移到一小時車程外的創傷機構之前,我不需要麻醉性的鎮痛藥。

靈氣,以及芳香療法、按摩和瑜伽,仍然是我康復的重要組成部分。 感謝 Heather、我的老師和偉大的靈氣大師的偉大治療。










《靈氣對急性冠心病患 (ACS)自律神經的影響》

Reiki and Two-Story Fall

On July 10 of this year, I fell two stories onto concrete while practicing a rope rescue technique. Luckily my friends surrounded me. A friend I took Reiki I and II with immediately placed her hands on me, before I even thought about what was happening. I was able to be transported by private vehicle to the hospital, and experienced minimal pain. The emergency room physician was very surprised to see my X-rays. My left ankle was fractured and dislocated and I had suffered a T-12 compression fracture. Despite this, my ankle was not swollen and was mobile with a good pulse. I required no narcotic analgesics until transfer to a trauma facility one hour away.

Reiki, along with aromatherapy, massage, and yoga, continues to be an important part of my recovery. Thanks to Heather, my teachers, and the great Reiki masters for the great healing.

Author Name:

Amy Fierro

星期日, 10月 31, 2021

靈氣與響尾蛇咬傷 Rattlesnake Bite


靈氣與響尾蛇咬傷 Rattlesnake Bite

一個星期六下午大約下午 5:30。我接到了一個電話。電話線路里充滿了干擾,所以我聽不清那頭年輕的女士的想要跟我說什麼,但我察覺到有人有危險,需要我的幫助。這位小姐是我靈氣二年級學生的女朋友。





幾天后,他的 15 口之家來到我的住所,感謝我救了他的命。我說是他救了自己的命,因為他相信靈氣和我。



靈氣大師 Alexz Fong








《靈氣對急性冠心病患 (ACS)自律神經的影響》

Rattlesnake Bite

One late Saturday afternoon at about 5:30 p.m. I received a telephone call. The line was full of interference, therefore, I could not hear well what the young lady on the other end was trying to tell me, but I perceived that someone was in danger and needed my help. This young lady is the girlfriend of my Reiki level two student.

I told her not to cry and I will send Reiki healing energies to him. She hung up and I sat down immediately to meditate to find out what is the matter but could not see the images well but knew he was in danger. I sent distance Reiki. Another telephone call came and it was from another one of his sisters telling me he had been bitten by a rattlesnake. I told her not to worry. I have sent Reiki healing energies to him and rush him to the hospital as quickly as possible.

A third telephone call came this time, from the hospital, from another sister. All the ladies were crying thinking he would die. I talked to them and calmed them down saying believe in Reiki and in God that he will be well. The next day I visited him in the hospital and he related the following to me. He said he would normally wear his boots for protection against snakebite but that day he was too busy. When he was walking in the fields he felt something scratch his left ankle. He thought it was barbed-wire and did not give it any attention. Then suddenly there was a flash before him and he saw my face and he felt something wrong. He looked behind him and saw the rattlesnake was ready for a second strike. He moved away quickly and yelled to his brother to bring the car.

He said when he saw the rattlesnake he was frozen for a moment. Then he remembered my advice, always apply Reiki when in doubt. He immediately applied Reiki on the bitten area. By then his brother and father came to take him to the nearest hospital that is about 90 kilometers away. He told me when he applied Reiki on the bitten area the pain was much worse than the snakebite but he also remembered to bear with it. His brother drove like a mad person to rush him to the hospital in forty minutes time. He said after twenty minutes the pain subsided and he felt good and normal. When they arrived at the hospital he was given an injection of anti-serum for snakebite since he knew he was bitten by a rattlesnake. He was warded for twenty hours for observation. He also related another strange happening to me. He said there was an older man in the same ward bitten by a snake and he was suffering from severe pain so he went over and applied Reiki and within twenty minutes the pain was gone. He was very happy he could extend his help to another.

When I arrived at his ward there was a young lady doctor on duty checking on him. I asked how his condition was. She said he was in perfect condition and did not believe he was bitten by a rattlesnake. I asked her why is that? She said he has no symptoms of a rattlesnake bite that can potentially cause temporary blindness, severe swelling on the bitten limb, and he has none of these symptoms. We looked at each other and smiled to ourselves. You see in Brazil the medical doctors here think Reiki is nothing more then hocus-pocus so we would not tell them what we did. I saw the fang marks were about two inches wide so I believe it to be a big rattlesnake. He said the snake was about a meter and a half long.

Days later his family of 15 members came to my residence to thank me for saving his life. I said it was he who saved his own life, for he believed in Reiki and me.

Reiki can do and will do wonders for those who believe in it. I always said Reiki is love that cures.

Author Name:

Reiki master Alexz Fong

星期六, 10月 30, 2021
























靈氣治愈多重傷害 Reiki Heals Multiple Injuries


靈氣治愈多重傷害 Reiki Heals Multiple Injuries

這是一個 10 年前的事故案例,受傷後導致多處骨折、頭部外傷、中風和腦腫瘤。這個人在醫院裡住了幾個月,進出康復中心。她的身體功能方面完整,但留下了嚴重的炎症、關節疼痛和癲癇症。大量的消炎藥和止痛藥給她的胃造成了嚴重的痛苦,並導致了潰瘍和消化不良。她的身體左側也很虛弱。她來到我們的康復醫院門診進行物理治療和職能治療。鍛煉導致她的疼痛嚴重增加。由於我會傳統療法和靈氣治療,因此該病例被轉介給我。


第二天,病人疼痛劇烈,不得不服用止痛藥。當患者來接受第三次治療時,她說她感覺很糟糕,但仍然對治療持積極的態度。我解釋說這是很正常的,因為所有的負面因素都在體內,而靈氣則起到抗氧化劑的作用,將它們帶出。在第三次治療後她感覺很好,沒有疼痛,並且不再使用止痛藥和抗炎藥。她說她已經 10 年沒有感覺這麼好了。自從開始使用靈氣療法後,她的癲癇就再也沒有發作過。她仍在接受肌力的強化治療,並接受 15 分鐘的靈氣治療作為鼓勵。


Hima N. Dalal








《靈氣對急性冠心病患 (ACS)自律神經的影響》

Reiki Heals Multiple Injuries

This is a 10 year-old accident case with multiple fractures, head trauma, stroke, and brain tumor following injury. The person was in the hospital for several months and in and out of rehab. She was successful with physical abilities but was left with severe inflammation and joint pain and epilepsy. A heavy anti-inflammatory and painkiller caused severe distress in her stomach and caused an ulcer and indigestion. She was also left with weakness in the left side of her body. She came to our outpatient rehab hospital for physical therapy and occupational therapy. Exercising was causing a severe increase in her pain. The case was referred to me since I do conventional therapy plus Reiki sessions.

At the end of the first session the patient felt very relaxed. The pain reduced to nothing. She felt a gushing of energy and warmth and went home and slept several hours, something she hadn't done in 10 years. The next day the pain came back. But the indigestion problem was resolved completely. With the next session the patient went into a deep trance/meditative state within the first two minutes of the treatment. Lots of adhesions in and around the fracture site in the face, ribs, breast-bone, left knee, ankle, and leg were released. Her face became very expressive. Tension would cause her to grimacing with pain and then would follow with a calm face as adhesions released. She woke up saying, "I was with you but felt like I was just too far away and it was like being under a local anesthetic. I felt relaxed."

The next day, the patient was in severe pain and had to take pain medicine. When the patient came for her third session she said she felt very bad but still positive about the treatment. I explained it is very normal since all the negativities are in the body and Reiki is acting as antioxidant to bring them out. She felt great after the third treatment with no pain and is off pain medication and anti-inflammatory drugs. She said she hasn't felt this good in 10 years. Since Reiki has been started she hasn't had a seizure relapse. She is still under therapy for strengthening and receives fifteen minute Reiki session as a boost.

Author Name:

Hima N. Dalal

星期四, 10月 28, 2021

靈氣治愈斷臂 Reiki Heals Broken Arm


靈氣治愈斷臂 Reiki Heals Broken Arm

我當時 14 歲的兒子麥克在周五下午 4 點左右摔倒並摔斷了右前臂。由於他被父親的醫療 [PPO] 保險所涵蓋,但保險指定的傳統健康照護辦公室的工作人員告訴我,他們要到下週一 4:15 才能見他。並且在他們見到他之前的這72小時間,他們拒絕授權他到急診室,甚至不允許他拍 X 光片。

最令人沮喪的是,在我超過 25 年的醫療/緊急服務專業工作經驗中,我對四肢骨折的外觀非常熟悉。這個斷裂是嚴重的,並且因為非常接近生長板而很可能造成影響。


整個週末,我們都繼續定期在他的手臂上進行靈氣治療。當他在周一下午就診並接受 X 光檢查時,骨折已經完全癒合,骨頭沒有損傷,只是骨折處出現了一條微弱的鋸齒線。

在我兒子生命中的那個時候,他已經完成了靈氣 II的訓練;儘管跌倒的衝擊和休息的痛苦,他在回家尋求幫助時已經開始自己進行靈氣治療。我不願去想如果我們不是靈氣家族會發生什麼事!

一個有趣的副作用:在我最初的靈氣治療期間,我非常沮喪,因為他的醫師辦公室的服務很差,我決定在我女兒的雇主那裡找到一份工作,這是一家著名的 HMO。我在幾週內被聘用並開始工作,這一切都歸功於靈氣能量的影響。










《靈氣對急性冠心病患 (ACS)自律神經的影響》

Reiki Heals Broken Arm

My son Michael, then 14 years old, fell and broke his right forearm about 4 pm on a Friday afternoon. The office staff of the traditional healthcare provider that he had been assigned to by has father's medical [PPO] insurance coverage told me that they could not see him until 4:15 on the following Monday. They refused to authorize him to be seen in the Emergency Dept and would not permit him to even get x-rays until after they saw him, 72 hours later. The most frustrating aspect is that in more than 25 years as medical/emergency services professional I am very familiar with the appearance of broken limbs. The break was serious, and closes enough that the growth plate could very well be involved. I began doing Reiki on his arm; when my daughter, also a Reiki Master, returned from work she took over doing Reiki while I called my friend, Susan, another Reiki Master, and requested that she perform distance Reiki and recruit any other helpers she felt might be needed. We all continued to do Reiki on his arm periodically throughout the weekend. By the time he was seen and x-rayed on Monday afternoon, the break was completely healed with no damage to the bones, simply a faint jagged line when the break had been. At that point in my son's life he had completed Reiki II; despite the shock of falling and the pain of the break, he had begun doing Reiki himself as he walked home to get help. I hate to think what might have happened if we were not a Reiki family! An interesting side effect: during my initial Reiki session I was so upset that by the poor service from his doctor's office that I determined I would get a job with my daughter's employer, a well-known HMO. I was hired, and started, within a matter of weeks, all thanks to the effects of Reiki energy.

Author Name:

Jeanne Wolfe

星期三, 10月 27, 2021

靈氣與一場正面撞擊的車禍 Head On Car Collision


【靈氣與一場正面撞擊的車禍 Head On Car Collision】

我捲入了一場完全毀壞了我的車的車禍碰撞。當時兩個安全氣囊和所有其他安全裝置都被打開。我的車是 2004 的福斯金龜車。當然,我每天開車八小時,且我總是將靈氣投射在我的車里和每個窗戶上,因為我目前在佛羅里達州德斯廷的 Covenant Hospice 擔任社區教育工作。


第一次 X 光檢查說我的胸骨骨折了。這是一個非常痛苦的休息,因為它需要很長的時間才能癒合,而且很多事情不能做。因為胸骨保護心臟和肺,並連接肋骨,因此通常每次呼吸或運動都是痛苦的。由於胸骨骨折,我們需要對心臟和肺部進行 CT 掃描。完成 CT 掃描又花了四到五個小時。在此間靈氣治療一直在進行。

CT掃描的結果顯示它沒有破裂。然而,當我向脊椎按摩師和其他醫生展示第一張 X 光片時,他們都可以明顯看到骨折。我有所有關於測試口述的文檔與使用的 X 光片,都將會收錄在我正在寫的書中。我在休假兩周半後,又重新開始上班、開車,只錯過了兩天的工作和感恩節假期。











《靈氣對急性冠心病患 (ACS)自律神經的影響》

Head On Car Collision

I was involved in a collision that totally destroyed my car. Both airbags deployed and all other safety devices. The car was a 2004 VW Beetle Convertible. Of course I always place Reiki in my car and on every window as I drive my car eight hours a day for my current position as a Community Educator with Covenant Hospice, Destin, Florida.

The car spun around three times, missing three other cars, after the impact from a Ford Expedition. The traffic was very heavy at this intersection as people were traveling for the holiday. Following the accident, I was in a hospital emergency room for six and one-half hours. I had two friends who did Reiki the entire time. One did hands-on and one sent Reiki from a distance.

The first x-rays said my sternum was broken. This is a very painful break as it takes a long time to heal and there’s not much to be done. The sternum protects the heart and lungs, and attaches the ribs so usually every breath or movement is painful. We needed to do a CT Scan of the heart and lungs because the sternum was fractured. It took another four to five hours to accomplish the CT Scan. Reiki was being done the entire time.

The results of the CT Scan showed that it was not broken. However, when I showed the first x-ray to chiropractors and other physicians they all could see the fracture. I have all documentation with dictations of the tests, as well as the x-rays that I will use in the book I am writing. I am now two and one-half weeks out, and back to work, driving, only missed two days from work and the Thanksgiving holiday.

Another co-worker broke her sternum in an auto accident about nine months ago. Was in bed for two weeks and had three months slow recovery. Thank you God, and I wish we could place Reiki practitioners in every ER in the country. Of course that would save money wouldn't it?

Author Name:

Janny Adkins

星期一, 10月 25, 2021

靈氣協助車禍傷害和中風 Reiki Helps Car Accident Injury and Stroke


靈氣協助車禍傷害和中風 Reiki Helps Car Accident Injury and Stroke


幾個月後,我飛往捷克共和國的布拉格看望我父親。那時他已經 89 歲了,很孤獨,因為我母親幾年前去世了。一天晚上,我和我的女朋友出去看了一場非常漂亮的藝術展,演出結束後不久我就回家和我爸爸在一起。我在桌子底下發現我父親倒在一大灘血泊中昏迷不醒。我毫不猶豫地開始給他注入靈氣,並保持非常冷靜。我把我爸爸搬到一個更舒適的地方,我正在和他說話。父親睜開眼睛,臉上帶著溫和的表情和自信,他說他知道他會沒事的。這時我叫了救護車。 MRI 的結果非常糟糕,中風造成了嚴重的腦損傷。簡而言之,後來我父親的大腦恢復了,因為我經常和他開玩笑說他的記憶力比我好,他活到了 91 歲。我非常感謝靈氣給我所有的愛、勇氣、創造力、開放的心和它給我的生活帶來的快樂。







《靈氣對急性冠心病患 (ACS)自律神經的影響》




Reiki Helps Car Accident Injury and Stroke

One day after my yoga class, I witnessed a car accident where an older gentleman was thrown out of his jeep right on the cement sidewalk. He laid there without any signs of life, with a severely bleeding head injury. Without any thoughts or hesitation I parked me car and walked toward him. I started to give him Reiki, and gently moved his body to a safer place. I remember talking to him and sending a lots of Reiki energy to him, he gently opened his eyes and he smiled and thanked me. When the ambulance came I said good-bye to him and one man followed me. I turned around and he said that he witnessed angels around me and the injured man and asked me if I was a nurse. I should clarify also that before this occurrence I had tremendous fear of blood. Reiki just melted my fear completely away.

Well, a couple of months later I flew to Prague, Czech republic to visit my father. He was then 89 years old and lonely, since my mother passed away a couple of years before. One evening I went out with my girlfriend to very a beautiful art show and shortly after the show went home to be with my dad. I found my father under the table unconscious in a large pool of blood. Without any hesitation I started to flow Reiki to him and stayed very calm. I moved my dad to more a comfortable place and I was talking to him. My father opened his eyes, and with a gentle expression and confidence on his face he told that he knows he will be all right. At this point I called the ambulance. The results from MRI were pretty grim, major brain damage from the stroke. To make the story short, my father's mind recovered as I often joked with him that his memory was better than mine and he lived to be 91. I am so grateful to Reiki for all the love, courage, creativity, opening of my heart and joy that it brought into my life.

Author Name:

Dascha Friedl

星期四, 10月 21, 2021

靈氣幫助重傷痊癒 Severe Injuries Healed


靈氣幫助重傷痊癒 Severe Injuries Healed

我接到了我姐姐的電話,她也是我的學生之一。她的一位朋友,一位最近搬到亞利桑那州塞多納堪薩斯城的靈氣大師,聯繫了她,詢問她和我的一兩個其他學生是否可以去鳳凰城的一家醫院治療堪薩斯城的一名婦女。這名女子在塞多納附近的峽谷徒步旅行而嚴重的摔傷,跌落了 40 多英尺。她的下巴有兩處骨折,枕骨嚴重受損,醫生認為她可能會失去一隻眼睛。最令人擔憂的是顱骨骨折和嚴重的腦震盪對大腦造成的損害。感覺她的腦損傷嚴重到無法恢復。她的肋骨和其他骨骼的損傷較小。








《靈氣對急性冠心病患 (ACS)自律神經的影響》




Severe Injuries Healed

I got a call from my sister, who is also one of my students. A friend of hers, a Kansas City Reiki Master who had recently moved to Sedona, Arizona, had contacted her to ask if she and one or two of my other students could go to a hospital in Phoenix to treat a woman from Kansas City. The woman was hiking in some back canyons around Sedona and had taken a severe fall, tumbling down more than 40 feet. Her jaw was broken in two places, the occipital bone was so severely damaged that doctors thought she might lose an eye. The highest concern was the damage to the brain from a fractured skull and nasty concussion. It was felt that the brain damage was such that she would not recover. She had lesser damage to ribs and other bones.

My sister and another student (both Level II) went to the hospital and, at the request of the family, were able to visit and work with the woman for more than an hour that evening and again the next day. Meanwhile, the Kansas City Master contacted the Reiki community there to send distant Reiki. The original prognosis had been six to eight weeks before release from the hospital. On the second evening of Reiki treatment my sister was informed that, inexplicably, the patient was recovering at a remarkable rate. She was lucid and communicating well. It would be possible for her to leave as early as the next day, although she would be held for about a week to make sure she was okay before completing her recovery at home. This was exciting news and gave everyone involved an improved level of confidence in Reiki. This small group is practicing and sending Reiki on a regular basis.

Author Name:

Bud Gill

多虧了靈氣,我又能走路了 I'm walking again thanks to Reiki


多虧了靈氣,我又能走路了 I'm walking again thanks to Reiki

7 月 27 日,我嚴重扭傷了腳踝,甚至還撞傷了一根骨頭。當我因為疼痛而昏迷不醒時,某個不知名的好心人開車送我去了醫院。當我們到達醫院時,腳踝已經腫到像一個大壘球那麼大,並且開始出現瘀傷。在等待醫生的時候,我在腳踝上做了靈氣。我在候診室待了一個多小時。在檢查了 X 光片後,醫生告訴我,我的五根韌帶都撕裂了,損壞了軟骨並弄碎了一塊骨頭。她告訴我,我會拄著拐杖至少兩個星期或更長時間,然後需要拐杖一個月左右。我繼續每天在腳踝上做兩到三次靈氣,並在受傷後的兩天內可以用腳走路。到那時,腫脹​​已經完全消退,而大面積的瘀傷僅持續了一周。我從來不需要拐杖或手杖,現在僅僅一個月後,腳踝並沒有任何疼痛。這幾乎就好像它從未發生過一樣。







《靈氣對急性冠心病患 (ACS)自律神經的影響》




I'm walking again thanks to Reiki

On July 27th, I seriously sprained an ankle and even managed to chip a bone in it. Some kind, unknown person drove me to the hospital as I was passing in and out of consciousness because of the pain. By the time we arrived at the hospital, the ankle had swollen to the size of a large softball and the bruising had begun. While waiting to be seen by a doctor, I did Reiki on the ankle. I was in the waiting room for more than an hour. After reviewing the x-rays the doctor told me that I had torn all five ligaments damaged the cartilage and chipped a bone. She told me that I would be on crutches for a minimum of two weeks or longer and then would require a cane for a month or so after that. I continued to do Reiki on the ankle two to three times a day and was walking on the foot within two days of the injury. By then the swelling had completely subsided, and the bruising, which was extensive, lasted only a week. I never did need the crutches or the cane, and now only a month later, am not experiencing any pain in the ankle. It's almost as if it never happened.

Author Name:

Penny Lighthall

星期二, 10月 19, 2021

靈氣治療腳底疼痛 Reiki Heals Foot Pain


靈氣治療腳底疼痛 Reiki Heals Foot Pain

有一個女人來找我,想讓我向她證明靈氣確實是有效的。 她告訴我她的一隻腳底疼痛多年,醫生說唯一的解決方法是給她的腳做手術,這讓她感到很害怕。

我開始對她進行全面治療,直到我治療到達她的腳踝處。 我感覺到得需要在剩下的治療中待在那裡久一些,而我從來沒有碰過她的腳底,就是他說疼痛的部位。


那時她告訴我,她八歲那年冬天放學回家時摔斷了腳踝; 她現在三十多歲了。 那是她八年來最後一次接受治療,直到今天她的腳都未再疼痛過,她非常驚訝,並告訴大家靈氣是如何幫助她的。







《靈氣對急性冠心病患 (ACS)自律神經的影響》




Reiki Heals Foot Pain

I had a woman come to me wanting me to prove to her that Reiki really does work. She only told me she had pain in the bottom of her one foot for years and the doctor said the only way to fix it would be to operate on her foot which terrified her. I worked on her starting out doing a full treatment until I got to her ankle. I felt I needed to stay there for the rest of the treatment and never touched the bottom of her foot were she said the pain was.

When the treatment was done she mentioned this fact but I told her the treatment was over and that I felt that the pain was from her ankle. That’s when she told me that she broke her ankle while walking home from school in the winter when she was eight years old; she was now in her thirties. That was the last treatment she had as it has been eight years and as of today she has never had pain in that foot, she is totally amazed and tells everyone how Reiki helped her.

Author Name:



  人生就像一場遊戲。 前面二十級(歲)基本上都是新手村。 然後你的新手NPC是亂數決定的爸媽。 個人能力數值跟著NPC的資源決定一半的基數。 等到等級可以出新手村,遊戲的自由度大增。 有的人會考慮再練等級(念大學、研究所)多上升一些點數才要出村去解任務,也有人迫不及待的出村去探...