Many people are learning or have learned Reiki. But, is the Reiki you're learning original Usui Reiki?
Many Reiki courses named Usui Reiki are not inherited from Usui. They are just “Western Reiki”,which has been revised, appended, or mutated, and no longer as pure as the original one.
Below is a check list to check whether or not your Reiki is Usui.
• Your Reiki Master claims that he or his students are being harassed by negative energy,karma, or ghosts.
• You need to summon angels, bodhisattvas, or patron saints every time when you practicing Reiki treatment.
• You need to burn sea salt or sage to cleanse your surrounding.
• You buy a lot of crystals or some other accessories to protect yourself.
• You are taught to do enchantment or many protective measures so to keep purified all the time.
• You feel uncomfortable or tired after practicing Reiki.
• Your emotions and feelings are connected to your client when you are practicing Reiki treatment, so you feel sad when he/she is sad, you feel pain when he/she pains.
• Your Reiki Master may not care too much about the treatment records of the clients.
• Your Reiki Master may not have much clinic experience in Reiki healing.
• You completed your Reiki course from basic to master within two or three days.
• Your attunement is done via Internet, e-mail, or telephone.
• You don’t feel well every time you use Reiki, so you dare not use it anymore.
The traditional history and original source of Reiki have been through the revival movement in Japan and worldwide for decades, and thus most Reiki students have some common concepts and consensus: using Usui Reiki hand-treatment, you don't need to summon angels, gods, or any endless purification beforehand; and for those which are taught either remotely or virtually via internet, telephone, or e-mail, are not recognized to be the conventional Usui.
We believe that, being a Reiki practitioner, we should start from treatment itself, let our body and mind stay long in happiness, and settle ourselves within our gift and destination, without perplexity, anxiety, nor worry; namely, in a state of “Anshin Ritsumei”.
In the state of “Anshin Ritsumei”, the healing power, though, is not our main purpose but a by product.
We sincerely hope the Reiki healing can return back to what it is: a technique which is simple and plain, on the base of “Anshin Ritsumei”.