星期六, 9月 18, 2021


這是手上另一顆彰化 巧成真-徐柄垣 大師的史豔文,對於這個角色一直都有特殊的感情,所以收了不少顆。




















俞慎初(1915 年 10 月生,福建中醫學院教授、主任中醫師)


〔組成〕1.金錢草 30 克 2.海金砂 15 克 3.雞內金 10 克 4.金鈴子 10 克 5.川郁金 10 克 6. 玉米須 15 克。



〔加減〕1.肝膽結石,加枳殼 6 克、樸硝 6 克

2.大便不通,加元明粉 12 克

3.尿路結石,加石葦 12 克、貓須草 12 克

4.有絞痛者,加元胡 10 克、生甘草 3 克,以緩解疼痛。

〔典型病例〕林某,男,60 餘歲,1984 年 8 月就診,患者僑居印尼 40 餘年,4 年來患 膽囊結石症,經常右脅部脹痛,多在清晨四、五點左右。小 便經常色黃如茶。因年老不願手術, 此次以家鄉甲子年燈會,特返國觀光,前來求治。俞氏鑒於以往多服西藥,目前症狀為脅痛,小便黃,乃處以〔加味五金湯〕治 之。囑其連服 30 劑,以觀後效。未服藥前,曾作 B 超檢查,服藥後又作檢查。

處方:金錢草 30 克、海金砂 15 克、雞內金 10 克、金鈴子 10 克、川郁金 10 克、京丹參 12 克、 綿茵陳 15 克、山梔子 6 克、川黃柏 6 克、制大黃 10 克(便通停用)。

水煎服,連服 30 劑,每天 1 劑,日以金錢草、玉米須各 20 克,水煎代茶。







星期四, 9月 16, 2021

靈氣幫助燒燙傷康復Reiki Helps Burns



今年,我叔叔的房子著火,燒傷了他的臉。 他在醫院的ICU住了幾天。 我問我的阿姨和表哥我是否可以開始每天給他遠距靈氣治療,他們接受了。 我開始請大天使拉斐爾和靈氣天使和上師們幫助我的叔叔,並開始每天遠距靈氣治療。 事故發生大約三週後,我接到了叔叔打來的電話,感謝我所做的一切,更重要的是我告訴他“我做了什麼” ,我在向天使尋求幫助,並且每天都在向他發送遠距的靈氣療愈。 他告訴我,醫生每天都進來並說:“你的康復非常棒。 我們從未見過燒傷患者像您一樣康復得這麼快。 這是一個奇蹟。” 多虧了靈氣的治療,我叔叔的臉上沒有任何被燒傷的跡象。 真是奇蹟!










Reiki Helps Burns

This year, my uncle was in a house fire, which burnt his face. He was in the hospital in ICU for a few days. I asked my Aunty and Cousin if I could start sending him distant healing every day, which they accepted. I started asking Archangel Raphael and Reiki angels and masters to help my uncle and started distant healing every day. I received a phone call about three weeks after the accident from my uncle thanking me for what I had done, and more to the point “what did I do?” I told him that I was asking the angels for help and was sending him distant healing every day. He told me that the doctors kept coming in every day and saying” Your healing is amazing. We have never seen a burn victim heal as fast as you are. This is a miracle.” Thanks to the healing of Reiki my uncle has no visual signs of having been burnt on his face. What a miracle!

Author Name:

Paula Darch



劉渡舟(1917 年 9 月生,北京中醫學院著名教授)



1.柴胡 10 克

2.黃芩 10 克

3.茵陳蒿 12 克

4.土茯苓 12 克

5.鳳尾草 12 克

6.草河車 6 克




〔用法〕 水煎服,日一劑。

〔備註〕1 錢=3.75g









靈氣治療生育問題 Reiki Heals Fertility Problems


靈氣治療生育問題 Reiki Heals Fertility Problems

我遇到了一些重大的生育問題。 我有子宮內膜異位症第四期。 我有兩個高爾夫球大小的大囊腫,每個卵巢一個。 我的生殖醫學科 醫生兩次引流出充滿血液的囊腫。 然而,他們不斷地充滿更多的血液。 醫生很沮喪,我們也很沮喪。 我們後來去達拉斯看靈氣大師。 一次的靈氣療程後,我去看了醫生,又得到了另一張超音波圖像。 僅在一次靈氣治療後,囊腫就完全消失了。

我丈夫有精子方面的問題。 在靈氣大師的兩次靈氣治療之後,他的精子測試結果變成正常到完美。









Reiki Heals Fertility Problems

I was having some major fertility problems. I have stage four endometriosis. I had two, large golf ball-sized cysts, one on each ovary. My fertility doctor drained the cysts, which were blood filled, twice. However, they kept filling up with more blood. The doctor was frustrated and so were we. We went to see a Reiki Master here in Dallas. After one session, I went to the doctor and got another sonogram. The cysts were totally gone after only one session of Reiki.

My husband was having sperm problems. After two sessions with the Reiki Master, his sperm tested normal to perfect.

Author Name:


星期三, 9月 15, 2021

靈氣治愈抑鬱症 Reiki Heals Depression


靈氣治愈抑鬱症 Reiki Heals Depression

儘管她擁有大學學位,但由於缺乏工作和收入,以及失敗和受到傷害的人際關係,我的一個朋友在情感上陷入了將近一年的黑暗期。她和我出去喝酒,吃點東西,和朋友一樣,我把手放在她的背上安慰她。我感到能量如此強大,以至於我真的驚呆了。說實話,那時我已經有很長一段時間沒有經常練習靈氣了。儘管如此,我還是非常強烈地感覺到她需要一個完整的靈氣治療,我們第二天就這樣做了。在她的治療結束後,她描述了她的經歷,我建議她考慮在該地區尋找靈氣大師,這樣她就可以學習靈氣 I 級,以便每天進行自我靈氣並開始自我康復。你知道嗎-她真的有聽進去!一周之內,她不僅獲得了靈氣一級,還獲得了靈氣二級的資格。在她為期四天的周末靜修之後,我的朋友帶著清醒的精神回來了,對她的生活和人際關係也有了新的看法,並且對她的未來有了明確的關注。我的那個充滿沮喪、悲傷的朋友不見了,深沉的痛苦和磨難也不見了。我只看到一個閃亮、蔥滿陽光和自在的朋友,她已經開始治愈她的心,並朝著積極的方向前進。我們都計劃參加靈氣大師課程,我用一個新的開放態度讓靈氣重新回到我的生活中!









Reiki Heals Depression

One of my friends had been in an emotionally dark place for nearly a year because of failed and hurtful relationships in addition to a lack of work and income in spite of the fact that she had a college degree. She and I were out for a drink and bite to eat, and as friends do, I put my hand on her back to console her. I felt energy so strong I was actually stunned. Truthfully I hadn’t been practicing Reiki very much for quite some time at that point. Still, I felt very strongly that she needed a full session, and we did that the very next day. After her session she described her experience, and I suggested that she look into finding a Reiki Master in the area so that she could take Reiki Level I in order to do self-Reiki every day and begin to heal. Don’t you know—she actually listened! Within a week's time, not only had she received Reiki I but also Reiki Level II during a retreat. After her four-day weekend retreat, my friend returned with a clear mind and also a new outlook on her life and her relationships and a clear focus on her future. Gone was the depressed, sad friend, gone was the deep pain and suffering. I only could see a bright, sunny and relaxed friend who had begun to heal her heart and move on in a positive direction. We both plan to take a Reiki Master course, and I have a new openness to let Reiki back into my life!

Author Name:


星期二, 9月 14, 2021






















星期一, 9月 13, 2021









搭配上光興閣-林尤秀子 女士創作的偶衣。精彩的配色,重現了那段精彩的歲月風采。



靈氣協助諮商-治愈約會問題 Reiki Heals Dating Issues


靈氣協助諮商-治愈約會問題 Reiki Heals Dating Issues

我有一個名為 Cindy的心理諮商個案。她回報說她最近開始與人約會,但她感到被羞辱感淹沒。因為對於上一段婚姻期間的長期婚外情感到羞恥。


然後我聽到聖火能量想要為她提供恩典和寬恕。當她坐在沙發上時,我已經在合掌中用手完成了之前的工作。我走到她身邊,把手放在她頭部兩側約六英寸的地方,讓能量進入她的頭頂。我感到神的恩典和寬恕湧入並充滿了她。這對我和她來說都是一次深刻的經歷,讓她欣喜若狂。她說她以前從未像這樣感受到上帝的能量,並感到被寬恕。在下一次治療中,我問她對這件事的感覺如何,她看起來很驚訝,並說她已經原諒了這一切,不再批評自己。此外,她從小時候父母離婚的痛苦和所有的批評中解脫出來。所有這些工作都是在一次會議中進行的,如果我使用心理諮詢作為工具來解決這些問題,通常需要 6 到 12 次治療。










Reiki Heals Dating Issues

I have a counseling client we will call Cindy. She had recently started dating and a lot of shame had begun surfacing about a long-term affair that she had during her marriage. She reported that she was obsessing over the shame. I activated all the symbols and began sending Holy Fire Reiki back to the original cause of the shame of the affair. I heard in my mind the following issues that we cleared or made progress on: fear of getting divorced, the pain of experiencing her parent’s divorce, shame of getting divorced, fear of being a single mother with three special needs kids, fear of living away from her family and being all alone if she got separated, disappointment in being married to a workaholic, sadness in being married to her husband who was emotionally unavailable, fear she was unattractive, fear she would never find love again, fear of hurting her husband and the wife of her affair partner, needing support during her marriage, and shame of the affair. Because she had previously mentioned feeling like the black sheep in her family due to constant criticism and comparison to the golden child of the family, we worked on that next. We cleared criticism from her, her mother, and then going back through all the relationships in her family and through the family lineage.

Then I heard that the Holy Fire energy wanted to provide her with grace and forgiveness. I had done the prior work with my hands in Gassho while she sat on the sofa. I walked over to her and placed my hands on either side of her head about six inches over her head to allow the energy to come into her crown. I felt a rush of God’s grace and forgiveness come in and fill her up. This was a profound experience for me and for her and caused her tears of joy. She said she had never felt God’s energy like that before and felt forgiven. At the next session, I asked her how she was feeling about the affair and she looked surprised and said she had forgotten all about it and there wasn’t a charge anymore. Additionally she felt free of the pain of her parent’s divorce and all the criticisms as a child. All this work was conducted in one session, where if I had used my counseling tools to address these issues, it would have normally taken six to 12 sessions.

Author Name:

Karen Harrison

星期日, 9月 12, 2021

靈氣幫助狗狗再次奔跑和玩耍 Reiki Helps a Dog Run and Play Again


靈氣幫助狗狗再次奔跑和玩耍 Reiki Helps a Dog Run and Play Again












《動物愛靈氣(Animals Love Reiki)》


Reiki Helps a Dog Run and Play Again

One day in rural Tennessee, my sister’s neighbor found a dog running loose on the highway. He was relieved to see that she was wearing an ID tag, but when he called her owners, he was told that they didn’t want her anymore. He took her home to his already overflowing house of animals and called my sister. Would she and her daughter, who lived close by, be willing to share her? Of course they would! The dog was a sweet, beautiful mixed breed with tons of energy. They named her Pitiful Pearl, but she was not pitiful at all! Pearl loved running all over the countryside with all the neighboring dogs. She lived at all three homes, knowing which ones had the tastiest treats, coziest beds and playmates. Then disaster struck. Pearl was hit by a truck. The vet said that her hip was dislocated and her shoulder was crushed. If she didn’t have surgery to rebuild her shoulder, she would be lame for the rest of her life. However, the surgery would cost thousands of dollars, which ruled out the option of having the surgery. That’s when I got the call. My sister asked if I could do distant Reiki on her. It was her only hope. I did Reiki on Pearl every day. I connected with her immediately and kept visualizing her and telling her, “You will walk again.” She recuperated quickly at my niece’s house, but my niece couldn’t keep her calm. One evening while my niece and her family were having dinner at my sister’s house, they heard something at the door. It was Pearl! She had jumped through the screened window and walked the half mile to have dinner with them! It had only been four days since she was released from the animal hospital. After that, there was no holding her back. She kept escaping from the house to run with her pack. Last year I took a trip out to Tennessee and finally got to meet Pearl. She acted like she already knew me and gave me a big kiss on the lips. I know she was thanking me. Pearl completely healed and doesn’t have the slightest limp. It was truly a Reiki miracle!

Author Name:

Karen Thomas


  人生就像一場遊戲。 前面二十級(歲)基本上都是新手村。 然後你的新手NPC是亂數決定的爸媽。 個人能力數值跟著NPC的資源決定一半的基數。 等到等級可以出新手村,遊戲的自由度大增。 有的人會考慮再練等級(念大學、研究所)多上升一些點數才要出村去解任務,也有人迫不及待的出村去探...