靈氣協助諮商-治愈約會問題 Reiki Heals Dating Issues
我有一個名為 Cindy的心理諮商個案。她回報說她最近開始與人約會,但她感到被羞辱感淹沒。因為對於上一段婚姻期間的長期婚外情感到羞恥。
然後我聽到聖火能量想要為她提供恩典和寬恕。當她坐在沙發上時,我已經在合掌中用手完成了之前的工作。我走到她身邊,把手放在她頭部兩側約六英寸的地方,讓能量進入她的頭頂。我感到神的恩典和寬恕湧入並充滿了她。這對我和她來說都是一次深刻的經歷,讓她欣喜若狂。她說她以前從未像這樣感受到上帝的能量,並感到被寬恕。在下一次治療中,我問她對這件事的感覺如何,她看起來很驚訝,並說她已經原諒了這一切,不再批評自己。此外,她從小時候父母離婚的痛苦和所有的批評中解脫出來。所有這些工作都是在一次會議中進行的,如果我使用心理諮詢作為工具來解決這些問題,通常需要 6 到 12 次治療。
Reiki Heals Dating Issues
I have a counseling client we will call Cindy. She had recently started dating and a lot of shame had begun surfacing about a long-term affair that she had during her marriage. She reported that she was obsessing over the shame. I activated all the symbols and began sending Holy Fire Reiki back to the original cause of the shame of the affair. I heard in my mind the following issues that we cleared or made progress on: fear of getting divorced, the pain of experiencing her parent’s divorce, shame of getting divorced, fear of being a single mother with three special needs kids, fear of living away from her family and being all alone if she got separated, disappointment in being married to a workaholic, sadness in being married to her husband who was emotionally unavailable, fear she was unattractive, fear she would never find love again, fear of hurting her husband and the wife of her affair partner, needing support during her marriage, and shame of the affair. Because she had previously mentioned feeling like the black sheep in her family due to constant criticism and comparison to the golden child of the family, we worked on that next. We cleared criticism from her, her mother, and then going back through all the relationships in her family and through the family lineage.
Then I heard that the Holy Fire energy wanted to provide her with grace and forgiveness. I had done the prior work with my hands in Gassho while she sat on the sofa. I walked over to her and placed my hands on either side of her head about six inches over her head to allow the energy to come into her crown. I felt a rush of God’s grace and forgiveness come in and fill her up. This was a profound experience for me and for her and caused her tears of joy. She said she had never felt God’s energy like that before and felt forgiven. At the next session, I asked her how she was feeling about the affair and she looked surprised and said she had forgotten all about it and there wasn’t a charge anymore. Additionally she felt free of the pain of her parent’s divorce and all the criticisms as a child. All this work was conducted in one session, where if I had used my counseling tools to address these issues, it would have normally taken six to 12 sessions.
Author Name:
Karen Harrison