星期五, 9月 10, 2021

【靈氣幫助臨終關懷患者 Reiki Helping Hospice Patients】


【靈氣幫助臨終關懷患者 Reiki Helping Hospice Patients】





Tohbi Flippin




《了解 病腺 掃描法》





Reiki Helping Hospice Patients

I offer Reiki as a hospice volunteer. I had the honor of seeing a patient weekly for 18 months. She was suffering from heart failure. During our sessions, she relaxed, and many times slept. Afterward, she was thankful and expressed feeling good. When she was in pain, the pain would go away. The last time I saw her, she stated that she could receive Reiki all day.

I had another patient that had kidney cancer. She was experiencing pain in her hip. I only saw her twice before she passed, but the Reiki made a difference. The first time I saw her, I could see the stress on her face. Our session lasted an hour, and she slept. Afterward, she was relaxed and expressed feeling relief from her pain. The second time I saw her, she was in pain to the point of tears. Again, she slept during our session. When she woke up, she was smiling from ear to ear.

It has been such a joy to see how Reiki offers relief from stress and pain. Sharing Reiki with others is an awesome experience. It is very rewarding to be a positive force in people's lives.

Author Name:

Tohbi Flippin





  人生就像一場遊戲。 前面二十級(歲)基本上都是新手村。 然後你的新手NPC是亂數決定的爸媽。 個人能力數值跟著NPC的資源決定一半的基數。 等到等級可以出新手村,遊戲的自由度大增。 有的人會考慮再練等級(念大學、研究所)多上升一些點數才要出村去解任務,也有人迫不及待的出村去探...