靈氣幫助痛風 Reiki Helps Gout
我在魁北克的蒙特利爾寫信給你,我在那裡練習靈氣已經 15 年了。 我母親最近因為痛風病得很重,尿酸在大腳趾的關節處積聚。 經過醫生近兩週的治療,她仍然不能走路。 我去了她家,大約離我家三個小時的路程,給她做了兩次足部治療。 第二天,她又可以走路了! 靈氣是一個很棒的治療工具,我很高興告訴別人。
《靈氣和創傷後壓力症候群 PTSD》
Reiki Helps Gout
I'm writing you from Quebec Montreal where I’ve been practicing Reiki for 15 years now. My mother was very sick recently with a gout crisis, an accumulation of uric acid in the articulation of the big toe. After almost two weeks of treatment by the doctor, she still couldn't walk. I went to her place, which is three hours away from my home, and gave her two treatments on her foot. The following day she was able to walk again! Reiki is a wonderful healing tool, which I’m happy to tell others about.
Author Name:
Suzanne Landry