靈氣與腎結石 Reiki Zaps Kidney Stone
2008 年 7 月,我的腹部劇烈疼痛,我的醫生告訴我去急診室。 X 光和貓掃描後,證實我有一個 7 毫米(很大!)的腎結石,我被送到泌尿科醫生那裡。我得到了一些強力止痛藥,並被告知我將需要忍受劇烈的疼痛,並在石頭出來時給我一個過濾器來接住它。我沒有吃止痛藥。那天晚上,我躺在床上很不舒服,我突然意識到我不需要成為一個無助的受害者。我給自己靈氣,並將意識專注於疼痛處,想像把腎結石炸成百萬塊。這讓我放鬆了,我很快就睡著了。早上我的疼痛消失了,它再也沒有回來。我與泌尿科醫生的下一次約診還有五天的時間,所以我繼續試圖以此處理結石,但它消失了。泌尿科醫生拍了更多的 X 光片,驚訝的是它似乎已經消失了,而且我也沒有疼痛。那是四個月前的事情,後來疼痛再也沒有回來。
保羅 X 麥金利
Reiki Zaps Kidney Stone
In July of 2008, I was experiencing severe pain in my abdomen and my doctor told me to get to the emergency room. After x-rays and a cat scan, it was confirmed that I had a 7mm (that's big!) kidney stone and I was sent to an urologist. I was given some heavy-duty pain medication, told that I was going to endure severe pain, and given a strainer to catch the stone when it came out. I did not take the pain pills. That night, I lay awake with discomfort and it occurred to me that I did not need to be a helpless victim. I gave myself Reiki, concentrating on the pain area, with the intention that the kidney stone be blasted into a million pieces. That relaxed me, and I soon fell asleep. In the morning my pain was gone and has never returned. My next appointment with the urologist was still five days away, so I continued trying to catch the stone, but it was gone. The urologist took more x-rays, and seemed amazed that it had vanished and that I had no pain. That was four months ago, and the pain never returned.
Author Name:
Paul X McKinley