靈氣治療口吃 Stuttering
幾個月前,一位女士來參加我的靈氣療程,因為她在丈夫和兒子去世後出現了嚴重的口吃。 她是一名物理學家,在這件事發生之前,她已經看到了他們的死亡以及他們將死於什麼,但她無法做任何事情來阻止任何事件的發生。 由於這種創傷和完全無助的感覺,她開始嚴重的口吃,以至於無法正確完整說出整個句子。 在我進行了三次治療後(每週進行一次),我很高興地報告她的口吃目前已完全治癒。 由於這個結果,她真的很驚訝並欣喜若狂,並且將接受合適的靈氣點化和課程,以成為一位靈氣大師。 靈氣繼續幫助我在精神上、情感上和身體上發展。 這確實是任何人都可以從宇宙中得到的最偉大的禮物。 合十!
《美國WMTW abc 8 新聞介紹靈氣療法》
《靈氣和創傷後壓力症候群 PTSD 》
A couple of months ago, a woman came to me for Reiki sessions because she had developed severe stuttering after her husband and son passed over. She is physic and had seen both of their deaths and what they would die from before it happened, but she couldn’t do anything to prevent either incident. Because of this trauma and feeling complete helplessness, she started to stutter so badly she couldn’t complete a whole sentence correctly. After I performed three sessions (given on a weekly basis), I am happy to report that she completely quit stuttering. She is truly amazed and ecstatic because of the result and is going to take the necessary attunements and classes to became a Reiki Master herself. Reiki continues to help me and develop me spiritually, as well as emotionally and physically. It is truly the greatest gift anyone can receive from the universe. Namaste!
Author Name:
Polly Straffon