星期二, 10月 05, 2021

靈氣讓僵硬的脖子痊癒了 Stiff Neck Healed


靈氣讓僵硬的脖子痊癒了 Stiff Neck Healed











Stiff Neck Healed

I just returned from a cruise to the Bahamas. While on the cruise at breakfast one morning our waiter could barely move. I asked him what was wrong and he said “stiff neck”. He also added he had it for TWO WEEKS! I told him that was too long and I could help him. I asked if he would he be able to take a few minutes so I could give him Reiki on his neck. He was not against the session, just about taking the time to have it done. I told him I would tell his boss I made him do it. After we ate our breakfast I took him to the back of the dining room and had him sit down while I gave him Reiki on his head, neck, shoulders, and back to the spot that was hurting the most. All the other wait staff were joking with him: did he want some coffee, how would he like his eggs, etc. Finally the head waiter did approach and I told him I just needed a few minutes to help him and I insisted on doing this. He actually thanked me for helping his staff since everyone knew he had been in pain for weeks. Even after the quick session he went back to his station and turned his head when someone spoke to him, then he realized he could move his neck and was very happy. That was the last day of the cruise so I did not see him again, but as we were leaving the ship I recognized another waiter from the dining room who was standing near and I asked how his friends neck was—he said much better thanks to you. I am always so in awe and appreciative that the Reiki is always able to help, even if it was a short session.

Author Name:

Noel Stevens

星期一, 10月 04, 2021

靈氣讓人重獲新生 Reiki Gives a Man His Life Back



靈氣讓男人重獲新生 Reiki Gives a Man His Life Back


佩姬是我的同事和好朋友。我問她是否可以將他的名字添加到靈氣治療清單中。她淚流滿面地說,如果有人能讓他的最後幾週過得更舒服,她將會非常感激。我聯繫了靈氣大師Germaine Galjour。 Germaine 每天早上 6 點到 7 點之間進行遠程靈氣治療。她在泡綠茶的過程中,每喝一口,她就會將靈氣傳送到一個人的身體、思想、神性中,並在 24/7 的第二天跟進以靈氣治療師的身分單獨與這位軍人一起治療。


吉恩的旅程始於多年前越南的稻田中。當時作為一名 18 歲的海軍陸戰隊員,他在 1967 年至 1968 年的越南戰爭中為他的國家服役,並多次接觸到有爭議的毒素橙劑(Agent Orange)。回國後的幾十年裡,他不斷遭受美國退伍軍人事務部所說的“服役傷殘補償推定疾病”的折磨,該機構將這些疾病與暴露於橙劑聯繫起來。


一個強有力的假設是,有人離開臨終關懷醫院都是因為這個人已經死了;否則人們不會自行離開。但是,吉恩卻走了出去,甚至在 Ben & Jerry's 停下來吃了個冰淇淋聖代。












Reiki Gives a Man His Life Back

A few short weeks ago, Peggy Woltjer’s life was shattered as doctors at Carolinas Medical Center in Charlotte, North Carolina informed her that nothing else could be done for her husband, Gene. Delegated to spend the last few weeks of his life in a local Charlotte hospice, all they could do was try to make him comfortable as he lay dying.

Peggy is my co-worker and a good friend. I asked her if it would be okay to add his name to a Reiki Healing List. She tearfully said that she would be very grateful if someone could make his last few weeks more comfortable. I contacted Reiki Master and teacher Germaine Galjour. Germaine does her distant healing every morning between 6–7am. She makes green tea and with each sip she sends the Reiki throughout a person’s body, mind, spirit and closes it off with a 24/7 follow-up for the next day. She went right to work, along with an army of other Reiki healers.

Gene immediately had a sea-change. The results were not gradual—it was a sudden transformation. The attending physician immediately ordered a new MRI. The results were unexpected and unexplainable to the medical staff.

Gene’s journey began years ago in the rice patties of Vietnam. As an 18-year-old Marine serving his country in the Vietnam War between the years of 1967 and 1968, he was repeatedly exposed to the controversial toxin, Agent Orange. Decades after returning, he constantly suffered from a myriad of what the U. S. Department of Veterans Affairs refers to as “presumptive ailments” that have since been linked by that agency to exposure to Agent Orange.

Yet, in spite of the expected outcome, Gene was sent home from hospice; while at the time of this writing, he does not have a completely clean bill of health, his progress is beyond amazing. He is no longer having seizures, his tumors have shrunk and no new tumors have been detected, according to his latest MRI. One of the doctors, who didn’t want his name mentioned in an article, said that “this is completely unprecedented.”

It is a strong presumption that when someone leaves hospice it is because the person has died; people don’t leave on their own accord. But, Gene Woltjer walked out and even stopped by Ben & Jerry’s for an ice cream sundae.

Thanks to this amazing Reiki Miracle, Gene is getting better and better! There is no longer a death sentence hanging over his head. He has a deep spiritual life and is not afraid of death, but he is happy to be able to spend many more years with his wife and son.

He is grateful for his second chance at life.

Author Name:

Karen Helman

星期日, 10月 03, 2021

靈氣與腎結石 Reiki Zaps Kidney Stone


靈氣與腎結石 Reiki Zaps Kidney Stone

2008 年 7 月,我的腹部劇烈疼痛,我的醫生告訴我去急診室。 X 光和貓掃描後,證實我有一個 7 毫米(很大!)的腎結石,我被送到泌尿科醫生那裡。我得到了一些強力止痛藥,並被告知我將需要忍受劇烈的疼痛,並在石頭出來時給我一個過濾器來接住它。我沒有吃止痛藥。那天晚上,我躺在床上很不舒服,我突然意識到我不需要成為一個無助的受害者。我給自己靈氣,並將意識專注於疼痛處,想像把腎結石炸成百萬塊。這讓我放鬆了,我很快就睡著了。早上我的疼痛消失了,它再也沒有回來。我與泌尿科醫生的下一次約診還有五天的時間,所以我繼續試圖以此處理結石,但它消失了。泌尿科醫生拍了更多的 X 光片,驚訝的是它似乎已經消失了,而且我也沒有疼痛。那是四個月前的事情,後來疼痛再也沒有回來。


保羅 X 麥金利








Reiki Zaps Kidney Stone

In July of 2008, I was experiencing severe pain in my abdomen and my doctor told me to get to the emergency room. After x-rays and a cat scan, it was confirmed that I had a 7mm (that's big!) kidney stone and I was sent to an urologist. I was given some heavy-duty pain medication, told that I was going to endure severe pain, and given a strainer to catch the stone when it came out. I did not take the pain pills. That night, I lay awake with discomfort and it occurred to me that I did not need to be a helpless victim. I gave myself Reiki, concentrating on the pain area, with the intention that the kidney stone be blasted into a million pieces. That relaxed me, and I soon fell asleep. In the morning my pain was gone and has never returned. My next appointment with the urologist was still five days away, so I continued trying to catch the stone, but it was gone. The urologist took more x-rays, and seemed amazed that it had vanished and that I had no pain. That was four months ago, and the pain never returned.

Author Name:

Paul X McKinley

星期四, 9月 30, 2021

靈氣幫助痛風 Reiki Helps Gout


靈氣幫助痛風 Reiki Helps Gout

我在魁北克的蒙特利爾寫信給你,我在那裡練習靈氣已經 15 年了。 我母親最近因為痛風病得很重,尿酸在大腳趾的關節處積聚。 經過醫生近兩週的治療,她仍然不能走路。 我去了她家,大約離我家三個小時的路程,給她做了兩次足部治療。 第二天,她又可以走路了! 靈氣是一個很棒的治療工具,我很高興告訴別人。









《靈氣和創傷後壓力症候群 PTSD》

Reiki Helps Gout

I'm writing you from Quebec Montreal where I’ve been practicing Reiki for 15 years now. My mother was very sick recently with a gout crisis, an accumulation of uric acid in the articulation of the big toe. After almost two weeks of treatment by the doctor, she still couldn't walk. I went to her place, which is three hours away from my home, and gave her two treatments on her foot. The following day she was able to walk again! Reiki is a wonderful healing tool, which I’m happy to tell others about.

Author Name:

Suzanne Landry

星期三, 9月 29, 2021

靈氣治療口吃 Stuttering


靈氣治療口吃 Stuttering

幾個月前,一位女士來參加我的靈氣療程,因為她在丈夫和兒子去世後出現了嚴重的口吃。 她是一名物理學家,在這件事發生之前,她已經看到了他們的死亡以及他們將死於什麼,但她無法做任何事情來阻止任何事件的發生。 由於這種創傷和完全無助的感覺,她開始嚴重的口吃,以至於無法正確完整說出整個句子。 在我進行了三次治療後(每週進行一次),我很高興地報告她的口吃目前已完全治癒。 由於這個結果,她真的很驚訝並欣喜若狂,並且將接受合適的靈氣點化和課程,以成為一位靈氣大師。 靈氣繼續幫助我在精神上、情感上和身體上發展。 這確實是任何人都可以從宇宙中得到的最偉大的禮物。 合十!





《美國WMTW abc 8 新聞介紹靈氣療法》




《靈氣和創傷後壓力症候群 PTSD 》


A couple of months ago, a woman came to me for Reiki sessions because she had developed severe stuttering after her husband and son passed over. She is physic and had seen both of their deaths and what they would die from before it happened, but she couldn’t do anything to prevent either incident. Because of this trauma and feeling complete helplessness, she started to stutter so badly she couldn’t complete a whole sentence correctly. After I performed three sessions (given on a weekly basis), I am happy to report that she completely quit stuttering. She is truly amazed and ecstatic because of the result and is going to take the necessary attunements and classes to became a Reiki Master herself. Reiki continues to help me and develop me spiritually, as well as emotionally and physically. It is truly the greatest gift anyone can receive from the universe. Namaste!

Author Name:

Polly Straffon

幾次靈氣治療 Several Reiki Healings


幾次靈氣治療類風濕性關節炎 Several Reiki Healings

借助靈氣的力量,我開始了解 William Lee Rand 的網站,我想我可以在那裡了解更多的訊息。我想分享我在引導靈氣的力量時的罕見經歷。第一個接受我的靈氣的是一位患有類風濕性關節炎的女士。當我第一次見到她時,她無法抬起她的四肢,因為她的四肢因病殘障的相當嚴重。她已經 15 天沒有好好睡覺或進食了(!),看起來很累。氣場也灰濛蒙的,原本可以稱得上非常美麗的容顏也失去了魅力。她痛哭流涕,渴望靈氣治療,至少能夠睡覺和吃飯。有趣的是,我在接受靈氣啟蒙後僅三天就開始了這些靈氣療程。我沒有被告知我必須在整整 21 天後才能被允許治療。也許上帝的恩典對我有不同的作用。那位女士後來能夠很好地睡覺和吃飯,我們都很高興。

10天后,她的四肢開始能夠自動移動。 (對於這種嚴重的疾病,即使是最細微的動作也是很重要的。)她通常無法在沒有幫助的情況下抬起雙腿,但在她的靈氣治療期間,腿會自動向上移動,且她無需費力,人們可以看到她能些許向內轉動雙腳。我的靈氣大師很想把它錄下來,但個案反對。然而,我的一些靈氣通靈者見證了它。有時,我在現場的時候會使運動成為可能,並且可以聽到關節處的一些破裂聲。然後我建議她的丈夫接受靈氣點化,他同意了,並一直給他的妻子靈氣。這位女士現在能夠自由行走並自由舉起雙手。到目前為止,治愈率幾乎達到 80%,她的醫生稱其為醫學奇蹟。雖然我從未表示我想要任何錢來為我的靈氣服務提供資金,但這位女士給了我一千盧比(25 美元)!對於初學者來說,這個數量是非常巨大的。

我和所有來找我尋求這種神聖靈氣力量的人繼續我的靈氣療程。在練習靈氣作為治療師四年後,我現在已經成為靈氣大師,並在兩個月內啟動了 10 位靈氣治療師。我找到了快速治癒的新方法。









《靈氣和創傷後壓力症候群 PTSD 》


Several Reiki Healings

With the power of Reiki I came to know about William Lee Rand's website, where I think I can learn more. I’d like to share the rare experience I had when channeling the power of Reiki. My first recipient was a lady affected by rheumatoid arthritis. She was, when I first met her, not able to lift her limbs as they were considerably crippled. She had not slept or dined for 15 days (!) and appeared so tired. The aura was so grey and the face of what would otherwise be called a very beautiful lady had lost its charm. She was weeping profusely and had craved Reiki sessions at least to get sleep and to be able to eat. It may be interesting to note that I had started these Reiki sessions only three days after undergoing my Reiki initiation. I had not been told that I should necessarily empower myself for 21 full days. Maybe God’s grace worked differently for me. That lady was able to sleep and take food admirably well, and we were so happy.

After 10 days, her limbs started moving automatically. (Even the minutest movement matters much in respect to this crippling disease.) She could not normally lift her legs without help but during her Reiki sessions, the legs would be moving upwards automatically with no effort from her, and one could see some inward turning of both the feet. My Reiki Master was anxious to get it videotaped but the recipient objected to it. However some of my fellow Reiki channelers witnessed it. Sometimes, my very presence would make the movements possible and some cracking sounds at the joints would be heard audibly. Then I suggested that her husband be attuned to Reiki, which he agreed to do and has been giving his wife Reiki. The lady is now able to walk freely and lift her hands freely. There has been an almost 80% cure so far and her doctor has called it a medical miracle. Though I never indicated that I wanted any money for my service with Reiki power, the lady gave me one thousand Rupees ($25)! For a beginner this amount is very huge.

I have continued my Reiki sessions with everyone who came to me seeking this divine Reiki Power. After practicing Reiki as healer for four years, I have now become a Reiki Master and initiated 10 Reiki channelers so far within two months. I have found new methods to bring about fast cures.

Let me conclude with this. The lady next to my house was suffering from severe headache and giddiness but after some Reiki is now perfectly alright and has become a Reiki channel herself! Reiki love and light.

Author Name:

R. Ganesh

星期二, 9月 28, 2021

靈氣治癒骨質疏鬆症引發的疼痛 Osteoporosis Pain Healed


靈氣治癒骨質疏鬆症引發的疼痛 Osteoporosis Pain Healed

我媽媽是一個非常活躍的 80 歲老人。她患有嚴重的骨質疏鬆症,並一直忍受著這種疼痛。她不喜歡吃止痛藥,所以一直她忍受著疼痛,直到無法忍受為止。由於我住在幾個州之外,(作為靈氣大師)以致我無法給她任何靈氣治療方法。但是,我確實嘗試盡可能多地發送遠距離靈氣。








《靈氣和創傷後壓力症候群 PTSD 》



Osteoporosis Pain Healed

My mother is a very active 80 year old. She has severe osteoporosis and lives with this pain constantly. She is not one for pain pills, so she endures the pain until it is intolerable. Living several states away, (as a Master Reiki Practitioner) I am not able to give her any hands on Reiki treatments. However, I do try to send long distance Reiki as much as I can.

On one of our trips to visit her, she was suffering with her pain terribly. I offered a Reiki session, and she welcomed any relief. She stated that there wasn’t one area on her body that did not have pain. Along with that, she also was trying to cope with the pain of a breakout of Shingles which had localized on the posterior side of her right thigh. As she could not lay down on any flat surface, I conducted my session while she sat in a rocking chair. I was skeptical at first, not thinking she would be able to relax at all in that position.

I finished her total body session in one hour. Several times during the session she had fallen sound asleep and was breathing very slowly and deeply. During her session I could feel more and more heat in my hands. In fact, the intensity of the heat traveled up to my wrists and to the middle of my forearms! The palms of both my hands were bright red! I had to awaken her when the time was up. She said that when she woke up, she had zero pain anywhere! I was amazed. She also said that she was calm and relaxed and had a feeling of well-being throughout her body! She is the most receptive person I have ever experienced.

Throughout the remainder of our visit, she remained pain free (two more days). After we returned home, a couple of weeks went by then I called her. She said that she had been totally pain free without pain medication since we had left, and that only a slight amount of discomfort had started one to two days before I called. I believe in Reiki as a relaxation, as well as a self-healing, treatment.

Author Name:


星期日, 9月 26, 2021

靈氣和潰瘍性結腸炎 Reiki and Ulcerative Colitis


靈氣和潰瘍性結腸炎 Reiki and Ulcerative Colitis

我已經從潰瘍性結腸炎(Ulcerative Colitis)中愉悅的緩解了三個月!能大聲說出這些話令人驚訝,因為我自從 1998 年病情就開始了。我從未想過靈氣能夠改善並穩定我的病情。


我在接受脊椎按摩治療時閱讀了《靈氣新聞》雜誌上的一篇文章。我被這個故事感動了,我心裡想,“如果能像文章中的那位女士一樣體驗自己病情的痊癒,那就太好了。”我決定在 2008 年 9 月預約我的第一次靈氣治療。於是控制潰瘍性結腸炎的旅程即將開始。





2010 年第一季,我完成了靈氣二階和靈氣高階。我定期進行自我修復,並開始將靈氣給予我的丈夫和 7 歲和 9 歲的孩子。











Reiki and Ulcerative Colitis

I've been in remission from ulcerative colitis for three beautiful months! It’s surprising to say these words out loud since the condition began in 1998. I never imagined Reiki would improve and stabilize my condition.

Researching ulcerative colitis guided me to many articles and books with suggestions of how to control abdominal pain, bleeding, bloating, gas, diarrhea, nausea, and fatigue, but even with these suggestions, my health never improved.

I read an article in Reiki News Magazine while at a chiropractic appointment. I was emotionally moved by the story, and I thought to myself, "it would be lovely to experience the healing of my own condition similarly to the lady in the article." I decided to book my first Reiki appointment in September 2008. The journey to control my ulcerative colitis was about to begin.

My expectations were limitless when I entered the practitioner’s room for my Reiki session. The emotional release I experienced during and after the Reiki was indescribable. Reiki awakened my inner self. I looked deep down inside of me and asked questions that had troubled me for many years. Why am I sad? Why am I blaming others for situations that happened in the past? Why don’t I stand up for myself and take the steps I need to achieve my goals or my soul purpose? Overall, I learned that the lack of compassion from my family since childhood helped me to be patient and caring toward others. I didn’t have the opportunity to enrich my education the way I had hoped, and I had to work at a young age to cloth myself and pay rent at home. These experiences gave me strength to face life’s challenges.

As I continued my Reiki sessions, my Reiki practitioner taught me how to ground myself, how to meditate, and how to shield myself from people who constantly unleashed their unpleasant energy in my direction. My intentions were to exercise regularly, eat healthier, and to accept and deal with daily challenges, positively.

My husband and children noticed my happier disposition. I became more energetic, my motivation and confidence increased, and my ulcerative colitis flare-ups were less frequent. I was jogging regularly, attending Yoga classes, and eating a proper diet, omitting pork, beef, and sweets by choice.

My next intention was to increase my Reiki knowledge. I sought to learn how to self-heal and heal others. Six months after my first session, I completed Reiki I. I taught myself the benefits of using crystals while meditating—during Reiki sessions with a practitioner and during self-healing. The lessening of my flare-ups extended by three—six months, and my medication dosage during that time became minimal.

In the first quarter of 2010, I completed Reiki II and Reiki ART. I did self-healing regularly and began to give Reiki to my willing husband and children, ages seven and nine.

Two years after my journey began, I completed the Reiki Master/Teacher certification. I slowly decreased my medication dosage and am currently drug-free. I’ve been in remission from ulcerative colitis for three beautiful months, and I’ve never been happier, healthier, or feeling more at peace in my life.

I’m practicing Reiki on friends and family members while preparing to begin a Reiki business, and writing children’s books. I’ll embrace whatever unfolds during my Reiki journey with open, loving arms and enjoy my new life’s path.

Author Name:

Denise Walker

我的一些靈氣經驗 Some of My Reiki Experiences


我的一些靈氣經驗 Some of My Reiki Experiences

1994 年,我接觸到靈氣這個美妙的能量。當接受靈氣時,我的親身經歷給我留下了深刻的印象,這讓我繼續靈氣的學習和教育。我在 1996 年獲得了靈氣大師資格。


我在 1997 年開設了我的辦公室和治療所,並在「你可以治愈你的生活(You Can Heal Your Life)」 的作者Louise L. Hay 的指導下接受了培訓。然後她出版了我的書「天使,光之守護者,我的天使藝術和哲學的集合。(Angels, Guardian's of the Light , a collection of my angel art and philosophies.)」



Inge 被診斷出患有一種稱為格林-巴利症候群(Guillain-Barre syndrome) 的嚴重疾病,這是一種急性脫髓鞘性多發神經炎症疾病。她在斯坦福醫學中心(Stanford Medical Center)的醫生告訴她,她可能無法再走路了,並且將無限期地被限制在輪椅上。當她來找我尋求幫助時,她的體重減輕了很多,頭髮也開始脫落,身體非常虛弱,但她願意並接受靈氣來幫助她達到治癒的目標。在三個月的時間裡,我每週給她兩次靈氣,六個月後她就可以自己走路了,完全康復了。她的醫生對她恢復的速度均一無所知。她現在過著幸福、健康的生活。


我提醒她她的生日派對即將到來,鼓勵她在她特殊的日子裡保持健康和快樂。我在她身上工作了 45 分鐘,仔細觀察。我完成後,她的護士用詢問的眼神走近我,告訴我凱特琳在接受靈氣治療時一直在自己呼吸。凱特琳現在已經十幾歲了,過著健康的生活。













Some of My Reiki Experiences

In 1994, I was introduced to the wonderful energy of Reiki. I was impressed with my personal experience when receiving Reiki, which then lead me to pursue my study and education in the same. I received the Master Level in 1996.

My entire life changed—professionally, spiritually, and personally. To this day the overall experience has left me in wonder of the major life transition that has led me to where I am today. Before then, I worked in corporate America, but I ended up quitting my job, and began to paint angels and spiritual subject matter professionally.

I opened my office and clinic in 1997, and met and trained under Louise L. Hay, author of You Can Heal Your Life . She then published my book, Angels, Guardian's of the Light , a collection of my angel art and philosophies.

My education continued onward in order to became a non-denominational minister. The energy continues to manifest forward, as I continue to teach Reiki within the public school systems and in hospitals, training nurses in Reiki. I am honored to be on staff at a local hospital administering Reiki to patients as well.

The following are a few of the many stories inspired by personal clients.

Inge was diagnosed with a severe medical condition called Guillian-Barre syndrome, which is an acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy. Her physicians at Stanford Medical Center told her that she would probably not walk again, and be confined to a wheel chair for an indefinite period of time. When she came to me asking for help, she had lost a considerable amount of weight, was losing her hair, and was very weak, yet she was willing and accepting of having Reiki to assist with her goal to be healed. I gave her Reiki twice a week for a period of three months, and within six months she was walking on her own, completely healed. Her doctors were at a loss as to how quickly she had recovered. She is now living a happy, healthy life.

Katelyn was a small child of five when I first treated her. I received a call from her grandmother one evening telling me that her granddaughter had been struck by a car leaving her in a coma. Her grandmother was requesting Reiki for her. She had been placed in ICU at Children's Hospital in Oakland,California, hooked up to respirators and monitors. Once cleared by medical staff, I was very careful of my hand placement, gently speaking to her during the session, knowing in my heart that she could hear me on some level.

I reminded her that her birthday party was coming soon, encouraging her to be well and happy for her special day. I worked on her for a period of 45 minutes, closely observed. After I finished, her nurse approached me with questioning eyes informing me that Katelyn had been breathing on her own while being given Reiki. Katelyn is now well into her teens, living a healthy life.

Anne, a female client, was experiencing edema, a dramatic swelling, in her ankles. Within a one- hour session, the swelling had diminished completely. Amazing.

I take no personal credit, or let my ego become involved regarding any of the above sessions or healings other than being a vessel for Reiki energy to flow through. This is a blessing within itself: knowing that we, as Reiki healers, have the capability of extending divine energy through ourselves and on to others. I am pleased that Reiki has become so widely accepted in the field of alternative healing, which often no longer needs a complicated explanation of what it is. I believe that Reiki heals the whole person—body, mind, and spirit.


Author Name:

Rev. Karen Haughey

星期五, 9月 24, 2021















星期四, 9月 23, 2021

靈氣應用於臨終關懷 Hospice Healing


靈氣應用於臨終關懷 Hospice Healing










Hospice Healing

A friend of mine had lung cancer and when I found out about it she was already in the hospital. The doctor's held no hope and she was dying when I and another friend arrived. She was in a lot of pain and the nurses were contacting her family to come and make arrangements. A matter of hours they said. My friend and I started to use Reiki over the area where her tumor was and then proceeded to do a full body. She said the heat felt so good to her because she had been so cold. We stayed about an hour and realized her aura was very close to her body. The family came and we left to give them privacy. The next day we went back and she asked us to do "whatever it was we did again" she said she slept like a baby and had no pain. The first time in months. We gave her another treatment. The nurses saw what we were doing and closed the door to give us privacy. She sat up and spoke for a little while then fell asleep as we continued treating her. The next day I went back to see her and my heart sank; the bed was empty. I asked where she was... (meaning which funeral home) they said she went home. I could not believe it. I found her at a home of one of her friends who asked us to give Reiki treatments to her because of a bad back. We did this gladly since she was taking care of our friend. My friend eventually passed (two months later) but not in pain and fear in a hospital bed but in a home with people who loved her by her side. I treated her with Reiki energy until it felt like she was ready to go forward. She had no fear...and no pain and it was a tremendous blessing for me... one I will never forget. Ase Mercedes

Author Name:

Ase Mercedes


  人生就像一場遊戲。 前面二十級(歲)基本上都是新手村。 然後你的新手NPC是亂數決定的爸媽。 個人能力數值跟著NPC的資源決定一半的基數。 等到等級可以出新手村,遊戲的自由度大增。 有的人會考慮再練等級(念大學、研究所)多上升一些點數才要出村去解任務,也有人迫不及待的出村去探...