星期四, 9月 30, 2021

靈氣幫助痛風 Reiki Helps Gout


靈氣幫助痛風 Reiki Helps Gout

我在魁北克的蒙特利爾寫信給你,我在那裡練習靈氣已經 15 年了。 我母親最近因為痛風病得很重,尿酸在大腳趾的關節處積聚。 經過醫生近兩週的治療,她仍然不能走路。 我去了她家,大約離我家三個小時的路程,給她做了兩次足部治療。 第二天,她又可以走路了! 靈氣是一個很棒的治療工具,我很高興告訴別人。









《靈氣和創傷後壓力症候群 PTSD》

Reiki Helps Gout

I'm writing you from Quebec Montreal where I’ve been practicing Reiki for 15 years now. My mother was very sick recently with a gout crisis, an accumulation of uric acid in the articulation of the big toe. After almost two weeks of treatment by the doctor, she still couldn't walk. I went to her place, which is three hours away from my home, and gave her two treatments on her foot. The following day she was able to walk again! Reiki is a wonderful healing tool, which I’m happy to tell others about.

Author Name:

Suzanne Landry

星期三, 9月 29, 2021

靈氣治療口吃 Stuttering


靈氣治療口吃 Stuttering

幾個月前,一位女士來參加我的靈氣療程,因為她在丈夫和兒子去世後出現了嚴重的口吃。 她是一名物理學家,在這件事發生之前,她已經看到了他們的死亡以及他們將死於什麼,但她無法做任何事情來阻止任何事件的發生。 由於這種創傷和完全無助的感覺,她開始嚴重的口吃,以至於無法正確完整說出整個句子。 在我進行了三次治療後(每週進行一次),我很高興地報告她的口吃目前已完全治癒。 由於這個結果,她真的很驚訝並欣喜若狂,並且將接受合適的靈氣點化和課程,以成為一位靈氣大師。 靈氣繼續幫助我在精神上、情感上和身體上發展。 這確實是任何人都可以從宇宙中得到的最偉大的禮物。 合十!





《美國WMTW abc 8 新聞介紹靈氣療法》




《靈氣和創傷後壓力症候群 PTSD 》


A couple of months ago, a woman came to me for Reiki sessions because she had developed severe stuttering after her husband and son passed over. She is physic and had seen both of their deaths and what they would die from before it happened, but she couldn’t do anything to prevent either incident. Because of this trauma and feeling complete helplessness, she started to stutter so badly she couldn’t complete a whole sentence correctly. After I performed three sessions (given on a weekly basis), I am happy to report that she completely quit stuttering. She is truly amazed and ecstatic because of the result and is going to take the necessary attunements and classes to became a Reiki Master herself. Reiki continues to help me and develop me spiritually, as well as emotionally and physically. It is truly the greatest gift anyone can receive from the universe. Namaste!

Author Name:

Polly Straffon

幾次靈氣治療 Several Reiki Healings


幾次靈氣治療類風濕性關節炎 Several Reiki Healings

借助靈氣的力量,我開始了解 William Lee Rand 的網站,我想我可以在那裡了解更多的訊息。我想分享我在引導靈氣的力量時的罕見經歷。第一個接受我的靈氣的是一位患有類風濕性關節炎的女士。當我第一次見到她時,她無法抬起她的四肢,因為她的四肢因病殘障的相當嚴重。她已經 15 天沒有好好睡覺或進食了(!),看起來很累。氣場也灰濛蒙的,原本可以稱得上非常美麗的容顏也失去了魅力。她痛哭流涕,渴望靈氣治療,至少能夠睡覺和吃飯。有趣的是,我在接受靈氣啟蒙後僅三天就開始了這些靈氣療程。我沒有被告知我必須在整整 21 天後才能被允許治療。也許上帝的恩典對我有不同的作用。那位女士後來能夠很好地睡覺和吃飯,我們都很高興。

10天后,她的四肢開始能夠自動移動。 (對於這種嚴重的疾病,即使是最細微的動作也是很重要的。)她通常無法在沒有幫助的情況下抬起雙腿,但在她的靈氣治療期間,腿會自動向上移動,且她無需費力,人們可以看到她能些許向內轉動雙腳。我的靈氣大師很想把它錄下來,但個案反對。然而,我的一些靈氣通靈者見證了它。有時,我在現場的時候會使運動成為可能,並且可以聽到關節處的一些破裂聲。然後我建議她的丈夫接受靈氣點化,他同意了,並一直給他的妻子靈氣。這位女士現在能夠自由行走並自由舉起雙手。到目前為止,治愈率幾乎達到 80%,她的醫生稱其為醫學奇蹟。雖然我從未表示我想要任何錢來為我的靈氣服務提供資金,但這位女士給了我一千盧比(25 美元)!對於初學者來說,這個數量是非常巨大的。

我和所有來找我尋求這種神聖靈氣力量的人繼續我的靈氣療程。在練習靈氣作為治療師四年後,我現在已經成為靈氣大師,並在兩個月內啟動了 10 位靈氣治療師。我找到了快速治癒的新方法。









《靈氣和創傷後壓力症候群 PTSD 》


Several Reiki Healings

With the power of Reiki I came to know about William Lee Rand's website, where I think I can learn more. I’d like to share the rare experience I had when channeling the power of Reiki. My first recipient was a lady affected by rheumatoid arthritis. She was, when I first met her, not able to lift her limbs as they were considerably crippled. She had not slept or dined for 15 days (!) and appeared so tired. The aura was so grey and the face of what would otherwise be called a very beautiful lady had lost its charm. She was weeping profusely and had craved Reiki sessions at least to get sleep and to be able to eat. It may be interesting to note that I had started these Reiki sessions only three days after undergoing my Reiki initiation. I had not been told that I should necessarily empower myself for 21 full days. Maybe God’s grace worked differently for me. That lady was able to sleep and take food admirably well, and we were so happy.

After 10 days, her limbs started moving automatically. (Even the minutest movement matters much in respect to this crippling disease.) She could not normally lift her legs without help but during her Reiki sessions, the legs would be moving upwards automatically with no effort from her, and one could see some inward turning of both the feet. My Reiki Master was anxious to get it videotaped but the recipient objected to it. However some of my fellow Reiki channelers witnessed it. Sometimes, my very presence would make the movements possible and some cracking sounds at the joints would be heard audibly. Then I suggested that her husband be attuned to Reiki, which he agreed to do and has been giving his wife Reiki. The lady is now able to walk freely and lift her hands freely. There has been an almost 80% cure so far and her doctor has called it a medical miracle. Though I never indicated that I wanted any money for my service with Reiki power, the lady gave me one thousand Rupees ($25)! For a beginner this amount is very huge.

I have continued my Reiki sessions with everyone who came to me seeking this divine Reiki Power. After practicing Reiki as healer for four years, I have now become a Reiki Master and initiated 10 Reiki channelers so far within two months. I have found new methods to bring about fast cures.

Let me conclude with this. The lady next to my house was suffering from severe headache and giddiness but after some Reiki is now perfectly alright and has become a Reiki channel herself! Reiki love and light.

Author Name:

R. Ganesh

星期二, 9月 28, 2021

靈氣治癒骨質疏鬆症引發的疼痛 Osteoporosis Pain Healed


靈氣治癒骨質疏鬆症引發的疼痛 Osteoporosis Pain Healed

我媽媽是一個非常活躍的 80 歲老人。她患有嚴重的骨質疏鬆症,並一直忍受著這種疼痛。她不喜歡吃止痛藥,所以一直她忍受著疼痛,直到無法忍受為止。由於我住在幾個州之外,(作為靈氣大師)以致我無法給她任何靈氣治療方法。但是,我確實嘗試盡可能多地發送遠距離靈氣。








《靈氣和創傷後壓力症候群 PTSD 》



Osteoporosis Pain Healed

My mother is a very active 80 year old. She has severe osteoporosis and lives with this pain constantly. She is not one for pain pills, so she endures the pain until it is intolerable. Living several states away, (as a Master Reiki Practitioner) I am not able to give her any hands on Reiki treatments. However, I do try to send long distance Reiki as much as I can.

On one of our trips to visit her, she was suffering with her pain terribly. I offered a Reiki session, and she welcomed any relief. She stated that there wasn’t one area on her body that did not have pain. Along with that, she also was trying to cope with the pain of a breakout of Shingles which had localized on the posterior side of her right thigh. As she could not lay down on any flat surface, I conducted my session while she sat in a rocking chair. I was skeptical at first, not thinking she would be able to relax at all in that position.

I finished her total body session in one hour. Several times during the session she had fallen sound asleep and was breathing very slowly and deeply. During her session I could feel more and more heat in my hands. In fact, the intensity of the heat traveled up to my wrists and to the middle of my forearms! The palms of both my hands were bright red! I had to awaken her when the time was up. She said that when she woke up, she had zero pain anywhere! I was amazed. She also said that she was calm and relaxed and had a feeling of well-being throughout her body! She is the most receptive person I have ever experienced.

Throughout the remainder of our visit, she remained pain free (two more days). After we returned home, a couple of weeks went by then I called her. She said that she had been totally pain free without pain medication since we had left, and that only a slight amount of discomfort had started one to two days before I called. I believe in Reiki as a relaxation, as well as a self-healing, treatment.

Author Name:


星期日, 9月 26, 2021

靈氣和潰瘍性結腸炎 Reiki and Ulcerative Colitis


靈氣和潰瘍性結腸炎 Reiki and Ulcerative Colitis

我已經從潰瘍性結腸炎(Ulcerative Colitis)中愉悅的緩解了三個月!能大聲說出這些話令人驚訝,因為我自從 1998 年病情就開始了。我從未想過靈氣能夠改善並穩定我的病情。


我在接受脊椎按摩治療時閱讀了《靈氣新聞》雜誌上的一篇文章。我被這個故事感動了,我心裡想,“如果能像文章中的那位女士一樣體驗自己病情的痊癒,那就太好了。”我決定在 2008 年 9 月預約我的第一次靈氣治療。於是控制潰瘍性結腸炎的旅程即將開始。





2010 年第一季,我完成了靈氣二階和靈氣高階。我定期進行自我修復,並開始將靈氣給予我的丈夫和 7 歲和 9 歲的孩子。











Reiki and Ulcerative Colitis

I've been in remission from ulcerative colitis for three beautiful months! It’s surprising to say these words out loud since the condition began in 1998. I never imagined Reiki would improve and stabilize my condition.

Researching ulcerative colitis guided me to many articles and books with suggestions of how to control abdominal pain, bleeding, bloating, gas, diarrhea, nausea, and fatigue, but even with these suggestions, my health never improved.

I read an article in Reiki News Magazine while at a chiropractic appointment. I was emotionally moved by the story, and I thought to myself, "it would be lovely to experience the healing of my own condition similarly to the lady in the article." I decided to book my first Reiki appointment in September 2008. The journey to control my ulcerative colitis was about to begin.

My expectations were limitless when I entered the practitioner’s room for my Reiki session. The emotional release I experienced during and after the Reiki was indescribable. Reiki awakened my inner self. I looked deep down inside of me and asked questions that had troubled me for many years. Why am I sad? Why am I blaming others for situations that happened in the past? Why don’t I stand up for myself and take the steps I need to achieve my goals or my soul purpose? Overall, I learned that the lack of compassion from my family since childhood helped me to be patient and caring toward others. I didn’t have the opportunity to enrich my education the way I had hoped, and I had to work at a young age to cloth myself and pay rent at home. These experiences gave me strength to face life’s challenges.

As I continued my Reiki sessions, my Reiki practitioner taught me how to ground myself, how to meditate, and how to shield myself from people who constantly unleashed their unpleasant energy in my direction. My intentions were to exercise regularly, eat healthier, and to accept and deal with daily challenges, positively.

My husband and children noticed my happier disposition. I became more energetic, my motivation and confidence increased, and my ulcerative colitis flare-ups were less frequent. I was jogging regularly, attending Yoga classes, and eating a proper diet, omitting pork, beef, and sweets by choice.

My next intention was to increase my Reiki knowledge. I sought to learn how to self-heal and heal others. Six months after my first session, I completed Reiki I. I taught myself the benefits of using crystals while meditating—during Reiki sessions with a practitioner and during self-healing. The lessening of my flare-ups extended by three—six months, and my medication dosage during that time became minimal.

In the first quarter of 2010, I completed Reiki II and Reiki ART. I did self-healing regularly and began to give Reiki to my willing husband and children, ages seven and nine.

Two years after my journey began, I completed the Reiki Master/Teacher certification. I slowly decreased my medication dosage and am currently drug-free. I’ve been in remission from ulcerative colitis for three beautiful months, and I’ve never been happier, healthier, or feeling more at peace in my life.

I’m practicing Reiki on friends and family members while preparing to begin a Reiki business, and writing children’s books. I’ll embrace whatever unfolds during my Reiki journey with open, loving arms and enjoy my new life’s path.

Author Name:

Denise Walker

我的一些靈氣經驗 Some of My Reiki Experiences


我的一些靈氣經驗 Some of My Reiki Experiences

1994 年,我接觸到靈氣這個美妙的能量。當接受靈氣時,我的親身經歷給我留下了深刻的印象,這讓我繼續靈氣的學習和教育。我在 1996 年獲得了靈氣大師資格。


我在 1997 年開設了我的辦公室和治療所,並在「你可以治愈你的生活(You Can Heal Your Life)」 的作者Louise L. Hay 的指導下接受了培訓。然後她出版了我的書「天使,光之守護者,我的天使藝術和哲學的集合。(Angels, Guardian's of the Light , a collection of my angel art and philosophies.)」



Inge 被診斷出患有一種稱為格林-巴利症候群(Guillain-Barre syndrome) 的嚴重疾病,這是一種急性脫髓鞘性多發神經炎症疾病。她在斯坦福醫學中心(Stanford Medical Center)的醫生告訴她,她可能無法再走路了,並且將無限期地被限制在輪椅上。當她來找我尋求幫助時,她的體重減輕了很多,頭髮也開始脫落,身體非常虛弱,但她願意並接受靈氣來幫助她達到治癒的目標。在三個月的時間裡,我每週給她兩次靈氣,六個月後她就可以自己走路了,完全康復了。她的醫生對她恢復的速度均一無所知。她現在過著幸福、健康的生活。


我提醒她她的生日派對即將到來,鼓勵她在她特殊的日子裡保持健康和快樂。我在她身上工作了 45 分鐘,仔細觀察。我完成後,她的護士用詢問的眼神走近我,告訴我凱特琳在接受靈氣治療時一直在自己呼吸。凱特琳現在已經十幾歲了,過著健康的生活。













Some of My Reiki Experiences

In 1994, I was introduced to the wonderful energy of Reiki. I was impressed with my personal experience when receiving Reiki, which then lead me to pursue my study and education in the same. I received the Master Level in 1996.

My entire life changed—professionally, spiritually, and personally. To this day the overall experience has left me in wonder of the major life transition that has led me to where I am today. Before then, I worked in corporate America, but I ended up quitting my job, and began to paint angels and spiritual subject matter professionally.

I opened my office and clinic in 1997, and met and trained under Louise L. Hay, author of You Can Heal Your Life . She then published my book, Angels, Guardian's of the Light , a collection of my angel art and philosophies.

My education continued onward in order to became a non-denominational minister. The energy continues to manifest forward, as I continue to teach Reiki within the public school systems and in hospitals, training nurses in Reiki. I am honored to be on staff at a local hospital administering Reiki to patients as well.

The following are a few of the many stories inspired by personal clients.

Inge was diagnosed with a severe medical condition called Guillian-Barre syndrome, which is an acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy. Her physicians at Stanford Medical Center told her that she would probably not walk again, and be confined to a wheel chair for an indefinite period of time. When she came to me asking for help, she had lost a considerable amount of weight, was losing her hair, and was very weak, yet she was willing and accepting of having Reiki to assist with her goal to be healed. I gave her Reiki twice a week for a period of three months, and within six months she was walking on her own, completely healed. Her doctors were at a loss as to how quickly she had recovered. She is now living a happy, healthy life.

Katelyn was a small child of five when I first treated her. I received a call from her grandmother one evening telling me that her granddaughter had been struck by a car leaving her in a coma. Her grandmother was requesting Reiki for her. She had been placed in ICU at Children's Hospital in Oakland,California, hooked up to respirators and monitors. Once cleared by medical staff, I was very careful of my hand placement, gently speaking to her during the session, knowing in my heart that she could hear me on some level.

I reminded her that her birthday party was coming soon, encouraging her to be well and happy for her special day. I worked on her for a period of 45 minutes, closely observed. After I finished, her nurse approached me with questioning eyes informing me that Katelyn had been breathing on her own while being given Reiki. Katelyn is now well into her teens, living a healthy life.

Anne, a female client, was experiencing edema, a dramatic swelling, in her ankles. Within a one- hour session, the swelling had diminished completely. Amazing.

I take no personal credit, or let my ego become involved regarding any of the above sessions or healings other than being a vessel for Reiki energy to flow through. This is a blessing within itself: knowing that we, as Reiki healers, have the capability of extending divine energy through ourselves and on to others. I am pleased that Reiki has become so widely accepted in the field of alternative healing, which often no longer needs a complicated explanation of what it is. I believe that Reiki heals the whole person—body, mind, and spirit.


Author Name:

Rev. Karen Haughey

星期五, 9月 24, 2021















星期四, 9月 23, 2021

靈氣應用於臨終關懷 Hospice Healing


靈氣應用於臨終關懷 Hospice Healing










Hospice Healing

A friend of mine had lung cancer and when I found out about it she was already in the hospital. The doctor's held no hope and she was dying when I and another friend arrived. She was in a lot of pain and the nurses were contacting her family to come and make arrangements. A matter of hours they said. My friend and I started to use Reiki over the area where her tumor was and then proceeded to do a full body. She said the heat felt so good to her because she had been so cold. We stayed about an hour and realized her aura was very close to her body. The family came and we left to give them privacy. The next day we went back and she asked us to do "whatever it was we did again" she said she slept like a baby and had no pain. The first time in months. We gave her another treatment. The nurses saw what we were doing and closed the door to give us privacy. She sat up and spoke for a little while then fell asleep as we continued treating her. The next day I went back to see her and my heart sank; the bed was empty. I asked where she was... (meaning which funeral home) they said she went home. I could not believe it. I found her at a home of one of her friends who asked us to give Reiki treatments to her because of a bad back. We did this gladly since she was taking care of our friend. My friend eventually passed (two months later) but not in pain and fear in a hospital bed but in a home with people who loved her by her side. I treated her with Reiki energy until it felt like she was ready to go forward. She had no fear...and no pain and it was a tremendous blessing for me... one I will never forget. Ase Mercedes

Author Name:

Ase Mercedes

星期一, 9月 20, 2021




祝諶予(1914 年生,北京市名中醫,北京協和醫院教授,師承京城名醫施今墨)

〔組成〕 1.生黃耆 30 克 2.生地 30 克 3.蒼朮 15 克 4.元參 30 克 5.葛根 15 克 6.丹參 30 克

〔主治〕 氣陰兩虛型糖尿病。

〔用法〕 日一劑,水煎分溫服用。


1、尿糖不降,重用花粉 30 克,或加烏梅 10 克。

2、血糖不降加人參白虎湯,方中人參可用黨參代替,用 10 克,知母用 10 克,生石膏重用30 克~60 克。

3、血糖較高而又饑餓感明顯者,加玉竹 10 克~15 克、熟地 30 克。

4、尿中出現酮體,加黃芩 10 克、黃連 5 克、茯苓 15 克、白朮 10 克。

5、皮膚癢,加白蒺藜 10 克、地膚子 15 克、白蘚皮 15 克。

6、下身搔癢,加黃柏 10 克、知母 10 克、苦參 15~20 克。

7、失眠,加首烏 10 克、女貞子 10 克、白蒺藜 10 克。

8、心悸,加菖蒲 10 克、遠志 10 克、生龍骨 30 克、生牡蠣 30 克。

9、大便溏薄,加薏苡仁 20 克、芡實 10 克。

10、自覺燥熱殊甚,且有腰痛者,加肉桂 3 克引火歸元。

11、腰痛、下肢痿軟無力者,加桑寄生 20 克~30 克、狗脊 15 克~30 克

星期日, 9月 19, 2021

靈氣能幫助降低高血壓嗎?Can Reiki Help Lower High Blood Pressure?


靈氣能幫助降低高血壓嗎?Can Reiki Help Lower High Blood Pressure?

高血壓,影響著全世界數百萬人。 事實上,世界衛生組織報告說,全世界 18 歲以上的人中,目前有近四分之一的人患有這種疾病。 許多不同的治療方法可用於治療這種情況,包括藥物治療、飲食改變和運動。 此外,一些患者還發現他們可以透過在治療中加入靈氣療法來改善這個症狀。


當您的血液的壓力過大時,就會發生高血壓,從而導致血管壁受損。 高血壓的一些症狀包括頭痛、流鼻血和呼吸急促,但許多患有這種疾病的人在血壓達到危險水平之前不會出現任何症狀。 當血壓變得極高或長期未治療高血壓時,可能會導致許多併發症。 高血壓的一些可能併發症包括記憶問題、心力衰竭、心臟病發作、中風和動脈瘤。 由於這種情況,有些人的眼睛和/或腎臟也可能出現問題。

血壓通常使用藥物治療,包括利尿劑和β受體阻滯劑(Beta blockers)。 必鼓勵高血壓患者注意鈉的攝入量,保持健康的體重,並定期鍛煉。 此外,大多數醫生會指導高血壓患者盡可能避免壓力。


靈氣是一種日本的治療法,專注於每個人內在精神能量的自然流動。 這種療法背後的概念是,身體內能量通路的阻塞或中斷可能是由疾病或不平衡引起的,這包括壓力,這也可能是高血壓的因素之一。 如果這些通路得到修復和/或疏通,能量便可以自由流動,身體的自然與平衡將得到恢復。

靈氣的一些作用可能對患有高血壓的人有益。 具體來說,靈氣也許能夠:


壓力、焦慮或緊張會導致血壓升高。 參加靈氣課程可以幫助人們放鬆,從而間接降低血壓。


不良的睡眠習慣與高血壓有關。 靈氣可以改善睡眠習慣和睡眠品質,這也可以降低血壓和/或減少與高血壓相關的併發症的可能性。









南格拉斯哥大學醫院(South Glasgow University Hospital)的研究人員進行的一項研究調查了靈氣療法對一組健康參與者的自主神經系統的影響。研究發現,靈氣療法顯著降低了心率和舒張壓。


德克薩斯大學休斯頓健康科學中心(University of Texas Houston Health Science Center)的研究人員進行的另一項研究發現,30 分鐘的靈氣治療可降低焦慮感和血管的收縮壓。該研究還發現靈氣治療增加了唾液的 IgA 水平和皮膚溫度。


在巴西完成的第三項研究進一步證實了靈氣可以降低血壓的證據。在這項研究中,共有 66 名參與者被分為三組:一組接受靈氣治療,一組接受安慰劑,一組作為對照。儘管所有三組都出現了血壓下降,但在接受靈氣治療的組中效果最好。


《靈氣對急性冠心病患 (ACS)自律神經的影響》


《大數據研究 靈氣對身心健康的效用》



Can Reiki Help Lower High Blood Pressure?

High blood pressure, which may also be referred to as Hypertension affects millions of people all over the world. In fact, the World Health Organization reports that nearly one in four people around the world over the age of 18 are currently living with this condition. Many different treatments are used to deal with this condition, including medications, dietary changes, and exercise. In addition, some patients have also found that they can improve their symptoms by adding Reiki treatments to their therapeutic regimen.

How High Blood Pressure Affects You

High blood pressure occurs when the pressure exerted by your blood flow is too strong, causing damage to the walls of your blood vessels. Some of the symptoms of high blood pressure include headaches, nosebleeds, and shortness of breath, but many people with this condition don’t have any symptoms until their blood pressure reaches a dangerous level. When blood pressure gets extremely high or high blood pressure remains untreated for a long period of time, a number of complications may result. Some of the possible complications of high blood pressure include memory problems, heart failure, heart attack, stroke, and aneurysm. Some people may also experience problems with their eyes and/or kidneys because of this condition.

Blood pressure is usually treated with medications, including diuretics and beta-blockers. People with high blood pressure are also encouraged to watch their sodium intake, maintain a healthy weight, and exercise regularly. In addition, most physicians instruct patients with high blood pressure to avoid stress as much as they can.

What Can Reiki Do for People with Hypertension?

Reiki is a Japanese therapy that focuses on the natural flow of spiritual energy within each individual. The idea behind this therapy is that blockages or disruptions in energy pathways within the body can result from illness or imbalance and this includes stress which can be a factor in high blood pressure. If these pathways are repaired and/or unblocked, energy can flow freely and the body’s natural balance will be helped to be restored.

Several of the effects of Reiki may be beneficial to people who suffer from high blood pressure. Specifically, Reiki may be able to:

Induce feelings of relaxation.

Being stressed, anxious or nervous can raise blood pressure. Participating in Reiki sessions may help people to relax, thus lowering their blood pressure indirectly.

Lead to better sleep.

Poor sleep habits have been connected to high blood pressure. Reiki may improve sleep habits and the quality of sleep, which may also lower blood pressure and/or reduce the likelihood of complications related to high blood pressure.

Reduce sensations of pain.

Pain causes people to feel stressed, which raises blood pressure. Reiki treatments may reduce people’s perceptions of pain, which prevents blood pressure increases related to pain sensation.

Improve the mood.

Another possible effect of Reiki treatment is the elevation of mood and alleviation of symptoms of depression. When people with high blood pressure are feeling better about life and about themselves, they are more likely to be proactive in making lifestyle changes and following doctors’ recommendations with regard to the management of high blood pressure.

Reiki is non-invasive and requires no painful manipulation or pressure. Instead, the practitioner simply places his or her hands above the patient in a specific position. Alternatively, the practitioner may touch the patient lightly during treatment.

Relevant Research

Reiki’s potential benefits for people with high blood pressure are well supported by recent research. Some of the studies that have explored the relationship between Reiki and blood pressure are detailed below.

Changes to the Autonomic Nervous System During Reiki

A study conducted by researchers at South Glasgow University Hospital investigated the effect of Reiki treatments on the autonomic nervous systems of a group of healthy participants. The study found that Reiki treatments decreased both heart rate and diastolic blood pressure significantly.

Biochemical and Physiological Changes Related to Reiki

Another study conducted by researchers at the University of Texas Houston Health Science Center found that a 30 minute Reiki treatment produced lower perceptions of anxiety and lower systolic blood pressure. The study also found that Reiki treatment increased salivary IgA levels and skin temperature.

Effect of Reiki on Blood Hypertension

A third study completed in Brazil further solidifies the evidence that Reiki can lower blood pressure. In this study, a total of 66 participants were divided into three groups: one group that received Reiki treatment, one group that received a placebo, and one group that acted as a control. Although all three groups experienced a drop in blood pressure, the effect was greatest among the people in the group that received Reiki treatments.


靈氣治愈小腿肌肉的撕裂傷 Reiki Heals Torn Calf Muscle


靈氣治愈小腿肌肉的撕裂傷 Reiki Heals Torn Calf Muscle

我丈夫踢足球時撕裂了他的小腿肌肉。馬上可見到在皮下的血跡,他的腿也承受不住了。 脊醫告訴他,他將在場邊待上六個星期。 他感覺到被摧毀了。 那天晚上,我簡單地將受傷的小腿肌肉捧在手中,將靈氣傳給了他的小腿肌肉。 我在那個地方保持了大約 20 分鐘。 10-15 分鐘後,我和我丈夫開始感覺到皮膚下有被按摩的感覺。 老公問:“那是什麼?” 我回答說我不知道,並建議我們隨著它去。 這種按摩的感覺就像一連串的波浪來回流動。 我一直保持著這個姿勢,直到這個動作停止。 第二天我丈夫開始走路,沒有感到疼痛,也沒有跛行。 脊椎按摩師宣布他可以在接下來的星期六參加比賽,並為我丈夫怎麼能這麼快康復而撓頭並感到疑惑!










Reiki Heals Torn Calf Muscle

My husband tore his calf muscle playing soccer. The bleeding under the skin was visible immediately, and he couldn’t bear weight on his leg. The chiropractor told him that he would be on the sidelines for six weeks. He was devastated. That night I gave Reiki to his calf muscle by simply cupping the injured calf muscle in my hands. I held it for about 20 minutes in that one spot. After 10–15 minutes my husband and I started to feel a massaging sensation under the skin. My husband asked, “What is that?” I replied that I didn’t know and suggested that we just go with it. The massaging sensation was like a series of waves flowing back and forth. I held the position until the movement stopped. The next day my husband was walking, in no pain and with no limp. The chiropractor declared him fit to play the following Saturday and was scratching his head as to how my husband could have healed so quickly!

Author Name:

Alex Midwife

星期六, 9月 18, 2021


這是手上另一顆彰化 巧成真-徐柄垣 大師的史豔文,對於這個角色一直都有特殊的感情,所以收了不少顆。




















俞慎初(1915 年 10 月生,福建中醫學院教授、主任中醫師)


〔組成〕1.金錢草 30 克 2.海金砂 15 克 3.雞內金 10 克 4.金鈴子 10 克 5.川郁金 10 克 6. 玉米須 15 克。



〔加減〕1.肝膽結石,加枳殼 6 克、樸硝 6 克

2.大便不通,加元明粉 12 克

3.尿路結石,加石葦 12 克、貓須草 12 克

4.有絞痛者,加元胡 10 克、生甘草 3 克,以緩解疼痛。

〔典型病例〕林某,男,60 餘歲,1984 年 8 月就診,患者僑居印尼 40 餘年,4 年來患 膽囊結石症,經常右脅部脹痛,多在清晨四、五點左右。小 便經常色黃如茶。因年老不願手術, 此次以家鄉甲子年燈會,特返國觀光,前來求治。俞氏鑒於以往多服西藥,目前症狀為脅痛,小便黃,乃處以〔加味五金湯〕治 之。囑其連服 30 劑,以觀後效。未服藥前,曾作 B 超檢查,服藥後又作檢查。

處方:金錢草 30 克、海金砂 15 克、雞內金 10 克、金鈴子 10 克、川郁金 10 克、京丹參 12 克、 綿茵陳 15 克、山梔子 6 克、川黃柏 6 克、制大黃 10 克(便通停用)。

水煎服,連服 30 劑,每天 1 劑,日以金錢草、玉米須各 20 克,水煎代茶。







星期四, 9月 16, 2021

靈氣幫助燒燙傷康復Reiki Helps Burns



今年,我叔叔的房子著火,燒傷了他的臉。 他在醫院的ICU住了幾天。 我問我的阿姨和表哥我是否可以開始每天給他遠距靈氣治療,他們接受了。 我開始請大天使拉斐爾和靈氣天使和上師們幫助我的叔叔,並開始每天遠距靈氣治療。 事故發生大約三週後,我接到了叔叔打來的電話,感謝我所做的一切,更重要的是我告訴他“我做了什麼” ,我在向天使尋求幫助,並且每天都在向他發送遠距的靈氣療愈。 他告訴我,醫生每天都進來並說:“你的康復非常棒。 我們從未見過燒傷患者像您一樣康復得這麼快。 這是一個奇蹟。” 多虧了靈氣的治療,我叔叔的臉上沒有任何被燒傷的跡象。 真是奇蹟!










Reiki Helps Burns

This year, my uncle was in a house fire, which burnt his face. He was in the hospital in ICU for a few days. I asked my Aunty and Cousin if I could start sending him distant healing every day, which they accepted. I started asking Archangel Raphael and Reiki angels and masters to help my uncle and started distant healing every day. I received a phone call about three weeks after the accident from my uncle thanking me for what I had done, and more to the point “what did I do?” I told him that I was asking the angels for help and was sending him distant healing every day. He told me that the doctors kept coming in every day and saying” Your healing is amazing. We have never seen a burn victim heal as fast as you are. This is a miracle.” Thanks to the healing of Reiki my uncle has no visual signs of having been burnt on his face. What a miracle!

Author Name:

Paula Darch



劉渡舟(1917 年 9 月生,北京中醫學院著名教授)



1.柴胡 10 克

2.黃芩 10 克

3.茵陳蒿 12 克

4.土茯苓 12 克

5.鳳尾草 12 克

6.草河車 6 克




〔用法〕 水煎服,日一劑。

〔備註〕1 錢=3.75g









靈氣治療生育問題 Reiki Heals Fertility Problems


靈氣治療生育問題 Reiki Heals Fertility Problems

我遇到了一些重大的生育問題。 我有子宮內膜異位症第四期。 我有兩個高爾夫球大小的大囊腫,每個卵巢一個。 我的生殖醫學科 醫生兩次引流出充滿血液的囊腫。 然而,他們不斷地充滿更多的血液。 醫生很沮喪,我們也很沮喪。 我們後來去達拉斯看靈氣大師。 一次的靈氣療程後,我去看了醫生,又得到了另一張超音波圖像。 僅在一次靈氣治療後,囊腫就完全消失了。

我丈夫有精子方面的問題。 在靈氣大師的兩次靈氣治療之後,他的精子測試結果變成正常到完美。









Reiki Heals Fertility Problems

I was having some major fertility problems. I have stage four endometriosis. I had two, large golf ball-sized cysts, one on each ovary. My fertility doctor drained the cysts, which were blood filled, twice. However, they kept filling up with more blood. The doctor was frustrated and so were we. We went to see a Reiki Master here in Dallas. After one session, I went to the doctor and got another sonogram. The cysts were totally gone after only one session of Reiki.

My husband was having sperm problems. After two sessions with the Reiki Master, his sperm tested normal to perfect.

Author Name:


星期三, 9月 15, 2021

靈氣治愈抑鬱症 Reiki Heals Depression


靈氣治愈抑鬱症 Reiki Heals Depression

儘管她擁有大學學位,但由於缺乏工作和收入,以及失敗和受到傷害的人際關係,我的一個朋友在情感上陷入了將近一年的黑暗期。她和我出去喝酒,吃點東西,和朋友一樣,我把手放在她的背上安慰她。我感到能量如此強大,以至於我真的驚呆了。說實話,那時我已經有很長一段時間沒有經常練習靈氣了。儘管如此,我還是非常強烈地感覺到她需要一個完整的靈氣治療,我們第二天就這樣做了。在她的治療結束後,她描述了她的經歷,我建議她考慮在該地區尋找靈氣大師,這樣她就可以學習靈氣 I 級,以便每天進行自我靈氣並開始自我康復。你知道嗎-她真的有聽進去!一周之內,她不僅獲得了靈氣一級,還獲得了靈氣二級的資格。在她為期四天的周末靜修之後,我的朋友帶著清醒的精神回來了,對她的生活和人際關係也有了新的看法,並且對她的未來有了明確的關注。我的那個充滿沮喪、悲傷的朋友不見了,深沉的痛苦和磨難也不見了。我只看到一個閃亮、蔥滿陽光和自在的朋友,她已經開始治愈她的心,並朝著積極的方向前進。我們都計劃參加靈氣大師課程,我用一個新的開放態度讓靈氣重新回到我的生活中!









Reiki Heals Depression

One of my friends had been in an emotionally dark place for nearly a year because of failed and hurtful relationships in addition to a lack of work and income in spite of the fact that she had a college degree. She and I were out for a drink and bite to eat, and as friends do, I put my hand on her back to console her. I felt energy so strong I was actually stunned. Truthfully I hadn’t been practicing Reiki very much for quite some time at that point. Still, I felt very strongly that she needed a full session, and we did that the very next day. After her session she described her experience, and I suggested that she look into finding a Reiki Master in the area so that she could take Reiki Level I in order to do self-Reiki every day and begin to heal. Don’t you know—she actually listened! Within a week's time, not only had she received Reiki I but also Reiki Level II during a retreat. After her four-day weekend retreat, my friend returned with a clear mind and also a new outlook on her life and her relationships and a clear focus on her future. Gone was the depressed, sad friend, gone was the deep pain and suffering. I only could see a bright, sunny and relaxed friend who had begun to heal her heart and move on in a positive direction. We both plan to take a Reiki Master course, and I have a new openness to let Reiki back into my life!

Author Name:


星期二, 9月 14, 2021






















星期一, 9月 13, 2021









搭配上光興閣-林尤秀子 女士創作的偶衣。精彩的配色,重現了那段精彩的歲月風采。



靈氣協助諮商-治愈約會問題 Reiki Heals Dating Issues


靈氣協助諮商-治愈約會問題 Reiki Heals Dating Issues

我有一個名為 Cindy的心理諮商個案。她回報說她最近開始與人約會,但她感到被羞辱感淹沒。因為對於上一段婚姻期間的長期婚外情感到羞恥。


然後我聽到聖火能量想要為她提供恩典和寬恕。當她坐在沙發上時,我已經在合掌中用手完成了之前的工作。我走到她身邊,把手放在她頭部兩側約六英寸的地方,讓能量進入她的頭頂。我感到神的恩典和寬恕湧入並充滿了她。這對我和她來說都是一次深刻的經歷,讓她欣喜若狂。她說她以前從未像這樣感受到上帝的能量,並感到被寬恕。在下一次治療中,我問她對這件事的感覺如何,她看起來很驚訝,並說她已經原諒了這一切,不再批評自己。此外,她從小時候父母離婚的痛苦和所有的批評中解脫出來。所有這些工作都是在一次會議中進行的,如果我使用心理諮詢作為工具來解決這些問題,通常需要 6 到 12 次治療。










Reiki Heals Dating Issues

I have a counseling client we will call Cindy. She had recently started dating and a lot of shame had begun surfacing about a long-term affair that she had during her marriage. She reported that she was obsessing over the shame. I activated all the symbols and began sending Holy Fire Reiki back to the original cause of the shame of the affair. I heard in my mind the following issues that we cleared or made progress on: fear of getting divorced, the pain of experiencing her parent’s divorce, shame of getting divorced, fear of being a single mother with three special needs kids, fear of living away from her family and being all alone if she got separated, disappointment in being married to a workaholic, sadness in being married to her husband who was emotionally unavailable, fear she was unattractive, fear she would never find love again, fear of hurting her husband and the wife of her affair partner, needing support during her marriage, and shame of the affair. Because she had previously mentioned feeling like the black sheep in her family due to constant criticism and comparison to the golden child of the family, we worked on that next. We cleared criticism from her, her mother, and then going back through all the relationships in her family and through the family lineage.

Then I heard that the Holy Fire energy wanted to provide her with grace and forgiveness. I had done the prior work with my hands in Gassho while she sat on the sofa. I walked over to her and placed my hands on either side of her head about six inches over her head to allow the energy to come into her crown. I felt a rush of God’s grace and forgiveness come in and fill her up. This was a profound experience for me and for her and caused her tears of joy. She said she had never felt God’s energy like that before and felt forgiven. At the next session, I asked her how she was feeling about the affair and she looked surprised and said she had forgotten all about it and there wasn’t a charge anymore. Additionally she felt free of the pain of her parent’s divorce and all the criticisms as a child. All this work was conducted in one session, where if I had used my counseling tools to address these issues, it would have normally taken six to 12 sessions.

Author Name:

Karen Harrison

星期日, 9月 12, 2021

靈氣幫助狗狗再次奔跑和玩耍 Reiki Helps a Dog Run and Play Again


靈氣幫助狗狗再次奔跑和玩耍 Reiki Helps a Dog Run and Play Again












《動物愛靈氣(Animals Love Reiki)》


Reiki Helps a Dog Run and Play Again

One day in rural Tennessee, my sister’s neighbor found a dog running loose on the highway. He was relieved to see that she was wearing an ID tag, but when he called her owners, he was told that they didn’t want her anymore. He took her home to his already overflowing house of animals and called my sister. Would she and her daughter, who lived close by, be willing to share her? Of course they would! The dog was a sweet, beautiful mixed breed with tons of energy. They named her Pitiful Pearl, but she was not pitiful at all! Pearl loved running all over the countryside with all the neighboring dogs. She lived at all three homes, knowing which ones had the tastiest treats, coziest beds and playmates. Then disaster struck. Pearl was hit by a truck. The vet said that her hip was dislocated and her shoulder was crushed. If she didn’t have surgery to rebuild her shoulder, she would be lame for the rest of her life. However, the surgery would cost thousands of dollars, which ruled out the option of having the surgery. That’s when I got the call. My sister asked if I could do distant Reiki on her. It was her only hope. I did Reiki on Pearl every day. I connected with her immediately and kept visualizing her and telling her, “You will walk again.” She recuperated quickly at my niece’s house, but my niece couldn’t keep her calm. One evening while my niece and her family were having dinner at my sister’s house, they heard something at the door. It was Pearl! She had jumped through the screened window and walked the half mile to have dinner with them! It had only been four days since she was released from the animal hospital. After that, there was no holding her back. She kept escaping from the house to run with her pack. Last year I took a trip out to Tennessee and finally got to meet Pearl. She acted like she already knew me and gave me a big kiss on the lips. I know she was thanking me. Pearl completely healed and doesn’t have the slightest limp. It was truly a Reiki miracle!

Author Name:

Karen Thomas

星期六, 9月 11, 2021


























靈氣清除附靈狀態 Reiki Clears Spirit Attachment




自 1998 年我第一次接受培訓以來,我一直在使用靈氣。從那時起,我成為了一名靈氣大師和 Karuna 靈氣大師,並學習了水晶靈氣。去年我再次接受了聖火靈氣大師的培訓。我對於聖火能量的溫柔而感到驚訝。在過去的兩個月裡,我有一個客戶患有嚴重的健康問題,並且在過去三年中這個問題一直存在。她看過很多醫生,但沒有人能確定她每次吃飯時嘔吐的生理原因。她諮詢的一些醫生告訴她,這是由於她的精神狀況造成的。她對此不知所措。

那時,我最近搬到了科羅拉多州,並與我的新牧師談論了靈氣。他談到了這個女人的狀況,建議她來看我。她最後與我預約了會面,從她對她的健康問題的描述中,我提到她可能有附靈(Spirit Attachment)的狀況。我詢問她的許可,看看這個假設是否屬實。她同意了。我和她一起使用了驅除附體的工具和技巧。她確實有一個附靈,後來它被清除了。由於她的健康問題和虛弱的狀態,我建議她在 10 天內再進行兩次靈氣療程。我也覺得她的家需要清理。她讓我去她家看看有沒有附靈。我走進她家的每個房間並清理每個房間。當我們到達她的臥室時,當我試圖清理它時,她再次感到不適並向我提起了這件事。我檢查了她的脈輪,她的脈輪又被關閉了。然後我又一次清理了她的脈輪,接著回去清理她的臥室。清理完所有房間後,我給了她聖火靈氣。第三次和她會面,我又回到她家再次檢查她是否淨化完全,她的家是否沒有任何附靈。一切都清淨了。當我準備離開她家時,她說她有點頭疼。站在她的廚房裡,我再次給了她聖火靈氣,她的整個身體似乎都在重新調整。從那以後,她便一直沒有生病。她的思想變得更清楚了,她的能量與精力都又回來了,她現在可以吃任何東西而不嘔吐。










《靈氣對急性冠心病患 (ACS)自律神經的影響》

Reiki Clears Spirit Attachment

I have been using Reiki since 1998 when I was first trained. Since then I became a Reiki Master teacher, a Karuna Reiki® Master teacher and have studied Crystal Reiki. Last year I was trained again as a Holy Fire Reiki Master teacher. I am amazed with the Holy Fire energy and with the gentleness others receive. During the last two months, I have had a client with a serious health problem that has persisted for the past three years. She had gone to many doctors and none of them could determine a physical reason for why she vomited every time she ate. Some of the doctors that she consulted told her that it was due to her mental condition. She was at her wits’ end.

At that point, I had recently moved to Colorado and had spoken to my new pastor about Reiki. He spoke to this particular woman, recommending that she come to see me. She eventually did make an appointment and from her description of her health problems, I mentioned that she may have a spirit attachment. I asked her if I had her permission to see if this was true. She agreed. I used the Holy Fire spirit attachment tools and techniques with her. She did have an attachment, and it was cleared. Because of her health issues and weakened state, I recommended that she have two more sessions within a 10-day period. I also felt that her home needed to be cleared. She allowed me to come to her home to see if there were any attachments there. I went into every room of her house and cleared each room. When we got to her bedroom, as I was trying to clear it, she felt ill again and mentioned that to me. I checked her chakras and she was shut down again. Once I cleared her chakras, I went back to clearing her bedroom. Once all the rooms were cleared I gave her Holy Fire Reiki. For my third session with her, I returned to her home to check again to see if she was clear and her home was clear of any attachments. All was clear. When I was ready to leave her home, she commented that she had a slight headache. While standing in her kitchen, I again gave her Holy Fire Reiki and her whole body appeared to be realigning. She has not been ill since. She is thinking more clearly, her energy has returned and she now can eat anything without vomiting.

Author Name:

Gloria Owens

星期五, 9月 10, 2021








You think you know howthe world works. You think this material universe is all there is. What if I told you the reality you know is one of many?




在2016年卡耐基梅隆大學最新的研究中説明,冥想的訓練所能夠導致的大腦變化,就是這種變化給人體的健康帶來了影響。這個研究被發表在《生物精神病學》(Biological Psychiatry)雜誌上,並被收錄在PubMed的公開研究數據庫中。而有關於冥想已經被證實可以改善健康狀況和緩解多種疾病,這可能源自大腦在進行冥想時引起的相關變化。




※Alterations in resting state functional connectivity link mindfulness meditation with reduced interleukin-6: a randomized controlled trial.Biological Psychiatry. J. David Creswell, Adrienne A. Taren. et al, 2016; DOI:10.1016








靈氣讓腦損傷患者有很大的不同 Reiki for Brain Trauma Makes a Big Difference


靈氣讓腦損傷患者有很大的不同 Reiki for Brain Trauma Makes a Big Difference

作者:當.弗萊明(Dawn Fleming)



我的第一個腦外傷客戶南希曾兩次摔倒,頭部撞在浴室地板上。醫生告訴她,需要在黑暗的房間裡躺個 200 天,她甚至可能會開始感覺好一點,恢復部分的功能性。然後可能需要 6 個月到 2 年或更長時間才能完全癒合。她的腦部創傷導致失眠、注意力不集中、平衡問題、眼睛和頸部會劇烈疼痛、疲勞、對光敏感和嚴重頭痛。南希無法駕駛、清潔、思考或運作。她在黑暗中躺了 7 週後給我打電話。我在一個月內做了 10 次治療。第一次治療結束後,她就睡著了。第三次治療後,她的疼痛程度下降了,她的眼睛也能集中注意力。她可以和女兒出去吃午飯。 10個療程後,她又恢復了摔倒前的生活。她感覺好了將近90%。

我接下來的兩個腦外傷客戶都出過車禍。阿黛爾聯繫我是因為她的康復狀態在兩年後停滯不前,使她無法回去工作。她曾在電腦前工作,屏幕發出的光線傷害了她的眼睛,讓她感到頭疼和噁心。阿黛爾一直很活躍,但戶外活動也會引發頭痛并讓她感到噁心。 阿黛爾也是一名靈氣研習者,但希望其他人使用靈氣幫助她。經過幾次靈氣治療後,阿黛爾再次開始了兼職的工作,她可以在電腦前工作半天。她說沒有感到頭痛。又經過了幾次治療,她又開始騎自行車和跑步。有時,如果她過度勞累了,她會在此之後感覺到她需要更多的治療,但她真的相信靈氣正在幫助她重返新生活。



很久以前,一位同為靈氣大師的人,腦中的一個動脈瘤爆裂了。她的女兒,也是靈氣大師,打電話給我,問我是否可以協助告訴所有靈氣社群的其他人,並立即發送靈氣。這是在社交媒體盛行之前。我給 700位靈氣大師們發了一封電子郵件。她的女兒回報說,她的母親在動脈瘤破裂後倖存下來。統計顯示,40% 的破裂動脈瘤是致命的。在那些倖存下來的人中,有 66% 患有永久性的神經功能缺損。而她的母親挺過來了,很快就痊癒了。她每天都在接受大量的遠距靈氣。當她可以和我們談論她的經歷時,她說有時她可以感覺到靈氣的波浪每天流向她並穿過她。醫生對她的康復感到驚訝,並指出由於破裂的大小和位置,她仍然和我們在一起真是一個奇蹟。



當.弗萊明(Dawn Fleming)是著名的能量療法專家、並擁有臼井靈氣和 Karuna 靈氣大師、Medical Intuitive和 Marconics治療師的資格。 自 1989 年以來,她一直在靈氣/能量領域工作。 Dawn 於 2001 年辭去了位於政府的工作,將她的兼職靈氣治療發展為全職。 她幫助客戶解開為何他們在身體、情感和精神上無法得到他們想要的結果的謎團。 她專注於能量治療的相關挑戰,包括:COVID-19、生育問題、癌症、眼部問題、腦外傷和消化問題。 Dawn 的客戶遍布全球。 她也是許多關於靈氣和脈輪的書籍的作者。 她的網站是 www.energytransformations.org



《靈氣對急性冠心病患 (ACS)自律神經的影響 》





Reiki for Brain Trauma Makes a Big Difference

Article by Dawn Fleming

At the beginning of this year, I had the opportunity to work on my first client that had brain trauma from a fall. It was an amazing experience that I will talk about in a bit. Working with this client opened up many other opportunities to work with others who have brain trauma. I really never thought about the many ways that brain trauma can occur or how Reiki could be used to help all of these different types of brain trauma.

What I learned from working with clients with brain trauma is a lot of the time they look normal as if nothing has happened to them. But when they begin to give you the list of issues, you are amazed at how they can function. Brain trauma can be caused by falls, accidents, substance abuse, strokes, surgery, blows to the head, sports injuries, infections, drowning, and being near explosions (military personnel).

My first brain trauma client Nancy had fallen twice and hit her head on the bathroom floor. The doctors told her that it would take up to 200 days laying in a dark room before she might even begin to feel a little better and be somewhat functional. And then it might take 6 months to 2 years or more to be completely healed. Her trauma had caused insomnia, focusing issues, balance issues, severe pain in her eyes and neck, fatigue, sensitivity to light, and severe headaches. Nancy could not drive, clean, think or function. She called me after 7 weeks laying in the dark. I did 10 sessions in one month. After the first session, she slept. After the third session, her pain levels dropped and her eyes were focusing. She went out to lunch with her daughter. After 10 sessions, she resumed the life that she had before the fall. She felt 90 percent better.

Reiki for Brain Trauma Makes a Big Difference

My next two clients with brain trauma had been in car accidents. Adele contacted me because her healing had stalled after two years’ time and she was not able to go back to work. She had worked on the computer and the light from the screen hurt her eyes and gave her terrible headaches and nausea. Adele had been very active, but outdoor activity would also spark headaches and make her feel nauseous. Adele was a Reiki practitioner as well but wanted someone else to help her with Reiki. After a few Reiki sessions, Adele began working again part-time, half days on her computer. She said there were no headaches. After a few more sessions she began riding her bike and running again. Sometimes if she overdoes it she feels it later. She has more healing that is needed, yet she really believes that Reiki is helping her to return to a new life.

The other car accident client that I recently began working with, had many stitches over the top of his head. His trauma caused internal bleeding, pain, confusion, agitation, and depression. When the medical staff told him he had brain trauma he is in denial about it. His mother asked him if he would be open to receiving Reiki. He had a number of other injuries as well so he agreed to receive the Reiki. Within six weeks of being in rehab, the doctors noted, after doing brain scans and testing, that his brain was healing quite well. We are continuing sessions.

Another client that I am working with has brain trauma from seven years of drug abuse. She has been drug-free for 3 years. We are working with Reiki to heal her brain, mind, and body. She has neuritis in her eyes, her nerves are firing in different places in her body, and she had depression and fatigue. When I do sessions on her, I work on her whole body. The drug abuse messed up more than just her brain. After the first session, she called to tell me that she felt so good for the first time since before she started drugs. She asked if this feeling would be permanent. Since the first session that feeling comes and goes as we continue to use Reiki to bring her body and mind back into balance.

A long time ago, a fellow Reiki Master had a brain aneurysm burst in her brain. Her daughter, a Reiki Master as well, called me and asked if I would get the word out to the rest of the Reiki community to send Reiki right away. This was before social media. I sent out an email to 700 Reiki Masters. Her daughter reported back that her mother survived the ruptured aneurysm. Statistics show that 40% of ruptured aneurysms are fatal. Of those that survive 66% suffer a permanent neurological deficit. Her mother pulled through and healed quickly. She was receiving a lot of distance Reiki on a daily basis. When she could talk to us about her experience, she said that at times she could feel waves of Reiki flowing to her and through her each day. The doctors were surprised with her recovery and noted that it was a miracle that she was still with us because of the size and location of the rupture.

When working with someone with trauma to the brain, you may be dealing with stitches, inflammation, balance issues, headaches, nausea, memory issues, body weakness, sensitivity to light, loss of coordination, confusion, loss of concentration, along with depression just to name a few. A lot of times the doctors can give medication to help with the inflammation can stitch up the areas that have been opened, but a lot of the time they rely on time and the body to heal itself. This can be a very slow process with no guarantees.

I have found that Reiki helps to remove the energy blocks, restore diminished energy, reduce pain, and give the traumatized areas a boost to accelerate the healing process. I have also found that the initial first and second sessions help the client move out of the state of despair, hopelessness, and depression into feeling hopeful and feeling brighter about their future. A positive attitude will always help to accelerate the healing process. I also believe that the sooner you can work on someone that has brain trauma after it has occurred, the impact of Reiki can make a big difference in their healing process.

Dawn Fleming is a renowned Energy Expert, Usui and Karuna Reiki Master, Medical Intuitive and Marconics Practitioner. She has been working in the field of Reiki/Energy modalities since 1989. Dawn quit her government job in 2001 to grow her part-time Reiki practice to full time. Dawn helps clients to unravel the mystery of why they are not getting the results that they want, physically, emotionally and spiritual. She specializes in energy challenges that include: COVID-19, fertility issues, cancer, eye issues, brain trauma, and digestive issues. Dawn has clients world-wide. She is the author of many books on Reiki and Chakras. Her website is www.energytransformations.org

靈氣在臨床醫療中正在興起 Reiki in the Clinical Setting is On The Rise


靈氣在臨床醫療中正在興起 Reiki in the Clinical Setting is On The Rise


“越來越多的患者要求的護理服務超出了大多數人認為的傳統醫療服務的範圍,醫院正在通過提供這些療法來滿足他們所服務社區的需求。”健康論壇的研究員 Sita Ananth 表示,該機構是美國醫院協會 (AHA)的附屬機構。 “而醫院正透過提供這些療法來滿足他們所服務社區的需求。”

根據 AHA 的一項調查,靈氣現在是美國醫院住院時的三大補充療法之一。 按摩療法排在首位,約有 37% 的醫院患者要求按摩療法。 排名第二的是音樂和藝術療法,佔 25%,非常接近的第三名是“治愈觸摸療法”,佔 25%,其中包括靈氣和觸碰治療(Therapeutic Touch)。

醫院正在回應這些需求,他們自己發現靈氣可以提供的許多好處。 靈氣能量醫學:將治愈之觸帶入家庭、醫院和臨終關懷(Reiki Energy Medicine: Bringing Healing Touch into Home, Hospital and Hospice.)一書的合著者 Libby Barnett 和 Maggie Babb 表示:“隨著我們的醫療保健系統要求機構提供高質量但具有成本效益的服務,靈氣被認為是可以最大限度地提高患者護理和最大限度地縮短康復時間的重要工具。”


例如,紐約斯隆-凱特琳癌症紀念中心(Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York)不僅為患者提供靈氣療法,還每月教授一次靈氣,邀請患者的護理人員、患者本人和大眾學習。 “患者喜歡它,”紀念斯隆-凱特琳醫院綜合醫學部的管理人員、執業護士 Simone Zappa 說。 “他們喜歡它,因為它有效。”

根據國際靈氣專業協會 (IARP) 對“美國最佳醫院”(2002 年美國新聞與世界報導排名前 25 位)的研究,其中 60% 的醫院均實施了正式或非正式的靈氣計劃。 所有使用靈氣的醫院都表示,他們認為靈氣至少對患者有一定的好處,67% 的醫院表示他們認為靈氣非常有益。


在照護機構中接受靈氣部分是因為它很容易融入臨床環境。 它不需要特定的設置、技術或準備。 靈氣是一種接觸療法,由於護理人員和其他專業人員經常接觸患者,這是他們工作的一部分。 如果他們受過靈氣訓練,每次接觸病人時,病人都會自動接收靈氣能量。 由於不需要長時間的正式治療來支持患者進行靈氣療法,在患者護理的正常過程中隨時都可進行小型的治療使靈氣非常容易融入其中。


越來越多的軼事與證據一次又一次地證實了它的好處。 在臨床環境中使用靈氣的護士和醫生一致表示:它可讓患者放鬆、冷靜與合作; 緩解急性和慢性疼痛; 增強免疫系統; 減輕壓力; 減少對止痛藥的需求; 改善睡眠和食慾; 加速癒合過程,並且沒有副作用或禁忌症。 他們還說靈氣減少了放射和化學療法的許多不良副作用,包括噁心和疲勞。


由於一般的醫療保健服務,尤其是護理是職業倦怠率非常高的行業,因此不能低估靈氣對其從業者的好處。 靈氣對於護士和患者一樣容易融入臨床環境,讓護士在工作中進行幾分鐘的自我治療後能夠立即緩解壓力和放鬆。



也許最重要的是,越來越多的研究使西方醫療保健從業者能夠看到有關靈氣對患有各種疾病的患者的影響的量化研究數據。 臨床環境中正在進行的最大的靈氣研究目前持續在新罕布什爾州朴茨茅斯的哥倫比亞 / HCA 朴茨茅斯地區醫院進行(Columbia/HCA Portsmouth Regional Hospital, Portsmouth, NH, ),那裡有 8,000 多名手術患者接受了手術前和手術後的靈氣治療。 靈氣治療被納入他們的入院程序之一,也會在手術前的運送期間給予靈氣。 這些治療由訓練有素的註冊護士、物理治療師、技術人員和支援人員提供。

研究結果持續且相當一致。 在本研究中所有接受靈氣治療的患者都需要較少的麻醉,手術期間出血較少,使用的止痛藥較少,住院時間較短,並且對他們的住院經歷表示出比其他患者更高的滿意度。


加拿大埃德蒙頓的交叉癌症研究所(Cross Cancer Institute in Edmonton, Canada)對 20 名患有慢性疼痛的腫瘤患者進行了一項關於靈氣的影響的研究。 研究主管使用 VAS(視覺模擬量表)和李克特量表(Likert scale )來測量接受靈氣前後的疼痛指數,他們的結論是靈氣大大改善了疼痛水平。




耶魯大學內科心臟病科進行了一項研究,以確定靈氣是否會改善急性冠狀動脈綜合徵中恢復的患者的心率變異性 (HRV)。靈氣是耶魯-紐黑文醫院心臟科(Yale-New Haven Hospital cardiac units)提供的一項正在進行的臨床研究項目,因此本研究中的靈氣治療師是 5 名已受僱於該項目的受過靈氣培訓的護士。為了將靈氣與音樂干預和靜態休息的控制組進行比較,獲得了 12 名對照、13 名音樂和 12 名靈氣患者的連續心電圖指數。靈氣的變化明顯大於音樂組(p=0.007)或休息組(p=0.025)。




在康涅狄格州哈特福德的哈特福德醫院(Hartford Hospital in Hartford, CT, )進行的研究表示,懷孕期間使用靈氣可減少 94% 的焦慮,減少 80% 的噁心,減少 78% 的疼痛,並改善 86% 的睡眠。


對於臨終問題,臨終關懷研究表明靈氣可以解決身體和情緒症狀,同時改善安寧治療期間的生活品質。 靈氣可以促進深度放鬆、疼痛管理,並能以較少的藥物緩解抑鬱症。 它還有助於釋放焦慮、悲傷和恐懼,支持親人的正面情緒以冷靜、平和的度過最後階段。


臨床醫生發現靈氣對兒童同樣安全有效。 在加州最大的醫院之一加州太平洋醫療中心(California Pacific Medical Center),專門研究傳染病的兒科醫生 Mike Cantwell 博士提供一到三個小時的靈氣治療。 Cantwell 博士說:“我發現靈氣可用於治療急性疾病,例如肌肉骨骼損傷、疼痛、頭痛、急性感染和哮喘。 靈氣對慢性病患者也很有用,尤其是那些與慢性疼痛有關的患者。”




“將靈氣與傳統醫療保健相結合,不僅有助於治愈可治癒的疾病,而且還提供了一種護理無法治癒的疾病的解決方案。 因為靈氣促進了身體創造的自愈能力,所以當靈氣……是醫療計劃的一部分時,會發生許多戲劇性的癒合與轉變,”作者 Libby Barnett 和 Maggie Babb 說。

本文作者為 Bernadette Doran,RMT,他是Equilibrium Energy + Education 的負責人與主管,這是芝加哥的一家健康中心,致力於推廣以研究為基礎的能量療法。 Equilibrium 為接受靈氣培訓的護士提供 CE 學分。

研究參考Research references:

※Alandydy, Patricia, BSN, RN. “Using Reiki to Support Surgical Patients.” Journal of Nursing Care Quality, April 1999, Vol.13, No. 4, pp. 89-91.

※Barnett, Libby and Babb, Maggie, “Reiki Energy Medicine: Bringing Healing Touch into Home, Hospital and Hospice,” Healing Arts Press.

※Bossi, RN,MS, CS, Larraine; DeCristofaro, RN, MS, OCN, and Ott, RN, MN, MEd, CS, Mary Jane. “Reiki Treatments for People Living With Cancer.” Virginia Henderson International Nursing Library.

※Bossi, RN,MS, CS, Larraine; DeCristofaro, RN, MS, OCN, and Ott, RN, MN, MEd, CS, Mary Jane. “Reiki as a Clinical Intervention in Oncology Nursing Practice.” Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, Vol. 12, No. 3/2008, pp. 489-494.

※Brewitt, B., Vittetoe, T, and Hartwell, B. “The Efficacy of Reiki Hands-On Healing: Improvements in Spleen and Nervous System Function as Quantified by Electrodermal Screening.” Alternative Therapies, July 1997, Vol.3, No.4, pg.89

※Olson, Karin, R.N., Ph.D., and John Hanson, MSc. “Using Reiki to Manage Pain: a Preliminary Report.” Cancer Prevention and Control, June 1997, Vol.1, No. 2, pages 108-13.

※Singg, Sangreeta and Linda J. Dressen. “Desirable Self-Perceived Psychophysiological Changes in Chronically Ill Patients: An Experiential Study of Reiki.” International Society for the Study of Subtle Energy and Energy Medicine, June 1999.

※Wardell, Diane Wind and Joan Engebretson, “Biological Correlates of Reiki Touch™ Healing,” Journal of Advanced Nursing, Feb. 2001, Vol. 33, No. 4: pp. 439-445.

※Rachel S.C. Friedman, MD, Matthew M. Burg, PhD, Pamela Miles, BA, Forrester Lee, MD and Rachel Lampert, MD, “Effects of Reiki on Autonomic Activity Early After Acute Coronary Syndrome,” Section of Cardiology, Department of Internal Medicine, Yale University, School of Medicine, 333 Cedar Street, FMP 3, New Haven, Connecticut 06520



《靈氣對急性冠心病患 (ACS)自律神經的影響 》






Reiki in the Clinical Setting is On The Rise

Reiki is increasingly finding its way into institutional settings, from hospitals to hospices, and the push appears to be coming from patients as well as clinical practitioners.

“More and more, patients are requesting care beyond what most consider to be traditional health services, and hospitals are responding to the needs of the communities they serve by offering these therapies,” according to researcher Sita Ananth of Health Forum, an affiliate of the American Hospital Association (AHA). “And hospitals are responding to the needs of the communities they serve by offering these therapies.”

Reiki is now one of the top three complementary in-patient therapies in U.S. hospitals, according to an AHA survey. Massage therapy takes first place, with 37% of hospital patients requesting it. Number two is music and art therapy at 25%, and a very close third is “healing touch therapies” at 25%, which included Reiki and Therapeutic Touch.

Hospitals are responding, discovering for themselves the many benefits Reiki can offer. “As our health care system challenges institutions to offer high-quality but cost-effective service, Reiki is being recognized as an important tool to maximize patient care and minimize recovery time,” according to Libby Barnett and Maggie Babb, co-authors of Reiki Energy Medicine: Bringing Healing Touch into Home, Hospital and Hospice.

Reiki: Patients love it.

For example, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York not only offers Reiki therapy to patients but also teaches Reiki once a month, inviting the patients’ caregivers, the patients themselves, and the general public to learn it. “Patients love it,” says Simone Zappa, RN, an administrator in the Integrative Medicine Department at Memorial Sloan-Kettering. “And they love it because it works.”

According to an International Association of Reiki Professionals (IARP) study of “America’s Best Hospitals” (the top 25 ranked by U.S. News and World Report in 2002), 60% of them had formal or informal Reiki programs in place. All hospitals using Reiki said that they believed Reiki to be at least somewhat beneficial for patients, and 67% said they believed Reiki to be highly beneficial.

Reiki in Institutions

Acceptance of Reiki in institutions comes in part because it is so easy to incorporate into the clinical setting. It requires no specific setting, technology, or preparation. Reiki is a touch therapy, and RNs and other professionals routinely touch patients as part of their job. If they are Reiki-trained, every time they touch a patient, the patient automatically receives Reiki energy. Since long, formal sessions are not required to support a patient with Reiki therapy, opportunistic mini-treatments in the normal course of patient care make Reiki very easy to incorporate.

What Nurses and Physicians say about Reiki in the Clinical Setting

Mounting anecdotal evidence confirms its benefits over and over again. Nurses and physicians who use Reiki in the clinical setting consistently say it: Makes a patient relaxed, calm and cooperative; relieves acute and chronic pain; boosts the immune system; reduces stress; decreases the need for pain medication; improves sleep and appetite; accelerates the healing process, and has no side effects or contraindications. They also say that Reiki reduces many of the unwanted side effects of radiation and chemotherapy, including nausea and fatigue.

Self Reiki for Nurses

Since health care service in general and nursing in particular are industries with very high burnout rates, the benefits of Reiki for practitioners cannot be underestimated. Reiki is just as easily incorporated into the clinical setting for a nurse as it is for a patient, allowing the nurse immediate stress relief and relaxation after just a few minutes of self-treatment on the job.

Ongoing Research

Reiki and Surgery

Perhaps most importantly, increasing research allows Western healthcare practitioners to see quantifiable data about the effects of Reiki on patients with a variety of conditions. The largest ongoing study of Reiki in the clinical setting continues to be conducted at Columbia/HCA Portsmouth Regional Hospital, Portsmouth, NH, where more than 8,000 surgical patients have been given pre-and post-surgery Reiki treatments. Reiki is incorporated into their admission procedure and is also administered during transport to surgery. Treatments are given by trained RNs, physical therapists, technicians, and support staff.

Research results continue to be consistent. All the patients in this study who received Reiki had the need for less anesthesia, had less bleeding during surgery, used less pain medications, had shorter lengths of stay in the hospital, and indicated greater satisfaction with their hospital experience than other patients.

Reiki for Pain Management

The Cross Cancer Institute in Edmonton, Canada, conducted a study on the effects of Reiki with 20 oncology patients in chronic pain. Study supervisors used both a VAS (visual analog scale) and Likert scale to measure pain before and after Reiki, and their conclusion was that Reiki greatly improved pain levels.

Reiki and Oncology

Other research with oncology patients shows that Reiki speeds up the elimination of toxins, improves immune response, helps manage side effects of chemotherapy and radiation, and helps reduce the inevitable fear and anxiety that accompanies a cancer diagnosis.

Reiki and the Heart

The Section of Cardiology, Department of Internal Medicine, at Yale University conducted a study to determine if Reiki would improve Heart Rate Variability (HRV) in patients recovering from acute coronary syndrome. Reiki is an ongoing clinical program offered on Yale-New Haven Hospital cardiac units, so the Reiki therapists in this study were 5 Reiki-trained nurses already employed in that program. To compare Reiki to musical intervention and resting control, continuous electrocardiographic readings were obtained for 12 control, 13 music, and 12 Reiki patients. The change with Reiki was significantly greater than with music (p=0.007) or resting (p=0.025).

Reiki and Chronic Illnesses

Several studies on Reiki and chronic illness indicate improvement in spleen, lymphatic and nervous system function in patients with multiple sclerosis, lupus, fibromyalgia, and thyroid disorder, as well as better management of symptoms in patients with AIDS, chronic fatigue syndrome, and sleep disorders.

Reiki during Pregnancy

Research conducted at Hartford Hospital in Hartford, CT, showed that Reiki used during pregnancy reduced anxiety by 94 percent, reduced nausea by 80 percent, reduced pain by 78 percent, and improved sleep by 86 percent.

Reiki and End of Life Issues

For end of life issues, hospice studies show that Reiki addresses physical and emotional symptoms while improving quality of life during palliative care. Reiki promotes deep relaxation, pain management, and relief from depression with less medication. It also facilitates the release of anxiety, grief, and fear, supporting positive emotional closure with loved ones and a calm, peaceful passing.

Reiki and Children

Clinicians have found that Reiki is equally safe and effective for children. At California Pacific Medical Center, one of California’s largest hospitals, Dr. Mike Cantwell, a pediatrician specializing in infectious diseases, provides one to three-hour-long Reiki sessions. Dr. Cantwell says, “I have found Reiki to be useful in the treatment of acute illnesses such as musculoskeletal injury, pain, headache, acute infections, and asthma. Reiki is also useful for patients with chronic illnesses, especially those associated with chronic pain.”

Reiki from Cradle to Grave

Literally from cradle to grave, patients in neonatal units, hospices, hospitals, nursing homes, surgical suites, organ transplant units, and other clinical settings are increasingly being helped by Reiki, and as a result, Reiki is being incorporated into the clinical setting more and more.

Reiki and the Body’s Creative Ability to Heal Itself

“Incorporating Reiki with conventional healthcare not only assists with curing the curable, but also provides a solution for caring for the incurable. Because Reiki facilitates the body’s creative ability to heal itself, dramatic healing shifts can occur when Reiki…is part of a medical treatment plan,” according to authors Libby Barnett and Maggie Babb.

By Bernadette Doran, RMT, owner and director of Equilibrium Energy + Education, a wellness center in Chicago dedicated to leading-edge, research-based energy therapies. Equilibrium offers CE credits to nurses who take Reiki training.

靈氣對急性冠心病患 (ACS)自律神經的影響


放鬆療法(靈氣)對急性冠狀動脈後患者 (ACS)自律神經張力的生理影響 Physiologic Effect of Relaxation Therapies on Autonomic Tone Early After Acute Coronary Syndromes

研究作者:Rachel Summer Claire Friedman, Yale University



學位名稱:醫生Medical Doctor (MD)

第一顧問:雷切爾蘭伯特 Rachel Lampert


心肌梗塞後患者發生心律失常性猝死的風險增加。我們已知壓力和交感神經活化會影響心律失常的發生。雖然放鬆療法可以改善多種疾病的心理健康,但這些療法是否可以對心梗後患者的交感/迷走神經的平衡產生積極性的影響尚不清楚。我們探索了靈氣(一種以手輕觸的放鬆療法)和音樂對急性冠狀動脈綜合徵 (ACS) 住院患者的生理影響,使用心率變異性 (HRV) 評估治療期間對於心臟自主神經功能的變化。在過去 72 小時內,48 名 ACS 患者隨機接受靈氣、古典音樂或以控制“最小分心環境”的單次 20 分鐘治療。所有受試者均接受動態心電圖動態監測狀態。情緒狀態由李克特量表(Likert scale)評估。 HRV 在基線、干預和干預後期間均通過快速傅立葉變換頻譜分析(fast Fourier transformation )進行數據分析,高頻功率(對數常態分布-log normalized)通過變異數分析( ANOVA )與重複測量進行比較。在 12 名對照組、13 名音樂治療和 12 名靈氣患者中記錄了足夠的動態心電圖數據。 HRV 的高頻 (HF) 分量(一種副交感神經張力指數)在施作靈氣 (0.58±0.16) 期間顯著增加,但在音樂 (-0.1±0.16) 或控制組 (0.06±0.16) 期間沒有顯著增加。 RR 間隔隨著靈氣控制而顯著增加,但不會隨著音樂而增加。與對照組相比,靈氣組顯著減少了焦慮並增加了放鬆感(p=0.04),而音樂組則沒有。總之,接受靈氣訓練的護士輕觸心肌梗塞後接受者的迷走神經活動增加,焦慮減少。長期使用這種療法是否可以改善結果仍需要進一步研究。

研究結論:靈氣可增加急性冠狀動脈綜合症(ACS) 患者的迷走神經活動並減少焦慮狀態。 長期使用這種療法是否可以改善結果需要進一步研究。



Friedman, Rachel Summer Claire,“急性冠脈綜合徵後早期放鬆療法對自主神經張力的生理影響”(2009 年)。 耶魯醫學論文數位圖書館。 408. https://elischolar.library.yale.edu/ymtdl/408







Physiologic Effect of Relaxation Therapies on Autonomic Tone Early After Acute Coronary Syndromes

Rachel Summer Claire Friedman, Yale University

Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Thesis

Degree Name

Medical Doctor (MD)

First Advisor

Rachel Lampert


Post-MI patients are at increased risk of arrhythmic sudden death. Stress and sympathetic activation are known to influence arrhythmogenesis. While relaxation therapies improve psychological well-being in multiple medical illnesses, whether these therapies can positively influence sympathovagal balance in the post-MI population is unknown. We explored the physiologic effects of Reiki, a light-touch relaxation therapy, and music on post-acute coronary syndrome (ACS) inpatients, using heart rate variability (HRV) to assess changes in cardiac autonomic function during treatment. Forty-eight patients with ACS within the last 72 hours were randomized to received a single 20-minute session of either Reiki, classical music, or a control "minimal distraction environment". All subjects underwent ambulatory ECG Holter monitoring. Emotional state was assessed by Likert scale. HRV was analyzed by spectral analysis via fast Fourier transformation during the baseline, intervention, and post-intervention periods and high-frequency power (lognormalized) compared via ANOVA with repeated measures. Adequate Holters were recorded in 12 control, 13 music, and 12 Reiki patients. High frequency (HF) component of HRV, an index of parasympathetic tone, increased significantly during Reiki (0.58±0.16) but not during music (-0.1±0.16) or control (0.06±0.16). RR interval increased significantly with Reiki and control, but not with music. Reiki significantly reduced reported anxiety and increased sense of relaxation compared to control (p=0.04), whereas music did not. In conclusion, post-MI recipients of light-touch from nurses trained in Reiki experienced increased vagal activity and decreased anxiety. Whether longer-term use of this therapy can improve outcomes requires further study.


This is an Open Access Thesis.

Recommended Citation

Friedman, Rachel Summer Claire, "Physiologic Effect of Relaxation Therapies on Autonomic Tone Early After Acute Coronary Syndromes" (2009). Yale Medicine Thesis Digital Library. 408.



  人生就像一場遊戲。 前面二十級(歲)基本上都是新手村。 然後你的新手NPC是亂數決定的爸媽。 個人能力數值跟著NPC的資源決定一半的基數。 等到等級可以出新手村,遊戲的自由度大增。 有的人會考慮再練等級(念大學、研究所)多上升一些點數才要出村去解任務,也有人迫不及待的出村去探...